Showing posts with label Aldi Foods. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aldi Foods. Show all posts

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Simple Aldi Recipes: Omelet and Whole Wheat Bagel Crostini - Cost: $0.75

Aldi Recipes: Omelet and Whole Wheat Bagel Crostini
Aldi has low prices on all of the basics, and by making your own meals you can stretch your money even further. Here at the Aldi Spot, I am going to share lots of simple Aldi recipes that you can make with Since Aldi eggs are cheaper than the competitors in my area, I decided to make a simple omelet for dinner last night. Omelet is a rare thing in my house, so my kids were very excited, and when they saw the whole wheat bagel crostini the started cheering.

I used 6 large Aldi eggs

  • Salt, peper to taste
  • Chives from the herb garden
  • Olive oil to cook