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though nice animals, can be amongst the
worst of nuisance animal pests, especially
for commercial property owners. Birds often
choose to roost on signs, ledges, or rafters
of commercial buildings. This might not be
so bad, except for the fact that they make a
horrible mess with their nesting material,
and worse, droppings. Pigeon droppings in
particular can really accumulate, and are
not only unsightly, but a health risk to
you, your employees and customers. To the
right you will see some pigeons that I
captured using standard pigeon traps, placed
on the roof of a commercial property where
they created a nuisance with their unsightly
and disease-ridden droppings.
After you read the below information, in the event
that you wish to hire a bird removal company, you
may want to see how
much does bird removal cost?
Prevent Roosting: If birds are roosting in or on an undesirable area, such as on signs, beams, ledges, etc, the
way to stop the birds is with physical barriers. This can includebird spikes, which prevent birds like
pigeons from landing on surfaces, or more powerfully, electric shock track. If you need to keep
birds out of a large area altogether,
bird net installation will prevent them
from entering an area.
A Single Bird in a Building: If a single bird gets into a building, like a sparrow in a grocery store or a hawk in a warehouse, or just a bird
inside a house, it requires a one-time removal of the bird, via techniques like mist nets or other netting methods. In some cases, shooting is the only viable option.
Pigeons as Urban Pests: Pigeons have
adapted well to city environments. Most cities are
full of flocks of these birds, just looking for
handouts. They often associate humans with food, and
are unafraid to flock closely to people. They are
also unafraid to leave droppings everywhere (cars
are obviously preferred spots), along with nesting
material. The nesting material can clog vents and
drain pipes, and cause potential fire hazards. The
droppings and feathers can contaminate large
quantities of livestock feed and food destined for
human consumption. If that's not enough, pigeons
lack the common decency to rid themselves of
parasite and disease before they enter our urban
Bird-Related Diseases: These
"flying rats" or "gutter birds" can carry or
transmit: pigeon ornithosis, encephalitis, Newcastle
disease, histoplasmosis, cryptococcosis,
toxoplasmosis, pseudo-tuberculosis, pigeon
coccidiosis and salmonella food poisoning. Pigeon
parasites include a number of bugs, fleas, ticks and
Click for my bird removal photo gallery.
Over 60 photographs of actual bird control and removal jobs I've done.
Visit my awesome bird control blog!
Over 25 examples of specific bird control jobs I've done. Get ideas!
Wondering how to get rid of birds quickly and easily? There is no magic
spray or device that you can use to make them go
away. Some people try to sell fake plastic owls or
plastic hawks to get rid of pigeons, but that
doesn't work. They also try to sell ultrasonic sound
emitters. These devices are worthless at eliminating
birds. Some old wive's tales recommend the use of
mothballs or ammonia-soaked rags to make them leave,
but I've been to countless homes where these
techniques failed - biologists know that these
attempts won't work. The ONE AND ONLY WAY to take
care of your problem is with the installation of
deterrent devices such as bird spikes or even via
trapping and removal of the birds. If you need to
find a professional pigeon or bird removal expert in
your hometown, just click our comprehensive list of hundreds of wildlife removal professionals,
and you can have your problem quickly taken care of!
My bird removal articles: Some of
the topics covered by my bird and pigeon journal
blog include information on how to trap a pigeon, and also the alternative
method of pigeon
exclusion, to keep them away, with the use of
materials such as bird
spikes, for use in pigeon
control, jobs, both residential and commercial
projects, to remove pigeons from buildings and
to get
pigeons out of attic. There are some bogus
products out there that don't work for bird control
such as the plastic
owl for pigeon control. Some of the concerns
regarding pigeon infestations are due to pigeon
contamination, from all of the droppings, or pigeon
poop that these birds leave behind. This can
cause pigeon
diseases, or illness in both people and the
birds, which results in dead
pigeons. Another thing that results in dead
pigeons is to shoot them with a BB gun, and shooting
pigeons is often one way to control them. The
best way, in many scenarios in which they are
roosting on a building or other structure is to use
spikes to keep them from landing. This is what
I do in my Orlando
pigeon control business, which mostly consists
of urban
pigeon removal, since these birds tend to live
in cities. One way to get rid of them is through the
tactic of pigeon
trapping in cage traps, such as shown in the
photo on this page. Although Rock Doves are the
primary bird involved in bird management, I also
deal with other birds from time to time, and provide
removal for these foul birds, duck
removal when they get in pools, Sandhill
Crane removal when these birds are a problem,
removal from time to time, owl
removal if owls get inside buildings, hawk
removal if a hawk should end up in an
inconvenient spot, and Chimney
Swift removal when these fine birds fly down
the chimneys of homes and make a racket.
Sparrows and Starlings often choose to
nest in buildings. This causes problems when
nesting material clogs vents and drain
pipes, and poses a fire hazard. These birds
are not as dirty as pigeons, but feces
buildup can lead to structural damage from
the uric acid in droppings, plus the
bacteria, fungal agents and parasites in the
feces also pose a health risk.
my full how
to get rid of starlings page.
are a nuisance when they decide to peck on
your house instead of a tree. Woodpeckers
hammer on trees for two reasons: in search
of food, and as a signaling device. The
males repeatedly sound off to claim their
territory (can't they just sing like normal
birds? No, they just have to drum). Peckers
often find that a wooden house serves as a
good place to make their noisy territory
claim, perhaps due to better acoustics. If
your house has insects, then that gives
woodpeckers another reason to peck away.
I've seen houses full of woodpecker holes.
They can cause quite a headache with their
noisy hammering, and quite a lot of damage
to a home. Read more on my full how
to get rid of woodpeckers page.
Geese are a common problem
bird. They simply congregate in large
flocks and leave a lot of droppings.
They can also be aggressive toward people,
particularly if they are guarding a nest.
Other, less urbanized birds can cause
problems as well, such as noise and unwanted
droppings. Seagulls, crows, ducks, vultures,
etc. If a bird isn't regularly nesting in an
urban area, it can be hard to control, but
there are ways. Read more on my full how
to get rid of Canada Geese page.
Muscovy Ducks live primarily in the
south. They are a big problem in some parts
of Florida and Texas. These non-native birds
are a pest because they congregate in
numbers in human areas, and cause damage.
They aren't afraid of people, and they
simply dig up and befoul yards and lawns
with their droppings. They can also cause
lake and pond edge damage. Not a huge deal,
but many people simply can't stand to have
these birds around, and they can be trapped
and removed. Read more on my full how
to get rid of Muscovy Ducks page.
How to Get Rid of Pigeons in the Barn
Barns offer excellent cover for a number of birds,
the most problematic of which are probably pigeons.
Pigeons are messy, nuisance birds that roost in
numbers and return to the same locations time and
time again. Because of the excellent homing ability,
it is virtually impossible to relocate a pigeon that
has taken a shine to your barn. The only way to get
rid of pigeons is to exclude them from your
property. This type of tactic does not include the
use of owl decoys, though many people buy these
statues anyway. Decoys don't work. Anyone who has
tried one can tell you. To exclude pigeons, the
simplest method may simply be to close the barn up
when not in use. If the open doors are the point of
entry, keeping them closed should solve your
problem. If, however, the entry point is through a
damaged part of the roof or structure, you will have
to fix this hole or the pigeons will remain. Pigeon
elimination is best done before any eggs hatch or
you will have to face the dilemma of dealing with
orphaned pigeon hatchlings.
How to Get Rid of Pigeons in the Roof
There are many appealing things about a roof to
attract pigeons. Roofs often have a variety of nooks
and crannies on which pigeons can build their nests.
Pigeons in a roof can be noisy and extremely messy,
and their waste poses a serious health hazard. To
get rid of pigeons you need to take the proper steps
to exclude them from you home. If you roof is
damaged and that damage is why you have pigeons, the
area will need to be repaired before the birds will
go away. Roofs that do not need maintenance may need
to be fitted with pigeon nets or spikes to
discourage the birds from landing once they have
arrived. Netting and spikes are the most common,
effective means of exclusion, though some success
with electrified roosting strips has been seen.
Depending on your budget, you can usually find an
easy and affordable way to keep pigeons off your
How to Get Rid of Pigeons in the Eaves
Pigeons are unscrupulous when it comes to seizing
the opportunity to live inside a home. Damaged eaves
are prime area for pigeons to roost. Not only do
eaves provide shelter from the weather, they also
have the potential to lead into attics and
crawlspaces. The only way to effectively keep
pigeons out of your eaves is to fix the damaged
area. Once the repairs are completed spikes and
netting can be secured to the home to prevent the
birds from returning and gaining entry. Pigeons have
an excellent homing ability, so they cannot be
removed and relocated easily. The best way to get
rid of pigeons is to make them want to leave on
their own. Pigeon exclusion includes making sure you
do not leave out enticing food sources. Even if you
have managed to keep pigeons out of your home,
leaving out food when you are having a nuisance
issue will keep the birds around your property.
Feeding problem pigeons is one of the worst things
people can do. These birds have become so dependent
on humans for food that they have abandoned their
natural food sources in favor of scavenging.
How to Get Rid of Pigeons in a Building
In urban areas where tall buildings go untouched for
years, pigeons can become a serious problem.
Abandoned skyscrapers are often boarded up along the
bottom where human miscreants can gain entry, but
the upper floors are rarely kept sealed once the
original boards and barriers deteriorate. Pigeons
take the opportunity to move into these buildings
for excellent shelter and protection from predators.
An abandoned building of this caliber will have
numerous broken windows and entry points. Removing
the pigeons once they have entered becomes quite a
chore. To get the pigeons out of the building, the
birds will need to be confined to floors so they
cannot escape upward or downward. A team of people
will flush the birds out by harassing them and then
must immediately seal off all the open areas to
prevent the pigeons from returning. Care must be
taken to remove any nests, eggs and hatchlings. Once
the pigeons have been dispersed, sealing up the
building should be adequate unless outside roosting
areas are a problem as well. If this is the case,
exclusion tactics such as netting and bird spikes
will help discourage pigeons from landing.
How to Get Rid of Pigeons in the Attic
Attic invasion often starts with eave invasion
though some homes have given pigeons access through
broken vents or attic windows. If you have
discovered a pigeon problem in your attic, getting
the birds out will not be easy. Attics can be large
or small and they are usually unfinished. If you're
lucky your attic has a window. If not, your task
becomes more difficult. To get a pigeon out of the
attic, open a window if you have one and shoo the
bird out. Repair the damaged area that allowed
access. If the pigeon has entered through a damaged
vent or eave, you may need to wait for the bird to
leave on its own. Harassing the pigeon will only
make it fly wildly around the attic. Any eggs should
be removed. If hatchlings are present, you can
contact a wildlife rehabilitator though many
rehabbers will not take on animals unless they are
injured or naturally displaced. You can also read
about birds
in the chimney here.
These are some of our prime bird control areas: - Phoenix Bird Control in Arizona, - San Jose Bird Removal and - Sacramento Bird Control in California, - Denver Bird Removal in Colorado, - Orlando Bird Control and - Miami Bird Removal in Florida, - Chicago Bird Control in Illinois, - Charlotte NC Bird Removal in North Carolina, - Portland Bird Control in Oregon, - Philadelphia Bird Removal in Pennsylvania, - Houston Bird Control in Texas, and - Seattle Bird Removal in the state of Washington.
Other bird information articles:
Home Remedies To Keep Away Birds And Get Rid Of Them
How Long Does It Take To Remove Birds In A Building?
How To Get Rid Of Birds Without Killing Them
Starling control methods
Bird spike installation
Removal of birds from soffit
Electric shock track for birds
Sea gull control methods
What kind of noises and sounds do pigeons make when they live in your house?
Bird net installation
Muscovy duck prevention
Muscovy duck trapping
How to kill a woodpecker
What if a hawk gets stuck inside a building?
What is Goose Egg Addling?
Bird fogging
Removal of birds in sub floor vent
Do artificial owls keep away birds?
What to do if you have Chimney Swifts in your chimney