From its inception the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge has been an international event with bloggers from nearly all continents participating. In 2012 we will be joined by jnana from Spill Beans. Jnana blogs from Dubai.
A Real Challenge for the Moody Ones
But for me, writing is all about my mood. I could go a month without writing anything, simply because I don't feel like it. Or I could be sitting on the metro after a long, tiring day when I get the sudden urge to write. I could be going to bed when I'd randomly get a new idea for a blogpost, and hurry to write it all before it slips through my very slippery mind.
All of us Moody Writers out there have only one solution to our writing habits: self-discipline. Which is why I have resolved to participate in this April's Blogging from A to Z Challenge. It's time I start dragging the writing by its leash to me, rather than waiting for it to come to me.
I've read of the many different plans my fellow participants are coming up with for this year's Challenge. Frankly, if I don't arrive with a creative theme or unique edge, I'd still be happy with just being able to conquer the hugest challenge of having to post every day.
Thank you for coming up with this idea. I hope to keep up with this challenge and declare myself at the end of it: an un-moodified writer!
And thank you jnana for your interesting take on how bloggers can benefit from Blogging from A to Z. Be sure to stop by jnana's blog at Spill Beans--say hello and maybe become a new follower.