Ever since the beginning of the Iraq War, I’ve suspected that the Grim Reaper was a Bush Pioneer, since the whole enterprise makes no sense except as a sort of war-profiteering boondoggle for Death, Brown & Root.
But if any further proof was needed that the Grim Reaper is a Republican, Molly Ivins has folded up the chess board and gone on to greener pastures. Meanwhile, Dick Cheney, last I looked, was still not lying in a plot of his native soil, pushing up crabgrass, or deadly nightshade, or poison ivy, or whatever it is that would actually be able to grow on top of his grave.
Selfishly, I was hoping Molly would linger with us long enough to see Bush leave office, in whatever way he eventually does — upright, feet-first, in handcuffs, under cover of night, in a tumbril, or hand-dipped in creosote and lightly dusted with marabou feathers. But I’m glad she lived long enough to see the Democrats take control of Congress and Dubya’s Presidency auger in like an incompetent cropduster. And, not incidentally, the bulk of her own words sweetly vindicated.
Farewell Molly and Godspeed. You’re the only thing from Texas I can truly say I’ll miss.