Showing posts with label Picture posts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Picture posts. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Random Pictures...

Why Taylor should not climb trees...

Jessica and Lexi after their church "Virtue Pageant."  They tied for first place (along with all of the other girls who entered.)  It was very cute.

Jessica's "P" party.  Princesses, pajamas, pizza...

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Pictures from my phone!

July 4th hike up Rose Canyon

Sophi falls asleep in Grandpa Green's arms.

The kids loved this giant chair at the beach house.

Sophi with Aunt Jenny

It's amazing how much joy a quarter can buy.

The Seaside Carousel:

BYU Sandcastle

 Two brave boys in a VERY cold ocean:

Xander stuffs a blanket in his costume and says, "I'm Santa Claus!"  I asked, "Are you Batman Santa Claus?"  He thought for a couple of seconds and said, "Pretend this costume is red and white!"

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Even More 2010 Beach Trip Photos

Great parents, huh? First we let Parker try to feed the seagulls out of his hand.

Then we let him go a step further and feed them off of his head. He was successful, by the way, even though we didn't catch the big moment on camera:)

At the Butterfly Garden:

At Newport Beach on the Oregon Coast:

Play time during a picnic in the sand:

Flying a kite:

Around the campfire:

My brother Steven:

Always chilly on the Oregon coast!!!

Family friend Lori with Xander

The keeper of the fire-my dad, Allen:

Boys will be boys!

On the drive home we stopped at beautiful Multnomah Falls in the Columbia River Gorge:

We stayed overnight in Boise, ID at my cousin's house. (Thanks Spencer and Ilah!!!) While there, we narrowly escaped the clutches of Iron Man and Buzz Stormtrooper. You never know when a pink panda doll will be useful in placating a menacing action figure:)

This is what you get when you let Elli sit near an unguarded bag of starbursts. We noticed something in her mouth. I got to fish out this mess, wrappers and all:)

An so we come to the end of our 2010 Green Family Reunion. It is such a great thing to get together with family. My brothers and sisters are a particularly tight knit group, and it is fun to be able to spend time with them. So Jen, Matt, Ty and Steve (not to mention Mom and Dad): see ya'll real soon!!! And somehow, I think Tiff will be nearby as well.
