Showing posts with label WIP Wednesday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WIP Wednesday. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

WIP Wednesday: All the Blocks are Finished

One of the best things about a quilting vacation is getting caught up on blocks of the month!

I really dialed back the number of BOMs I signed up for this year ('cuz, you know, I have so many from previous years!). One I couldn't resist was "Park Bench" by Julie Herman of Jaybird Quilts.

I picked up the kit with the same fabrics Julie used at Quilt Essentials in Laramie, Wyoming -- maybe two years ago?  So when Beth announced she would teach this quilt as a BOM at Ruth's Stitchery this year, I was ready!

Remarkably enough, I kept up with the monthly assignments. And while watching the first days of the Rio Olympics, I finished the last three blocks!

A word of caution: don't try to piece complicated blocks while watching TV. I mis-pieced two of the 15 blocks -- but really, only someone who has already made the quilt using the same Carolyn Friendlander "Botanics" fabrics would notice. Right?

Friend Betty designed an alternate layout. So as soon as I get a photo of her quilt, I'll make the background blocks and get this baby sewn together. I love the fabrics, and Julie's directions are excellent. Really! The mistakes are entirely due to me watching the TV instead of the pattern!

Two quilts bound today -- photos to follow on Friday!

From the desk of your auntmartisignature

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

WIP Wednesday: Park Bench BOM

I know, I know. I swore off Blocks of the Month for this year!

But Beth offered to teach Julie Herman's "Park Bench," and I already had the kit (bought it in Laramie last March) and well . . .

I have half the blocks finished!

Can you spy my mistake?

The block in the lower right is supposed to look like the one in the upper left. But by the time I realized I was putting it together wrong, I was past the point of no return! Luckily, one of the later blocks uses the same pieces. So I'll make it like the one in the upper left and no one will know the difference. Right?

Here's what the completed quilt will  look like:

(photo from Jaybird Quilts)

I'm using the same fabrics as Jaybird Quilts used for the cover quilt. They are "Botanics" by Carolyn Friedlander. I even scored enough "Curry" print used for the binding to back the quilt (at Ruth's Stitchery, of course!)

The QAL is supposed to last until the end of the year. HOWever (cough) Sonya is hosting Julie's newest BOM, "Sweet Tooth" this summer. So I want to finish up Park Bench ASAP so I can sew along with Sonya on Sweet Tooth!

(photo from Jaybird Quilts)

I am a big fan of Julie's patterns. Using her Hex n More and Sidekick rulers, there are no Y-seams in this fancy-looking quilt! Plus, her directions are super-clear and easy to follow. (OK, that is, is you actually follow the directions.)

Are you sewing a BOM this year? What is it? Share! Share!

From the desk of your auntmartisignature

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

WIP Wednesday

The  January UFO "number" is "pick your favorite." My favorite UFO is "Ryokan."

Ryokan means "Japanese Inn." The pattern is from ThimbleCreek Quilts, designed by Joe Wood. I started this quilt at a Block Party at Ruth's Stitchery in 2013.  I had the twelve blocks in the pattern finished when My Little Sailor announced, "You know I have a full-size bed now, Mom!"

So I added eight more blocks. Each of the blocks I added means something to Jacob. The bottom two rows are the blocks I added.

From left to right, starting with the second row from the bottom:
Jacob's Ladder, Port and Starboard, Blacks and Tans (summer Navy uniform), One More Block (because I needed a 20th block!), Centennial Star (Colorado is the Centennial State), Martha Washington Star (his Mom's name is Martha, and he was born in Washington), Chinook
(the wind that blows down the mountains), Waves of the Sea.

The sashing is a Daiwabo fabric (from Japan!). It is an ombre design, going from dark to light to dark across the width of the fabric. It's cut into 1½" squares and set in a checkerboard design. I think the sashing looks like cobblestone streets. Because the pattern only has 12 blocks, I didn't buy enough to sash all 20 blocks. Friend Cathy to the rescue, she donated 1/2 yard of her sashing fabric so I could have the same sashing throughout! I have four more borders to add, then it will be ready for the quilter.  My plan is to take it to Japan with me in August when My Little Sailor re-enlists in the US Navy.

What is your favorite UFO?

From the desk of your auntmartisignature

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

WIP Wednesday: The Plan Unfolds

Hmm, my last post outlined my "plan" for 2016. So far, I'm keeping up with the Blocks of the Month -- but then, it's only January!

I swore to myself I would only join one "block party" at Ruth's Stitchery this year.

The one I chose is "Park Bench." Pattern from Jaybird Quilts, and the fabric I'm using is "Botanics" by Carolyn Friedlander for Robert Kaufman. I bought the kit last winter in Laramie at Quilt Essentials when I was in Wyoming for the Downton Abbey Retreat with Around the Block Quilts. Julie Herman's directions are so clear, the blocks go together in a snap!

Today is the 30th day of winter -- how are your 9-patch "A Quilt Block a Day" blocks coming along? You should have 30 made today! I have them on the design wall to inspire me to stitch a 9-patch every day.

They won't be sewn together in this arrangement (I have a secret plan for them!) but it's fun to see the rows grow day-by-day.

The best-laid resolutions -- when I read that Ebony of LoveBug Studios was hosting a "Dear Laura" QAL, I caved. The mystery quilt features the "Little House on the Prairie" fabrics from Andover (I bought mine at Ruth's Stitchery, of course -- they have the complete collection). Since it's a mystery, I'm only showing you the corners of the blocks!

It's not too late to join the mystery, go here for details.

Today is a "stay in the house and sew" kind of day, so I'm working on my January UFO. It's "Vintage Memories," a BoM from several years (!) ago.

How is your Jaunary UFO progressing? Remember to email me a photo of your finish for the February 1 UFO Parade!

From the desk of your auntmartisignature

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

WIP Wednesday: True North

I have five of nine blocks finished for the May Jelly Roll Party sample.

I'll scatter the "red chain" blocks when I have the remaining four blocks sewn. Pattern and fabric details on Monday's post.

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Linking up to WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced.

I have a new "Hats for Sailors" knit to share tomorrow!

From the desk of your auntmartisignature

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

WIP Wednesday: The Next Jelly Roll Quilt

I love making jelly roll quilts. And I love the Jelly Roll Party each month at Ruth's Stitchery!

The good thing about being the lead "partier" is, I guaranteed to finish (pieced, quilted and bound!) at least 12 quilts each year. Because I make the sample every month.

This week, I'm making the sample for our January Jelly Roll Party:

The pattern is by Gudrun Erle, "Strip to Shore." Of course, I bought it because of the Navy reference!

I'm using a "Grunge" by Moda jelly roll, and the background is navy blue Grunge.

Strip To Shore cover

No special ruler is needed, although it is easier to square up the hexagons with a 60 degree ruler. As you might guess from my photo, the hardest thing is arranging the pieces so no same colors match. I didn't always succeed!

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Linking up to WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced.

To 52 Quilts' USA followers, and all the ships at sea:
Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow!

From the desk of your auntmartisignature

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

WIP Wednesday: One Win, One Fail

I'm binding quilts today. And I'm not even using Susie's Magic Binding!

I bound a charity quilt for Front Range Modern Quilt Guild, but I didn't have a fabric similar to what was used on the front. So I cut the binding at 2.5", stitched it to the front and wrapped it to the back and top stitched. Hey, if Bill Kerr and Weeks Ringle can bind their quilts that way, so can I!

Before I show you the day's fail, how about the day's success? It's only a little peek, because this is a test-sew for my favorite bag designer, Sara Lawson of Sew Sweetness.

I made a quilt from my son's roommate, who is a major San Francisco fan. I couldn't find the San Francisco fabric (I thought) was in the stash for the backing. So I ran to JoAnn and bought some 49ers fleece. I decided to experiment with leaving out the batting and just using the fleece as backing and batting combined. I loaded the quilt and fleece on my Viking Mega Quilter, and it stitched just fine. I thought!

When I trimmed the extra backing away, I noticed the quilting stitches were loose in several places.

[BTW, that nail polish is OPI's Red Fingers and Mistletoes, by Gwen Stafani.]

I don't know if the stitches didn't form because I didn't anchor them at the beginning of the row -- I started stitching on the backing, so I didn't anchor them. 

Anyway, I am re-quilting the "bad rows" on my Juki and I'll ask Vivian, the quilting expert at Ruth's, if she has an idea what went wrong.

Nic will love the quilt, even if it falls apart the first time he washes it. And I have enough fleece to make a blanket for his dog, Willy!

Have you had any experience using fleece as a quilt backing? Any hints for the next time?

From the desk of your auntmartisignature

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

WIP Wednesday: Block Parties

The end of the year is nearly upon us, and the completion of 2014 Block Parties at Ruth's Stitchery looms large.

I've completed two block party quilts (Sample This, both will be shown on TGIF Friday). I'm making progress on two more. First, "Five is Fabulous" from Marti Michell.

The two blocks with green checks are my setting blocks. I only have two more sampler blocks and four setting blocks to go!

My other "near finish" is "Quilty Fun" from Lori Holt. This row-by-row quilt is fun, but some of those blocks have a lot of pieces!

Quilty Fun book Lessons in Scrappy Patchwork It's Sew Emma Bee In My Bonnet Lori Holt

I still have two rows: the row of houses and the row of baskets. Plus 42 border blocks!

How are YOUR WIPs coming along?

From the desk of your auntmartisignature

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

WIP Wednesday: Planning Ahead

Many quilters consider planning quilts, shopping for specific colors, and diving into the "stash" to be the most fun part of quilting.

Clearly, I'm no exception! Have you seen Bonnie Hunter's announcement of her next mystery quilt, "Grand Illusion?" Have you started to pull fabrics from your stash? Maybe you need to do a little shopping?

Here are the colors Bonnie recommends for this year's quilt:

I stopped by Ruth's Stitchery this morning to see what they have in this color range. There are lots more, but here are just a few I picked out to match the color cards:

I prefer bright, clear colors -- so I had plenty in my own stash!

Note: Aqua leans to green, not blue, as does Turquoise:

I love this bright apple (or grass?) green:

Can you tell pink is my favorite color?

I bought the yellow on the left at High Country Quilts. Then I saw the one on the right at Ruth's today. It's the one "constant" color in the quilt, so I'll have to choose!

I'm excited that Ruth's is hosting a "sit and sew" for the Winter Mystery. If you're in the area, bring your fabrics, machine and printed instructions from Bonnie to the shop at 9 am on Friday, November 28. It's fun to sew with friends!

WIP Wednesday

I test-sewed one block for our December Jelly Roll Party. The pattern is "Basket Weave" from The Quilt Room.

This isn't the fabrics I'll use for the actual sample quilt -- they're leftovers from a Sandy Gervais collection. In case you didn't notice, the center is an Octagon -- NOT a Hexagon! I have several Hexagon rulers, but couldn't find an Octagon template! The pattern requires enlarging the Octagon template by 400%, with each side measuring 3.75". WELL, at 400%, each side measures 3.78"! The DH noticed one side is about 1/4" longer than the others. I'm hoping when I start on the sample, I'll be able to "sliver" down the sides to measure exactly 3.75".

If you're a knitter, come back tomorrow for a sneak peak at a new yarn shop in Colorado Springs!

From the desk of your auntmartisignature

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


It's hard to get back into the swing of things after a month-long leave! 

I'm desperately trying to get the November Jelly Roll Party sample finished. Usually, I have the sample finished the month before JRP. But as you know, I've been enjoying the company of My Little Sailor, home on leave from Japan. (And grateful to have missed the recent typhoon!)

Lucky for me, the November quilt is a fast-and-easy one, Parallel Universe from Cozy Quilts:

Parallel Universe
I'm using Sweetwater's most recent collection, Elementary, for my sample.

And as you can see, I still have a bit to sew!

Photos from our Oregon-California adventure to follow this weekend!

From the desk of your auntmartisignature

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

WIP Wednesday: Back in the (sewing) Saddle Again

Now I know why it's been years since I've done any fashion sewing -- I'm just not shaped like the patterns anymore!

 I finished the dress I will wear to the wedding of my BFF's son:

I have more of a waist than this photo make it look. Apparently if one has "hips," one's boobs should be closer to one's waist than to one's shoulders. I had to virtually re-draft this pattern to get the darts in the right place.  It would have taken less time to just design my own pattern! It's Simplicity 6262 and the fabric is "Petal Poetry" for Exclusively Quilters. I'll get a selfie wearing it on Saturday at the wedding.

Now that "the dress" is finished, I can go back to quilting! First up is "Missouri Star," for one of the members of the 2013 Quiltmaker Magazine Scrap Squad. I think I should have reversed the dark/light pieces, but it still looks like a star, right?

Thursday at midnight is the last chance to enter my "600 Followers on Bloglovin' Giveaway." Go to last Thursday's post to enter using the Rafflecopter widget. The prize is an autographed copy of Lucky Spool's Essential Guide to Modern Quilt Making. Of course, international entries are welcome!

Linking up to WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced.

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

I forgot to share my Hats for Sailors knitting with you last week. I will tomorrow, I promise!

From the desk of your auntmartisignature

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

WIP Wednesday: Friends & Companions

Yes, I was sucked into another QAL. This one is from Marcus Brothers, celebrating their new line by Paula Barnes,"Companions."

I'm using bits and pieces from my own Civil War Repros stash.

Because I dropped everything to do a test-sew, I'm behind by one week. The instructions are excellent, though, so I should be caught up this weekend.  Here are my first two blocks:

The top block is "Union Forever," by Pam Buda of Heartspun Quilts.

On the bottom is Paula Barnes' block, from Red Crinoline Quilts, instructions here.

New blocks are added each Friday. I'm planning a Skype-along with my friend in Ohio for the next blocks. Click on the Friends & Companions banner, above, for the schedule of designs.

I'll have a Quilt Block a Day finish to show you on Friday!

From the desk of your auntmartisignature