From Hurriyet Daily:
The mosaic was discovered in 2009 in the ancient city of Kibyra in the southern province of Burdur’s Gölhisar district during excavation work carried out by Mehmet Akif University. About 95 percent of the mosaic remains despite being around 1,800 years old.
“The mosaic is made up of thin, colored marble plaques. The technique used is called ‘Opus Sectile’ and there is no other Medusa in the world made with this technique,” said the head of excavations, Professor Şükrü Özüdoğru.
He said the restorers had presented him with a report about the restoration and conservation of the Medusa. “Next year, we will restore the Medusa. After the restoration, the Medusa will be covered with glass and opened to visitors.”