Sunday, March 9, 2008

Week 10

This week I am very grateful for safe travel. Not only did our family need to drive up to Utah for a funeral, but a lot of extended family traveled from all over the country to attend. Plus, my brother and sister and their families traveled safely to the Caribbean this week. I'm very grateful we didn't have any car trouble. I am also grateful that we can be in a car together that long and still love each other! ;]


Piper said...

We are about to embark on a road trip, I hope next week I am thankful for the same thing!!

Pam said...

It's amazing that we can travel so fast to be able to attend things like funerals. I totally agree.

Crazymamaof6 said...

excellent one! that is a fabulous blessing.

Cara @ Gardenview Cottage said...

Yeah!!! Good one this week for sure! Lets not take this one for granted!

Anonymous said...

glad you all were safe!!!! it's nice to have the cars and planes and such instead of having to miss things like that because it would take weeks to get there in the "old days".

also i love the header. that is a beautiful picture.such lovely spring colors!!!

Kim Bringhurst said...

I agree whole-heartedly. It's good to arrive and return safely from any trip.

Kristy said...

The cake turned out great. Glad the party was such a success.

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

Safe travel is a great blessing!