Showing posts with label Internet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Internet. Show all posts

Acrobat Online
To expand the service to its online software, Adobe Systems on Wednesday (27 / 5) and has introduced a technology that combines the creation and sharing a presentation online. Presentations, made by Adobe Labs, an experiment, which combines online word processor owned by Adobe, which is the Buzzword service ConnectNow for screen sharing and meeting other online activities. Adobe also offers online services version of the basic image-editing technology, Photoshop, which is named

"Application of the presentation can be made in Presentations tool such as a built-in and layout for the addition of visual elements, such as the set of colors, image placement is smart, and graphics tools to create charts and add an effect." Adobe said. Presentations also help work on the multi-presentation and at the same time.

"With the ability to simultaneously editing a presentation, there is no need to break down when the other changes in the content of the presentation. This application also helps to see anyone who has access the presentation, the view, and edit the slides which have been edited. "Add the Adobe.

Presentations site itself based on Adobe Flash technology, an add-on that has been installed in many web browsers. Meanwhile, rival Adobe, Google Docs, using the JavaScript programming language built into web browser. While Microsoft, with its Office services online has been using Silverlight and JavaScript.

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MailStore Home for Email Backup

Posted by ABY MAULANA RAMADHAN | 12:36 PM | , , | 0 comments »

Mailstore Home
For some reason, so you may want to create a backup email, email access with your regular mail client like Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Express, Mozilla Thunderbird or that you access through the use webmail such as Microsoft Exchange, Gmail, or other supporting PO3 (such as email at or IMAP. For the purposes of backup email sources, and one that can be used is to use the MailStore Home application .

MailStore Home more intended as an application that can be used to perform backup or archiving of emails from the mail client or webmail is used, but the emails that are included in attachment you can still read through the following facilities MailStore Home search emails existing email client as general. You can specify the folder which will be in the backup folder, or anywhere that will be missed.

Conditions for use of MailStore Home for example you can only access emails stored in your Gmail or Microsoft Exchange at the time only in the office only when you want you can still read it at your home computer. Here you can make archiving your emails while in office with MailStore Home storage and drive on a folder on the hard drive or an external flash you. Home MailStore install the computer in the house and drive to the folder you save the email archives, you are able to read your emails.
Download MailStore Home
Results from the backup MailStore Home, the addition can be read directly through MailStore Home, you can export the archive to the email to various other email client, CD / DVD, and also to the email account that supporting IMAP or SMTP. With the existence of this feature, MailStore Home media can be a mediator when you want to switch email client program that you use without having to lose the emails that have been previously entered.

MailStore Home is a freeware that can be used with Windows 2000, XP, 2003, or Vista.

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Google Chrome 2.0
Google Chrome 2.0 is a browser that is claimed as a Google browser is easy to use and to perform 20 percent faster, compared with 1.0 Chrome test results according to However, the fact, according to PCWorld, there are some users who claim that Chrome is simple in failure, because Chrome 1.0 has a fundamental lack of features for a web browser in 2009, such as form auto-fill, full-screen mode, and the extension. However, the presence of 2.0 Chrome, Google has at least close the gap slightly with 1.0 Chrome, such as the full screen mode, auto-fill form, the ability to remove a thumbnail from the "New Tab", and also repair all bugs Chrome improvised performance.

Chrome Browser 2.0 this looks the same as previous versions, but easy enough to find full-screen mode, by pressing F11 or selecting from the menu icon in the toolbar. However, it appears to be useful when using full screen mode, as the browser lost all control, there is no tab or toolbar.

Moreover, user can not enter the website address, access the bookmark, but Chrome's start page. Everything must be done via keyboard shortcuts or right-click menu. Google revealed that full-screen mode is designed to view the video presentation and a full screen. Meanwhile, the form auto-fill, Chrome 2.0 displays several options that may be selected by users. To remove a thumbnail, simply click the Remove Thumbnails, click the thumbnail that you want to delete, and click Done. Chrome Browser 2.0 is claimed Google's browser as a fast and light, is also more stable.

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Conficker More act, 50.000 PC infection Per Day

Posted by ABY MAULANA RAMADHAN | 1:46 PM | , | 1 comments »

Several weeks after disappearing from civilization, Conficker malware infection that is still ongoing. It was delivered by experts in Symantec security researcher who reported that the botnet malware is present Conficker back. Botnet malware authors Conficker has been claimed that the drug has been Conficker system 50.000 per day.

According to Symantec researcher, revealed that the computer system's highest infection occurred in the United States, Brazil and India., While the spread of infection is going on in China, Mexico, and Italy. "Indeed Conficker or Downadup has spread this far. In fact, team inteligen Symantec estimates that there are 50.000 new PC is now infected every day. "Pillowslip Symantec researchers.

As is known, this worm Conficker attend the first in January, and then spread more and more in this year. When Symantec Conficker find three variants, the malware designed to attack the 1st of April, that does not happen. Now after disappeared without Conficker such as news, showing an attack new, more 'fertile' Gumblar the infection, which had attacked the Google site.

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Fennec Beta
Mozilla has released Firefox mobile browser beta version for Microsoft Windows Mobile platform. As Mozilla Fennec, the browser is ready for beta release for Nokia N810 Internet Tablet, but for this version of Windows Mobile is expected to attract a larger mass. Fennec mobile browser is Gecko HTML engine to use, touch interface for zooming and scanning. In addition, there is still the Awesome Bar in Firefox 3 on.

Fennec while using TraceMonkey engine to support JavaScript, and want to make Mozilla Fennec browser running faster, especially for zooming. Fennec users can also download add-on for improvisation browser functions, such as improvised Firefox on the desktop. Developers can also create a program such as add blocker for mobile browser.

Fennec browser is expected to be present at the end of the year for Windows Mobile and Symbian smartphone. Mozilla said that the Fennec mobile browser is not compatible with Android, BlackBerry, iPhone or because of technical problems on the license. Mozilla Fennec will apply after the launch, and will compete with the Apple Safari mobile and Opera mini browser.

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gmail translator
Gmail has created a new feature back with the message received by Gmail users, who can automatically translate into 41 languages. Announcement is submitted by Google, Tuesday (19/05), as is said from PCWorld. Features message translation automatically in Gmail is expected to make a Gmail user's individual communication between the individual and the more easy, especially for a talk with the different languages so that they can send messages in accordance with the language used, as well as the use of communication and collaboration application suite for the company.

In the context of this application Gmail, has been easier for organizations or companies that want to run a business to different countries to communicate internally with their employees, and externally with partners and their customers. However, Google recognizes that technology is automated machine translation not perfect, but his side will continue to make improvements to technology, so if there is any error in the translate text, the recipient of a message can still know the meaning of messages sent by sender. Message recipients can also switch between the original message and the message version translation.

Google Gmail users and features Apps Standard Edition can also use the translation features of this automated message. How by clicking the menu "Settings" in Gmail, and select the tab "Labs", which is the experiment where the features of Google, which can be modified or removed in the parsed one time. While users in the Gmail Apps Apps Premier and Education must be a domain administrator who can enable Gmail Labs in the control panel.

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Recent years, the term technooprenuership often once we met and heard in various media both print and electronic media. The books use this term as part of the title is a lot of pop. In fact, some universities began offering technoprenuership as program and open the master program. One of the universities in Asia that offer Master Degree Program in Technopreneurship is Nanyang Technology University (Nanyang Technological University - NTU) Singapore. NTU even have a special center for the study of this field is known by the name of Nanyang Technopreneurship Center (NTC).

What Technopreneurship?

Review of the original saying, Technopreneurship term is a derivative of two words, namely 'technology' and 'enterpreneurship'. In general, the word technology is used to refer to the practical application of knowledge to the industry or as a framework of knowledge that is used to create the tools, to develop expertise and materials in order to solve the existing problems. While Entrepreneurship word comes from the word entrepreneur refers to a person or agency that created the business / business with courage bear the risk and uncertainty to achieve profitability and growth with the opportunity to identify how the existing (Zimmerer & Scarborough, 2008).

If the above two words are combined, the word technology here is a refinement, because the technology in "technopreneurship" refer to the information technology, ie technology that use Computer as a tool for processing. Posadas (2007) defines the term technopreneurship in a wider scope, ie, as a technology entrepreneur in the field of semiconductor technology, which includes accessories to the Personal Computer (PC). As an example is how Steven Wozniak and Steve Job develop their hobby until they are able to sell up and 50 of the first Apple computer, or how Larry Page and Sergey Brin developed a paper that they became known as the Google search engine. They are referred to as this is the technopreneur in this definition.

In the national discourse, the term refers to Technopreneurship more information on the utilization of technology to the development of entrepreneurship. Unlike the first definition above, the type of entrepreneurship in technopreneurship here is not limited in entrepreneurial information technology, but all types of business, such as business furniture, restaurant, super market or crafts, batik and silver. The use of information technology that is meant here is the Internet to market their products, such as in online trading (e-Commerce), the special Software to cut production costs, or the use of web 2.0 technology as a means of advertising for entrepreneurship. In the second, it is not clear which party can be called as a technopreneur. Here, the second will be used together.

Technopreneurship in Asia

If we look to 2 -3 decades ago, then just call it Taiwan, South Korea and Singapore are still classified as Developing Countries. But now these countries have become countries with advanced economy that is based on the technology industry. Korea begins with the development of traditional industries, followed by semiconductor industry. While Singapore has a contract in the field of electronics companies with the west, followed by the semiconductor manufacturers. Taiwan famous accessories industry with a Personal Computer (PC). Make a secret that the development of these countries there is a progressive innovation.

Innovation in the field of information technology this is also making India a developed and industrialized world incaran west for both outsourcing and capital investment. Examples of technology developed by India is a Handheld PC as Simputer. Simputer was developed for beginners and users of the financial middle class is a user below. Simputer executed by the ARM-based processors that use cheap and opensource based Operating System. In the market price is around $ 200.

India innovation performance came from the company shyam Telelink Ltd. Shyam Telelink equip becak CDMA phone or device with a battery strength 175. Becak very day is also equipped with the automatic payment machine. Passengers can call and becak tariff imposed rupee is about 1.2 per 20 minutes. Then, this company employs people who do not have the expertise to navigate spot. Wages of the cycle rickshaw is not based on a fixed salary but a commission of 20% of each fare telfon earned (Wireless week, 2003).

In the Philippines, SMART phone or device company to develop a method to transfer money from the workers of the Philippines abroad via mobile phone or device with SMS. According to the Asian Development Bank (ADB), SMART can meraup about U.S. $ 14 - 21 trillion per year cost of the transfer program.

China follow the same. Chinese companies began to show itself in the international world. IBM's acquisition of the company by China's Lenovo in 2004 and the company's acquisition of Thomson by French television to prove that the Guangdong in China technoprenuership more sturdy.

Studies show that Posadas technopreneurship in developing Asia is caused by several things. First, the factors that inspired by the innovation of Silicon Valley. If the industrial revolution in 20th century America that are triggered by the innovation that there is no stoppage of Silicon valley, the Asian countries race to build the Silicon Valley with their own characteristics and their locality.

Second, the innovations that have made directed to liberate themselves from dependence western world. Most of the technology that was created by the western world for the top or the person / institution / company that created the rich and the dependence. Meanwhile most of the people (read market) Asia has not been able to meet the market's western technology. Asia still many people who have income below $ 1 per day, so they do not have access to technology that was created by the western world. This is a great opportunity for the technopreneur to innovate in technology to create a product that reach marginalized communities.

Technopreneurship direction in Indonesia

Much of the discourse in our country lead Technopreneurship as in the second definition above. Whether in seminars, workshops and news, it can be found that the use of information technology can support the business. Especially in the global crisis such as now, the opportunities for doing business via the Internet increasingly popular. There is a belief that Technopreneurship business solutions in the doldrums like this. For example, the Software will reduce the production cost for the furniture company. If before, they must make a prototype with a chair as a sample to create and send a sample, then with the use of certain Software, the company does not need to send a sample chair to customers, but only shows the design of a chair in the form of soft-copy only. This assumption does not consider the price of the software license must be purchased by the company's furniture.

If technopreneurship understood as in these examples, then this is leaving some questions: Is it right to be able to technopreneurship business solutions in the present time? Where will be taken in the direction technoprenership our country? According to the author sparingly, technopreneurship understood in the narrow meaning of this will become a boomerang for the business, as this will create artificial dependence on western technology. And this is not in line with the spirit technopreneurship developed by other Asian countries. In addition, developing innovations that have not been able to remove the dependency of the scale, as individuals, such as innovation and creativity in website development, web 2.0 technology as a media campaign. Innovation is expected that innovation in capacity development with local technology base of the west, so that the results of innovation can deliver us from the pressure dependence of the license and the dependency of western technology.

To be able to go to the same direction as the state-neagara our other neighbors, then the first thing to do is make deconstruktion understanding Technopreneurship. This is important because we all know that perception determines action. With the understanding technopreneurship as in the first definition will enable the emergence of the technopreneurship that will bring our country run along with India, South Korea and taiwan.

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Campaign Blog on Kindle Publishing for Blogs ?

Posted by ABY MAULANA RAMADHAN | 8:50 AM | | 0 comments »

Kindle Publishing for Blogs
Amazon, on Wednesday (13 / 5) yesterday have created a new program, Kindle Publishing for Blogs for Kindle e-reader, a program that allows bloggers to sell their blog through the Amazon Kindle store. Kindle Publishing Program for Blogs are present in the beta version, the user must request the sign-up for an account on the Amazon blog and provide background information to the Amazon, such as RSS feeds and blog.

According to Amazon, Kindle Blogs are now present automated wireless connection through Kindle. Amazon claims that 70 percent subscribe to the blog have to pay per month and 30 percent owned by the blogger. Examples that have been following the Kindle Publishing for Blogs like The Huffington Post, and blog The New York Times, who has been paying 99 cents to $ 1.99 per month. However, Amazon will give you a fixed cost if the blogger would like to offer a blog to its Kindle.

Amazon Services is present after the latest Kindle DX debut. Amazon also released Amazon Encore, a service 'repetition', to identify the author of the book and show the potential to get big sales. Amazon plans to use customer reviews to find books that may be hidden and then distribute it through multiple channels, such as Amazon Books Store, Amazon Kindle Store, a national bookstore and through resellers.

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Google leer Online News Industry

Posted by ABY MAULANA RAMADHAN | 6:01 AM | , | 0 comments »

Google Online News
The Google executive has to spend time talking about the journalism, and made CNET, Monday (11 / 5) and that Google intends to increase profits and incomes. Google has a discussion with The New York Times and The Washington Post about the possibility of collaboration, or investment. Howard Kurtz, representatives from The Washington Post revealed that Google has discussed with the executive with The Washington Post paper entitled improvisation in the making and a new online news presentation, with the help of employees and The Washington Post editor Philip Bennett, who worked to analyze the future of business in the news The Washington Post Company.

According to Kurtz, it is not yet clear how, but the talks between Google and The Washington Post ranging from creating a new web tool to technology for journalists or readers. Meanwhile, the Google, according to the MediaMemo's, said that meeting only informal meeting, and the always speak with a publisher to find creative ways to help them get money from online news content.

Meanwhile, separately, lapora of Fortune, stated that Google is giving serious thoughts to The New York Times to go before the business further. MediaMemo staff noted that The New York Times will follow discussions with Google, as well as with the Google collaboration with The Washington Post.

Meanwhile, Google has its own claim on the idea of production content to its online news, and this is the first time Google's new discussions with the owner of The New York Times. Can be concluded, Google has begun to be interested, in addition to the web search industry, now look for the publishing industry combined with content online.

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View The Stars From Handphone? Use Google Sky Map

Posted by ABY MAULANA RAMADHAN | 4:47 AM | , | 0 comments »

Google Sky Map
Now, Google has to update own web search features, on Tuesday (12 / 5) ago. New feature is called "Sky Map", which is easier for users to its mobile phone, T-Mobile G1 or Android mobile phone with the software, to know astrology when they map to see the night sky. Sky Map application will use GPS (Global Positioning System) and set the date data and also the time to know the kind of object space. "For example you want to see Venus, the user can see the map in the sky around Venus and the object that encircle the planet is." Said Google.

Google gives "Search Options" that allows the user to narrow the search results from within 24 hrs ago, weeks ago, or years ago. Features "Search Options" also make the user can limit their search results based video, product reviews, and forum posts in the topic-specific topic.

"We want to help Google Search users when they want to display the information useful, and they can do something useful in it. Search Options feature is a collection of tools that the user can customize the search results and create a different view to find what they are looking for more quickly and easily. "Said Marissa Mayer, Google vice president.

Google is also adding new features of the tool called "Google Squared" which will be present at the end of this month. "Not like other normal search engine, Google Squared is not showing web pages per topic, but it automatically retrieve and compile all the facts from the Internet website." Added Google.

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Hacker Attack Twitter Through Yahoo Account

Posted by ABY MAULANA RAMADHAN | 7:01 AM | , | 0 comments »

Once exposed to phishing Facebook, Twitter now turn to be ill-fated in the hands of hackers. A hacker has been claiming origin French administrative panel access through Twitter with the Twitter email account on Yahoo, with access to the administrator password and then steal Twitter employees. Hacker is reported, can see the important data that belongs to President Barack Obama, Britney Spears and singer actor Ashton Kutcher.

In addition, the hackers claim to Croll called Hacker has 13 post screenschot admin panel Twitter. Screenshot of data including data internal account of the public figure in the top. Meanwhile, the parties have not responded to Twitter and comment on this. However, there are indications that the screenshot is legitimate, and indeed created by the hacker who attacked the Twitter admin account.

In the news in, hackers are saying that the action is just a social engineering, there is no exploitation, there is no XSS weaknesses, there is no backdoor, no sql injection, but the search is just a slit weaknesses Twitter. Hacker Croll also wrote that one of the admin have a Twitter account on Yahoo Mail, and he has reset the password with the security question. Then, in the mailbox, Croll hackers have found Twitter password from the Yahoo account owner.

News is still following the hacker attack wave worm that attacked Twitter in the beginning of the month April. In such cases, the worm variants have been the cause of action of spam without the legitimate user.

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IE8 3x More Quick Compared Firefox ?

Posted by ABY MAULANA RAMADHAN | 12:37 AM | , | 1 comments »

Internet Explorer 8
Microsoft claims that the research results from Internet Explorer 8 is faster than 3:05 Firefox 1.0 and Google Chrome. Microsoft has produced 14 page report ( and video support that claim that IE8 has a speed of 3 times compared to Firefox and Chrome, when loading a web page. Results report and video Microsoft provides the first step in a campaign to win sympathy for the users and developers who now have started go leave IE8, Firefox, and prefer Chrome.

Meanwhile, the report in Microsoft, not the Opera browser, and Microsoft claimed to have fewer publications than IE8. Microsoft IE8 road tests show content from 25 websites in the surf by user can be stored in the cache, a fact that may help speed loading for all browsers. In addition, the video is shown in the add-on are minimal. Microsoft to run some tests without using add-on, as the three cases, namely for the Adobe Systems Flash, Microsoft has Silverlight, and Windows Media Player (Wmp).

With IE8 made this slim, Microsoft believes that the partner ecosystem and the add-on will prefer Windows, IE and Microsoft in general. However, if Microsoft is not yet known then combine the results from the test add-on and the final report for the best statistical data calculations. Microsoft is also doing time loading web with the "visual cues", or a combination of features and ability to interact with web pages, to determine if a page has a heavy load or not. Microsoft also said that the notification will give consistent results in some sites, especially if the sites that contain programs Ajax.

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Become Famous Through Youtube

Posted by ABY MAULANA RAMADHAN | 1:55 AM | | 0 comments »

Youtube Downloader
Youtube is not any longer the main and favorite place to find and download video, there are a variety of video from music video clips, funny video and incompetent, video, soccer, etc.. Seeing the internet connection with the thousands of videos we can select for download for free. Blogger also many who take advantage of Youtube as posting them to provide video on youtube which is made in the posting.

In fact installing video blog on youtube is one of the SEO techniques that can improve traffik visit to the site, because with the Google index can do a video blog of us that we install it. Games that we can place it on the posting comes from a video that has been in and out of YouTube videos that we have created yourself. For the video itself may be we still use YouTube as a media storage. We can make a video that we create and upload them on YouTube to make us become famous because of the video can attract millions of people to access the video.

To attract many visitors who will see our video of course the video should be unique compared to other videos such as the two brothers namely from Philippines Momoy Palaboy that make them famous thanks to video that they created on YouTube. Actually very easy to create a unique video on Youtube, here's some tips that can be a reference in making a video to YouTube:

1. Create a video of scenes of violence or skirmish
2. Create a video about the cuteness of children.
3. Create a video about animals that do funny things and incompetent.
4. I went to an event like a concert, or watching football rivalry ultah friend do not forget to bring handycam to record the incident funny, unique or cool from the event [the camera phone can also be].
5. Record the potential that you have, for example I have for this hobby singing in the bathroom or have a skill in playing the guitar, you can be recorded and uploaded on YouTube, who knows a producer who saw the talent you have.
6. If you have the skill in sports, such as the Juggling skill in football you can also merakam great and I, you can glance at the big clubs europe .. (^_^)..he..3x
7. Have mastery in games such as puzzle solving Rubik cube quickly or have a good yoyo tricks, you can show off on YouTube.
8. Have a hobby can eat fenomenal be if we make a video record of eating cayenne and upload them on YouTube, guaranteed will be scene.

Besides can download a free video site YouTube can be a means to make someone become familiar with the origin of the popular videos that showed the positive talents that we have, not like some of the most well-through nasty videos ..

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Create Instanly Online Photo Album On MyLiveGallery

Posted by ABY MAULANA RAMADHAN | 11:00 AM | | 1 comments »

My Live Gallery
Alex Kaul's MyLiveGallery send email to inform me that MyLivegallery service management. After I see and I try, I can say that MyLiveGallery is a service provider creating online photo albums that can be done instantly without requiring users to register on this service. Photos that can be included in this album on MyLiveGallery can take your collection of photos stored on the computer or take pictures from Flickr based on the service tag and / or a specific user.

To get started you can select the source based on image, or if photo uploads on Flickr. Next you specify the name of the album will be created in the image, upload an image or select it from the Flickr service, and determine the size of the image that is displayed on the album.

After you press Next button, then you can select the theme photo album that will be used. There are several themes that you can choose here to preview it. After the process of photo album is complete.

You will be given a link to access the photo albums you create, which will be for you to people you want. Options for sharing through a variety of services such as Facebook, MySpace, Friendster, and other.

In the album view photos from some of the themes I select, provided the slideshow feature.

Choice for a quick way to make online photo albums when you want to share photos to friends or relatives, you may consider to try MyLiveGallery.

- MyLiveGallery

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Spier Action On Facebook And Youtube

Posted by ABY MAULANA RAMADHAN | 10:23 AM | | 0 comments »

Facebook social networking
Be careful when accessing social networking sites such as Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and video sharing site YouTube. This is because the big companies and the government department that employs the company SR7, which is specifically tasked to reconnoiter the user site. SR7 own company is a special detective in the risk management and online reputation company, and claimed the only company in Australia that actively monitor social networking sites.

Detective activities are in fact already in progress since 8 months ago, in order to respond to the growth trend online, where many people are happy to deal with their social network profile. Not many know that the site is considered private are also used for the public. This caused the people should be careful when posting any posts or pictures, in order not to damage the brand and reputation.

Meanwhile, David Vaile, executive director of the Cyberspace Law and Policy Center UNSW, said that the action can act SR7 excessive. This is because the SR7 has a complete connection with the company's industry and government institutions, so that the analysis and observation of SR7, can also be used to displace employees, especially for employees who access the careless when social networking sites.

As an example, some time ago, an employee of the sack because of a photo exhibit that is currently being bathed himself in the bathroom business. Detective activities are assessed Vaile, enough to make people become lazy to work, if need-matai eyes when access to social networking sites.

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10 The Note's Must Know From Netbook

Posted by ABY MAULANA RAMADHAN | 10:21 AM | , | 1 comments »

According to Wired magazine in February, the netbook has been mentioned that the rules damage the computer hardware business, because behind the design of small and designed for email and Internet use, netbook with a smaller hard drive and slow, small keyboard and a cheaper price, make a netbook even can not run the main application, programs such as graphics, audio editing applications and video, as well as some 3D games. Here are some things that may indicate that not all netbook suitable for every user.

1. Operating system
Many Linux-based netbook has been due to cut production costs. In addition, because Linux is more stable, reliable and cheap rather than Windows. However, there are also netbook based Windows XP Home Edition. But the model netbook does not have technology, Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection, or to join a Windows domain server, as can be done in the system Windows XP Professional and Windows Vista Business.

2. Size display
Netbook is designed for small, lightweight and portable. Many models have a netbook that size display only seven to nine inch. Indeed, some users happy with the small screen, but there also is not. For nine-inch screen like the Dell Inspiron Mini 9, for example, has support with the screen resolution 1024 × 600 pixels, Although the resolution has become a de facto standard PC, but the screen resolution eventually be used to netbook.

3. Batteries
Netbpl built from the initiative to build a simple laptop, which can also be used by children in developing countries, As a result, the system created netbook energy, considering netbook often used away from home and office. For the battery resistance, depending on how the manufacturers make a netbook model, from the CPU, hard disk, and display technology netbook.

4. Key pointer and keyboard
Themes netbook is small, especially for the keyboard and touchpad it. Most netbook brands, such as Acer, Asus, Dell, HP, Lenovo, and MSI Wind, making the touchpad keyboard design, well-grounded in accordance with the size of a small netbook.

5. Storage
If the notebook is able to provide hard disk capacity 80GB, 160GB, or 250GB, but for some only provide style netbook SSD (Solid State Drive) of 16GB, and it is heavy enough to load Windows, and only leaving a little space to save the file.

6. Optical Drive
In addition, most of the netbook does not have a CD-ROM or DVD drive so that the user must use the hardware to install the software on the netbook.

7. Weight
Many of the netbook model weight of less than 1 kg to 1 kg. Netbook features a light weight, given that the side which is always carried Portability netbook.

8. Capacity
Many users who sometimes want to make them compatible with the netbook system office, and some netbook can work together for that.

9. CPU
Netbook can not be compared with the PC desktop. When the desktop PC can be supported by Intel quad-core 2.83GHz, netbook is more often choose to use the power of Atom Z530 1.6Ghz or 1.33GHz. Although the netbook processor chip is not enough to program graphics, most 3D games or technical applications, but the Atom chip is powerful enough to use to access email, surf the Internet, review and editing documents, spreadsheets, and presentation applications. Performance was faster, the battery more extravagant, and this is not the main orientation netbook, considering netbook oriented more to the economy because of the use of batteries for traveling.

10. Wireless integration
Facilities for this one already considered by netbook manufacturers, ie, the Bluetooth connection and install some netbook also has a network Wi-Fi 802.11g. However, many users can connect to expect netbook with mobile broadband networks, such as laptop or netbook.

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Software as a Service (SaaS) -

Posted by ABY MAULANA RAMADHAN | 10:12 PM | , | 0 comments »

In the modern era that are all well advanced, SaaS will be needed by many companies, non-profit organizations, and individuals as the need for anywhere and anytime. People who do not carry the hardware such as laptops, mobile phones which have many applications that are installed and extra storage for that. With SaaS, people only need a small device (thin client) with all process and storage of data in the server / data center through internet connection.

Web-based delivery of business software, Software as a service (SaaS) is a continuation of the service that hosts business more successful in providing business solutions from its predecessors such as application service providers (ASPs). SaaS has a cost effective where you do not need to buy software licenses, but only users in accordance with the rent contract. And you do not need to spend the investment for installation, maintenance, and upgrade the software as a service provider who will do it for you and backup you with the operation and technical support professional.

Phase 2's of Hosted lotus notes Saas any business application offers a web-based integrated market segment including home and consumer, small business, medium and even big business. Lotus Notes to create a host file or data management in each department of the company that will be easier where each employee can direct download, read, print, or edit the document in the data center in accordance with the rights without waiting for data to be sent to them via email attachments. Hosted lotus notes 7.0 2, or 8.5 integrates high-end business applications including Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft Project, Microsoft SharePoint, Microsoft Live Communicator, CRM Software, accounting software, and others with robust SaaS securities. Note this is not only powerful in dealing with email and document management systems, but also a web content management, contact management (CRM), RSS, instant messenger, video conferencing, and others. All data stored in a secure data server and can be accessed via client software, web browser and hosted lotus connections on mobile device. You only need internet access and you will have more time with them.

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Trillian Astra Beta

Posted by ABY MAULANA RAMADHAN | 5:07 PM | , | 0 comments »

Trillian Astra Beta
Most of you certainly know that the program Trillian is a multi protocol instant messenger generation early. While this is certainly a lot of these alternative applications such as Pidgin, or Digsby, for example. By using a program such as this, will allow you to connect simultaneously to the various instant messaging accounts you have, such as Yahoo! Messenger, Google talk, ICQ, Windows Live, and other. Trillian Astra own latest generation of Trillian is that after more than two years to be developed at this time have entered the beta phase and already you can try.

Download Trillian Astra Beta
On this Trillian Astra interface there are changes that I became better. In addition to use as a messaging application for the IM accounts that have been common, such as Yahoo Messenger, Google Talk, ICQ, IRC, and other Windows Live and also the incoming email Notifier, a new version of Trillian also supports social service network Facebook and Twitter. By entering your Facebook account for instance, the update-update from your friends can follow you from Trillian Astra in the notification area on the system tray even if you are working with other applications. This way, you probably will not work while terlewatkan when you get a status update from your friend you need to comment on.

To be able to try Trillian Astra, you will need to register as a beta tester and then wait until Trillian send token code that is required at the time later to install Trillian Astra. From information I read on Lifehacker and Download Squad, and be direct with it when I enroll, token code needed akan directly received via email is included with download link.

Hopefully the course, when you want to try it out, the token code is still automatically sent to the registration.

– Register as Trillian Astra Beta Tester

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Have you ever caught are using social networking sites such as Facebook or Twitter? Do not worry, because according to a study from Australia, those who surf the Internet for entertainment at the office have increased productivity compared to those who do not.

University of Melbourne to study and found that those who use the Internet for personal average productivity has a 9% higher than those who do not use it.

Author studies, Bren Coker, department of management and marketing, says "workplace leisure browsing the Internet," or WILB help enhance the concentration of workers.

“Orang-orang perlu keluar sebentar untuk mendapatkan kembali konsentrasi mereka,” kata Coker pada situs universitas (

"Rest is a short and mild, such as surfing the Internet allows the mind to rest himself, creating a net concentration is higher in a day job, and as a result, increased productivity," he said.

According to studies conducted on 300 workers, 70% of workers who use the Internet in the hours of work to do WILB.

Summary WILB the most popular of which are seeking information about a product, read the news sites online, play online games and watch videos on YouTube.

"The company has remove millions of dollars to the software that can block employee access to watch videos, use social networking sites or shop online with the presumption that it will burden the cost of millions of dollars worth of productivity," said Coker. "But things do not always like that."

However, Coker said the study was done only to people who use the time to surf less than 20% of their total working time in the office.

"They have a behavior that seems addicted internet will levels have a lower productivity than those who do not," he said.

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