
Wood-n-stitches is a partnership between Jo Roworth and Lorna Simons, two crafty people who love to create, we both love to paint and create things with wood, with fabrics and thread, you will find, decorative wooden objects, quilted/patchwork items, from bags to quilts and allsorts in between, you will find things for the stitchers among you, from fabrics to threads to charts including JAYNIFFA DESIGNS, and many other well known designers,
you will find many things in these pages and if something takes your fancy then why not give us an email
Showing posts with label craft fair. Show all posts
Showing posts with label craft fair. Show all posts

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Wow where......

has the time gone, we have been very busy, we stood at "Melton Day" which was great we met some lovely people and some that we had met before came back to see us again which was great, we are out and about this weekend too, this evening we have been invited to stand at "RAF Cotesmore ladies evening" so its going to be a bit of a rush after work then Saturday and sunday we are at "Stapleford Steam Fair" in the Craft Marquee, so if your there come and say hi!

we have been busy making lots too, a lot of quilting has been taking place, i will show you pics later when i get my camera out in daylight lol
i have also been busy adding to the website, lots of LITTLEHOUSE NEEDLEWORKS designs and COUNTRY COTTAGE NEEDLEWORKS too and we have a special off on the first 6 months of the LHN Christmas monthly chart collection, go and see and get yourself a bargain!

And what about these beauties, Some Gorgeous hand painted Canvesses, ideal for any kids bedroom,nursery or playroom,

we will be crafting in the scout hut again on 4th July so if you want to come along just let me know.

right well back to it, lots to do
quilt pics coming over the weekend.
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