
Showing posts with label southwark cathedral. Show all posts
Showing posts with label southwark cathedral. Show all posts

Wednesday 5 October 2016

Blue Sky

The sky on Monday was so very very blue, no plane trails, no clouds, a rare event in London.

Tuesday 7 June 2016

More than a Rock

When the first settlers arrived in New England (USA) they weren't prepared for the harsh reality of the environment or the locals.  These strangers were welcomed by the chieftain of the Mohegan tribe, Mohomet Weyonomon.  He helped them survive the harsh winters and to repel Indian attacks from other tribes.

The new settlers showed their gratitude by stealing the tribes hunting and planting land. It reached such proportions that in 1735 Mahomomet and three supporters sailed to England to petition King George II for the return of their lands.  While waiting to see the king The Indian chieftain contracted smallpox and died.  He was buried in an unmarked grave. (and as we know the lands were never returned!)

Not forgotten by his descendants the Mohegan tribe requested a proper memorial and ceremony for their past chief.  This stone comes from Mohegan lands and carved with forms that reflect ancient customs.  In the grounds of Southwark Cathedral the stone was unveiled on 2006 by Queen Elizabeth II and and accompnaied by a traditional funeral ceremony conducted by members of the Mohegan tribe.  

Monday 11 January 2016

The Blessing of the Thames

Another of those quaint rituals that occur in London that draws on ancient customs although in reality has only been practised in current times for little over a decade.  The clergy from Southwark Cathedral on the south bank of the river Thames head northwards over London Bridge, to meet the clergy from St Magnus the Martyr who head south from their church on the northern banks of the river.

At the half way point (once they all meet on the same side of the Bridge)..

a short ceremony is held, the Bishop of London then tosses a wooden cross into the river....

and they then all head off for a nice cuppa.  
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