Monday, July 22, 2013

Design Wall Monday: Quilt Wyoming

I know, I know . . . I promised this post would be up Saturday! Sadly, my desktop computer decided not to talk to the interweb. I was hoping the Elder Son would come home yesterday and give it the kiss of life, but alas, he did not. So I apologize for being tardy publishing this post. Here is the story of my road trip to Casper for Quilt Wyoming 2013!

People from Idaho don't like to take the same route both directions when driving anywhere (I even take a different path home from the grocery store than I take going to the grocery store!) Lucky for me, Casper is just about dead center in Wyoming, lending itself to a perfect circular route.


DH and I left home in time to make it to Cheyenne just a few minutes after the Sierra Trading Post opened. Visiting the outlet store was DH's reward for spending the week with 200 quilters! He found me a perfect gore-tex jacket to wear when I visit Japan in February.

By the time we examined every clearance rack at the outlet, we were running out of time to hit four quilt shops before Quilt Wyoming registration closed. So we raced through The Quilted Corner (great selection of western-themed fabrics!) and Around the Block Quilt Shop (wish I lived close enough to take their Little Quilts class!).


Then on to Laramie and two of my favorite stops when I'm driving to Idaho: Snowy River Quilts (hooray, I found the last piece of pink batik I needed for my class at QW2013!) and Quilt Essentials (ever-expanding selection of Civil War Reproductions).

Quilt Wyoming

If you're traveling and don't know where to eat, ask at a quilt shop! We got a recommendation for our first night's meal in Casper from the ladies at the Quilt Wyoming registration -- J's Pub and Grill. I had my first hamburger in months, and it was worth every calorie!

My Thursday class was taught by Kathleen Moorhead Johnson, whom I met at the Pueblo Quilt Expo in April. What a fun teacher! We worked on "Prairie Windmills." Notice I say "worked on," not "finished." Even with our pre-class homework, I only finished one block in class.

I love the colors of this Timeless Treasures Mocha Kiss batik collection, it reminds me of my favorite ice cream: Neapolitan. I love it so much, I may pretend this is whatever number is drawn for the August UFO challenge, just so I can finish it!


Friday's class was with Margaret Miller, of  "AnglePlay" fame. Our instructions were to collect multiple fabrics in two colorways. I used a stripey fabric as my color inspiration.

The design we sewed is "Easy Pieces." Easy is right -- no templates, no drawing lines from corner to corner, minimal measuring.

Here is what my 16 completed blocks look like lined up in rows:

The fascinating part is how the colors "change" depending on the adjacent color. It's hard to see on the computer screen, so you'll just have to trust me!

We had so much fun playing with the layout:

 Oh, look, the last block in row 3 is turned the wrong way!

That looks better. These are just the "A" blocks, I won't sew any together until I finish the "B" blocks and see how they affect the layout. I think this could be addictive!

The planning committee for Quilt Wyoming 2013 really set a high standard for future quilt retreats. Every registered attendee won a door prize, plus there were giveaways at every meal! I won a six-month subscription to Alex Anderson and Ricky Tim's "The Quilt Show."  (Report to follow when I get the big-screen computer back up and running!) The dorms at Casper College were so nice, we thought they were brand new. Next year, Quilt Wyoming will be in Cheyenne -- and I'll be there!


Casper may have a population of only 55,000 or so, but they have two quilt shops.DH checked them out for me while I was in class (and yes, he bought fabric!). He reported that the Kalico Kat Quilt Shop has a genuine "shop cat." Plus an excellent selection of quilt kits. I scored a Sullivan cutting mat for a really good price at Prism Quilt & Sew.

We stayed over an extra night in Casper so we could hit the last three shops on the South Circle of the 2nd Annual Wyoming Quilt/Fabric Shop Hop.


The drive from Casper to Douglas is kind of lonely -- but you know I like being able to "see them coming!" And you can see them coming for days on that stretch of I-25! If you enjoy hunting for treasure, The Prairie Stitcher is the shop for you. Yarn and fabric -- a little bit of everything.


Lusk is a small town, but Lickety Stitch Quilts has as good a selection as many of the larger shops in Colorado. Plus, I snatched up some Aneela Hooey Sherbet Pips on clearance (apparently there will be a need for several baby quilts amongst USS George Washington families this year!).


The Doll Factory in Torrington is the place to go if you have children or grandchildren in tow. While you're admiring a good selection of fabric and yarn, they can ooh and aah over all kinds of dolls and doll paraphernalia!

I only visited nine of the 35 shops in the Wyoming statewide hop. But five of them were shops I'd never visited before. I think that's worth the trip, don't you?

I still have three more quilts to finish before the end of the month, so if the blog posts are a little "thin," you'll know why!

From the desk of your auntmartisignature

Thursday, July 18, 2013

A Special Friday Finish

Ten years ago or so, I started making quilts for all my mother's great-grandchildren when they turned 12. This year, the first of my mother's grandchildren celebrated a 25th wedding anniversary. I've decided the silver wedding anniversary requires a special quilt!

JoLynn and her husband David often host me when I am returning from quilt camp in Idaho. She seemed very pleased with this king-size Triple Irish Chain. And I even sewed the binding down by hand! Sonya Chin did the custom quilting.

JoLynn took the photo for me -- thanks Jo, and quilter holders David and Levi!


Linking up to Thank Goodness It's Finished Friday, hosted this week by Molli Sparkles.

Come back tomorrow for my Quilt Wyoming road trip report!

From the desk of your auntmartisignature

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

WIP Wednesday: A Busy Month

 Did you miss me?

I had a wonderful time at Quilt Wyoming -- truly nice, nice people, the best classes and most impressive door prizes ever! I promise a road trip report on Saturday!

But now I really have to buckle down and sew like the wind for the rest of July -- there are five (yep. FIVE!) quilts that must be finished -- sewn, quilted, bound and blogged! by August 2!

First up is today's WIP, the September Jelly Roll Party sample. I feel strongly that next month's sample should be finished for this month's Jelly Roll Party! So I must have the September sample ready to show by the August Jelly Roll Party.

The September quilt is "Windmills" by two of my favorite designers, Pam and Nicky Lintott:

The fabric is "Blueberry Crumble" by Moda.  I think it really looks like September, don't you?  This is only 16 of 48 blocks, so I need to get back to the sewing machine now!

Linking up to WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced.


Friday, I am judging "Heritage Arts" 4-H projects for the El Paso County Fair. I can't wait to see what this year's 4-H'ers have made.

From the desk of your auntmartisignature

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

WIP Wednesday in Wyoming

The DH and I are driving to Wyoming this week so I can attend Quilt Wyoming. 

I'm excited to be taking two classes from teachers whose work I've long admired. First, "Prairie Windmill" with Kathleen Moorhead Johnson. This quilt calls for eight fabrics in graduated shades of two color ways. Here are my fabrics:

Next, "Easy Pieces" with Margaret Miller of "Angle Play" fame. I'll save the photos until I start sewing the fabrics together!

Linking up to WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced.


This post is a test of Blogger for iPhone. It's not fast, but I can blog from the road!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Saturday Stash: A New Shop!

I love it when a new quilt/yarn shop opens nearby! Today is the grand opening of "Fabric Bliss -- the Colorado Springs Edition."

The original Fabric Bliss is located in the Denver Santa Fe arts district. In keeping with their "artsy" roots, the Colorado Springs Fabric Bliss is located in the West Side of Colorado Springs, where there are many art galleries, artsy shops and great restaurants.

The Dishcloth Diva, Deb Buckingham, and I were at the shop minutes after they opened for the first time on Tuesday.

Look! Modern fabric on the right-hand side of the shop! You know how I love a shop that has fabric I haven't seen anywhere else.

And yarn on the left! Madelinetosh, Pigeonroof, Shibui, Dream in Color, Cascade, Abuelita, and Lion Brand. (Plus, a sock knitting class with the Dishcloth Diva herself!)

I bought yarn for My Little Sailor's next birthday sweater. (It's a surprise, so no photos!) 

Sharon (L) rings up Deb's purchase of a lovely Abuelita hand-dye to make a sample for Deb's next book!

In Colorado Springs, Fabric Bliss is located at 2616 W. Colorado Ave, Suite 21. Hours: Tuesday - Saturday: 11a - 7p, Sunday: 12p - 6p Monday: Closed. Phone: 719.646.2370

I finished piecing my next Scrap Squad quilt today -- quilting, binding and blogging tomorrow for Quilty Pleasures blog!

From the desk of your auntmartisignature

Friday, July 5, 2013

Friday Finish: Schnibbles

My last finish for June was my "under the wire" Vintage Schnibbles quilt. The pattern is "Dulcinea," and the fabric is "A Simpler Time" by Holly Taylor for Moda. I used Moda Bella Solids "Natural" for the background.

When I started to square up my 3/4 square triangles, I realized I could trim them to 4" rather than the 3.5" as instructed in the pattern. Of course, that meant I had to fiddle with the borders to make them fit. I had to add one 1" strip to the strip pieces on each side of the outside border. The quilt finished at 37.5" square -- perfect for a wall hanging. The colors just match the mountain condo of my friend Lori, so it will be a belated hostess gift!

You can see other "Vintage Schnibbles" at A Quilting Life and Pink Pincushion.

Linking up to Link a Finish Friday at Richard and Tanya Quilts:

LAFF - Richard and Tanya Quilts

As well as Thank Goodness it's Finally Finished at Quokka Quilts:

And also, "Can I Get a Whoop Whoop?" at Confessions of a Fabric Addict:

Come back tomorrow for a peek at the newest quilt shop in town on Saturday Stash!

From the desk of your auntmartisignature

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy Independence Day!

I know, I should be working on my Scrap Squad quilt. But I want to show you some of the red, white, and blue quilts I've made over the past few years. Out of  more than 100 quilts, not many are RWB!

First, though, here's a photo of My Little Sailor the day he enlisted in the Navy. December 14, 2011:

They're back on patrol in the Western Pacific:

And now for some quilts! First up, "American Valor" from Fons & Porter's Love of Quilting magazine:

It's promised, but not bound and delivered yet! (I haven't forgotten, Casey!)

This is my most recent RWB quilt, "Hexagon Gardens," which we'll be working on at Jelly Roll Party this Friday:

Another recent finish, "Stars from Strips" by Cozy Quilts:

"Lover's Lane," a Fat Quarter Fun project from 2012:

Here is a photo of my friend Jane with me from the 2011 Jelly Roll Race at quilt retreat. She won first place, and I took second:

Fair winds and following seas on this Independence Day to all the ships at sea!

From the desk of your auntmartisignature