
Showing posts with label monarchy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label monarchy. Show all posts

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Political Egos

Scotland is planning on holding a referendum in 2014 on the issue of independence from the United Kingdom. Battle lines are being drawn. Not much changes really. Back in the 17th century when Elizabeth I nephew James came to throne as King James I of England, he was already King James VI of Scotland, and with this kingly experience behind him, he wasted no time in trying to throw his weight around in the English parliament, as he had done in the Scottish parliament.

His belief and obsession with the "divine right of Kings" convinced him that he could do what he wanted and tell parliament what they were to do as well. While the Scots had pretty much let him away with this, it did not go down well in England. His constant demands for more tax money and his autocratic style created a none too friendly relationship between court and parliament. Fed up with politicians not bending to his will James dissolved parliament on 8 February 1622.

So now 390 years later to the day, you do wonder if the current Queen hasn't thought about doing a similar thing many times in her already long reign ... oh that she had the power!!!
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