Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Complaint Says Abortion Done Without Permission

Friday, October 5th, 2007

And yet another nail in the coffin of infanticide providers (abortion providers).

Operation Rescue officials have filed a complaint with the Kansas State Board of Healing Arts alleging Wichita abortionist George R. Tiller and an employee violated state law when teenager Michelle Armesto had a late-term abortion at Tiller’s clinic in 2003, a procedure that was begun before she signed any consent forms.

Armesto was the woman who provided startling testimony before a state legislative committee investigating late-term abortions recently when she related that her abortion procedure was begun before she signed any paperwork, or had any of the evaluations required by state law.

She also did not know that the abortionists had concluded her baby was “non-viable,” a determination that exempted them from certain state requirements.

“She had no idea that they [abortionists (infant murderers. -ed.)] had declared her baby non-viable (murdered. -ed.),” Operation Rescue spokeswoman Cheryl Sullenger told WND, until she recently obtained her medical records. Sullenger said the unborn child’s mother was a healthy 18-year-old at the time of the abortion, and there had been virtually no indications of any health problems.

“Tiller now faces two Board of Healing Arts investigations that could cost him his license,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “He faces 19 criminal counts of illegal late-term abortions that could cost him huge fines, and he faces a grand jury investigation that could net literally hundreds of additional counts of illegal abortions from the past five years that could cost him his freedom.

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Bill Clinton to be Appointed “Ambassador to the World” if Hillary Elected Pres

Friday, October 5th, 2007

What an incredible scary thing to happen.

If his wife is elected president next year, Bill Clinton says he wouldn’t mind playing the role of U.S. ambassador to the world.

The 61-year-old told the was in London this week, and told the U.K. Guardian that his wife, New York Sen. Hillary Clinton, has said she’d ask him to “go out and immediately restore America’s standing, go out and tell people America was open for business and cooperation again.”

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Ahmadinejad Suggests Moving Israel to Europe

Friday, October 5th, 2007

This guy is such a nutcase!

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad condemned “the atrocities of the Zionist regime against the oppressed Palestinian people,” the IRNA news agency reported Friday.

According to the regime’s mouthpiece, the president suggested holding a referendum on the transfer of Israel’s Jews to Europe, Canada or Alaska.

“Let a referendum be held in Palestine. It is our clear proposal to European countries,” Ahmadinejad said during the International Quds (Jerusalem) Day rallies in Tehran.

“Let all Palestinians including Muslims, Christians and the Jews attend the referendum,” he added.

IRNA said Ahmadinejad repeated an earlier suggestion to Europe on the “settlement of Zionists in Europe or in big lands such as Canada and Alaska so they would be able to own their own land”.

Ahmadinejad further stated that “the creation of the Zionist regime, the continuation of its existence and unlimited support for the regime (by the US) are an insult to human dignity.”

“Defense for the ominous interests of the Zionist regime is a must for certain powers. Western governments who are pioneers of secularism pursue defense for the Zionist regime as the holiest task in the world,” the president was quoted as saying.

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“Gaza’s Place in Bible’s Prophecies” by Hal Lindsey

Friday, October 5th, 2007

The Jerusalem-based Institute for Contemporary Affairs recently released a report authored by Lt. Col. Jonathan Dahoah-Halevi that concludes, to nobody’s particular surprise, that the Gaza Strip has become a haven for al-Qaida terrorists.

Gaza, part of the biblical “land of the Philistines” was the place where Samson toppled the Temple of Dagon on his enemies, giving his life in the process.

Gaza was first conquered for Israel by King David and subsequently fell to the Assyrians, the Egyptians, the Babylonians, Persians and Greeks.

But in the days of King David, it was part of Israel. In Jesus’ day, it was part of the Hasmonean Kingdom that ended with Herod the Great. In 1967, Gaza again became part of Israel when Egypt lost it in the Six Day’s War.

In September 2004, Ariel Sharon announced his controversial disengagement plan under the title, “Gaza First.” Sharon intended to turn Gaza completely over to Palestinian rule, hoping to accomplish two goals in the process.

Israel pulled out of Gaza Sept. 12, 2005, leaving behind 1,000 Israeli settler greenhouses to spare the jobs of the 4,000 Palestinians who worked in them.

Before that day was over, the Associated Press was reporting that:

“Palestinians looted dozens of greenhouses on Tuesday, walking off with irrigation hoses, water pumps and plastic sheeting in a blow to fledgling efforts to reconstruct the Gaza Strip.”

As the Israeli settlers were being dragged from their homes, the Palestinians torched the 19 synagogues left standing. Within sight of the smoking synagogues, in a somber farewell ceremony, Gen. Aviv Kochavi, the Gaza commander, expressed his hope the pullout would be a step toward peace.

“The gate that will close behind us is also the gate that will open,” he said. “We hope it will be a gate of peace and quiet, a gate of hope and goodwill, a gate of neighborliness.”

As the gate closed, Kassam rockets began roaring out the abandoned settlements and into the homes and shops of the Israeli cities on the other side.

Within a year, the residents of Gaza elected Hamas on their foundational platform that calls for the destruction of Israel and its replacement with an Islamic state.

A year after that, finds the Halavi Report, “The declared policy of Hamas to provide sanctuary to any jihad fighter invites additional terrorist groups associated with al-Qaida to plant themselves in the Gaza Strip.”

Here’s the amazing part. I believe that this is exactly what Ariel Sharon expected to happen. His only miscalculation was in thinking that, having seen a preview of what a Palestinian state would look like, the world would come to its collective senses.

Sharon underestimated two things: the almost palpable fear among Western governments to do anything that might offend Islam, and the depth of nascent global anti-Semitism. The world fears Islam, but it despises Israel on a level so deep that it is defies logical explanation.

Even blindness can’t account for such widespread ignorance of the danger. It goes beyond “blindness,” skids right past “ignorance,” and stops squarely in front of “delusional.”

Why would the world side with an openly terrorist entity – in the midst of a war on terror – at the expense of the only reliable Western allied democracy in the region, leaving it adrift in a sea of rapacious Islamic dictatorships?

This is exactly the scenario outlined by the Hebrew prophets as signs of the soon coming of Israel’s Messiah.

The prophet Zechariah predicted the whole world would be united against Israel over the Jerusalem Question (Zechariah 12:1-3); the prophet Daniel (Daniel 9:27) predicted an agreement that seemingly settles the Temple Mount Question; and the prophet Ezekiel predicts that, in the end, Israel will still face a massive Islamic invasion reluctantly overseen by Russia and led by Persia (Iran) (Ezekiel 38:5).

Think about this for a second. Since it is absolutely illogical, and yet it is also exactly the situation we find ourselves witnessing, do you really believe it was all just a really good guess?

It would be amazing enough if the prophets had forecast a scenario that made sense and it came to pass. But the scenario they predicted defies all natural explanation – and yet is coming to pass as literally as it was forecast.

The fact is the Bible is true, and the setup for the fulfillment of Bible prophecies for the final seven years of Tribulation are almost complete. There is only a short time left to choose where you will spend eternity.

Jesus Christ purchased a pardon on your behalf with His own blood at Calvary’s Cross. He extends it to you now. All you need do is accept it. Allow Jesus Christ to come into your life and He will transform it forever.

The choice is yours.

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Calif. Court Blocking Bible Study ‘Should Know Better,’ Says Attorney

Friday, October 5th, 2007

Once again, the anti-Christian, liberal California courts don’t understand what the First Amendment means. Time for the Supreme Court to slap them all again.

A group of federal court employees in San Diego have filed a lawsuit against their supervisors after being told they couldn’t hold Bible studies on government property during their lunch hour — even though other groups are allowed to hold meetings at the courthouse.

Seven years ago, several court employees for the San Diego Superior Court began meeting for weekly Bible studies in an empty jury room. Those meetings took place with the court’s permission. But last year, officials said the Bible study group could no longer meet in the courthouse. The court also instituted a new policy that required all individuals, groups, or organizations wanting to use court facilities to submit applications. When the Bible study participants did that, their request was denied on the grounds it would violate the supposed separation of church and state.

Jennifer Monk is legal counsel with California-based Advocates for Faith and Freedom, which represents employees Mindy Barlow, Beverly Lindahl, and Dalia Smith. She says federal court officials should know the Constitution.

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Folsom Street Fair Reminds U.S. of What “Gay Pride” Means

Friday, October 5th, 2007

Quick! What’s the first image that jumps to mind when you hear the phrase “gay pride?”

For millions of Americans it might be a rainbow sticker on a rear window, or perhaps an image of a smartly-dressed gay couple at a social event, or maybe the snapshot of a polite and funny gay character from a comedy show.

But, thanks to the most recent Folsom County Street Fair in San Francisco, it’s likely now an image of men doing in public what they’d get arrested for doing in a public restroom anywhere else in America. Only worse. Because not only did they not get arrested, they did “it”—numerous times and in every way and combination—under the protection of law enforcement and city leaders. And nothing happened.

Obviously, participants play dress-up and act out primarily for the shock value. And Americans are rightfully shocked—shocked back to our senses as to why it is that this in-your-face approach repulses us. We’re reminded of why we oppose all the efforts to normalize homosexuality, gay marriage and “alternative lifestyles”—and why we will never give them direct access to our children and their curricula.

I’d like to thank the organizers of these types of events for reminding Americans what’s at stake in our culture war, why politics is important and what it means to be a San Francisco liberal. Each of us can now more easily think of our town, our school or our local park being the site of one of these obscene events. Of course they have the right to project their deviance—within the parameters of the law—as an expression of their free speech. But, every other American also has the right to protest and say, “Oh no. Not here. Not in our community!”

And thanks again for reminding the whole world, and especially Christians, why the words “homosexual” and “anti-Christian” are—in practical terms—synonyms.

In case you haven’t heard, the poster for this year’s fair was a mockery of Da Vinci’s “The Last Supper,” with gays dressed in leather and chains surrounding a beefcake Jesus, with, instead of wine and food laid out on the table before them, a selection of adult “toys” and “gadgets.”

Caution: Don’t let your kids see the poster unless you want to try and answer the question, “Mommy, what’s that for?”

Liberals have really tried to pretend to “get religion” these last few years in an attempt to sway a few values voters over to their side of the aisle. Their message: “Care less about homosexuality and abortion and more about our social agenda of poverty, AIDS and global warming.”

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Hamas Indoctronates Children…Again

Friday, October 5th, 2007

The pali terrorist in pali land continue to teach hate and violence to their children. Here is their latest “educational” abomination.

The media arm of HAMAS, Al-Aqsa TV, once again is using the airwaves to indoctrinate Palestinian youth and glorify violent jihad. In recent months, HAMAS has drawn the ire of the international community with various programs aimed at filling the minds of the next generation of Palestinians with hate and violence. The underlying message of the videos has largely focused on Israeli aggression, though, in recent editions, has digressed into the fray of the Hamas-Fatah split.

A back-to-school program called “The Gifted” features a child, identified as a 2-year-old, skulking around in military garb and aiming an assault weapon “at the occupying terrorists.”

“We’ll wear the battle-vest of self sacrifice and follow the path of the Shahids,” a child narrator says as the younger boy, his face hooded, stoops down with his weapon. Watch the video here:

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Bush White House Event Celebrates Islam

Thursday, October 4th, 2007

I cannot understand why America continues to pander to Islam. President Bush can meet and pray with muslim clerics all he wants, but they are definitely not praying to the same God. Ramadan is a muslim holiday celebrated in muslim countries. America (regardless of what liberals believe) is a Chrsitian nation. Do muslims in Iraq or Iran celebrate Christmas and Easter?

President Bush is hosting a controversial event at the White House Thursday evening, with an invitation to Muslim officials and clerics to join him for prayer and dinner in observance of the holy month of Ramadan.

Many Christians question the president’s decision to make the Islamic celebration of “iftar” into a standard religious observance for the White House.

Iftar officially breaks Muslims’ daytime fast.

Islam, referred to by some politicians as a religion of peace, is viewed by many conservative Americans as a faith rooted in violence and hostility toward non-Muslims, collectively referred to as “infidels”.

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Abortions Linked to Breast Cancer Again

Thursday, October 4th, 2007

The numbers in this study are horrifying. If anything other than abortion was causing breast cancer to this extent, the press and health advocates would be moving heaven and earth to bring it to a stop.

A new study shows that abortions can be classified as carcinogens, because the number of breast cancer cases can be predicted reasonably accurately based on the number of abortions in a given population.

The study, “The Breast Cancer Epidemic: Modeling and Forecasts Based on Abortion and Other Risk Factors,” was done by Patrick S. Carroll of London-based research institute PAPRI and the results were published in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons this week.

It shows, that among risk factors, abortion is the “best predictor of breast cancer.” The results show that countries with higher abortions rates, such as England and Wales, higher breast cancer incidence is reported. “Where abortion rates are low (i.e. Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic) a smaller increase is expected,” the study said.

Karen Malec, of the Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer, works to publicize such links in the group’s battle against breast cancers.

The results, she told WND, “weren’t a surprise at all.”

Carroll used a mathematical model to develop forecasts for the numbers of breast cancers in several countries based on abortion, and found that when matched with the actual numbers of cases later reported, the forecasts were very accurate

“The forecast predicted 100.5 percent of the cancers observed in 2003, and 97.5 percent of those observed in 2004,” the study reported.

“It’s time for scientists to admit publicly what they already acknowledge privately among themselves – that abortion raises breast cancer risk – and to stop conducting flawed research to protect the medical establishment from massive … lawsuits,” Malec said.

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Another ACLU Lawsuit Against Ten Commandments Meets with Defeat

Thursday, October 4th, 2007

Another victory against what I call the “Anti-Christian Litigation Union” (ACLU)!!

The American Civil Liberties Union filed suit in 1999 against Harlan County Schools over a display that included the Ten Commandments, the Mayflower Compact, the Declaration of Independence, the Star Spangled Banner, and other historical documents and symbols. Eventually, the lawsuit was partially consolidated with two other cases involving the same display in two courthouses.

Now a federal district court has dismissed the Harlan County case. Liberty Counsel founder Mat Staver says the dismissal is the latest defeat for the ACLU.

“Since 2005 the ACLU has lost one Ten Commandments case after another,” he observes, “and I think it’s only logical and consistent that as part of our American history we are able to display the Ten Commandments as a universal symbol of law in a court of law or other public places around America.” And while he is sure “the ACLU doesn’t like it,” he vows that his group will continue to fight to preserve that great religious heritage.

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