Showing posts with label gratitude. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gratitude. Show all posts

Monday, December 31, 2012

Here's To A New Beginning

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No, you aren't THAT drunk!  I realize this says "two thoughts for Tuesday and that it is still Monday.  I just wanted to be proactive in wishing you a HAPPY NEW YEAR and just couldn't wait. are my two thoughts for tomorrow.

Thought Number One: The New Year's Promise

For the last several days I have been reading a number of blogs about how people view the start of a new year.   Some of the writers are eager for 2013, some are  apprehensive, some are optimistic, and some are apathetic. Two really good posts on the subject,  came from Susan over at Life, Laughter, Paris and Meleah over at Momma Mia Mea Culpa. (I'll wait while you click over to read those.)

What I loved about both of these posts is the fact that these two ladies had  a really crappy 2012...oh wait ...that's not what I loved... I loved that they had  a bad year and both sound optimistic that next year will be better.

That's how I feel every New Years Day. I feel optimistic. (my wallowing in skepticism and cynicism is relegated to the other 364 days of the year)  It doesn't always work out that my optimism is well-founded but ...still... on New Years Day there is the promise of good things to come.   Unlike Susan, I wasn't mugged on a subway, nor was I battling huge health issues as Meleah has been,  so there may be less to "move on" from for me.  I realize some things are harder to gain leverage against and put behind one.

BUT...While we may not be able to control famines, floods, and reality TV,  we can hope for a year of  fresh starts, forgiveness and second chances. We can hope that our fellow humans  use more wisdom  and less stupidity.  Even though, fear and worry seem to be intent on  snapping at our heels, we can try to stay focused on the positive things in our lives. Yes.... the things like the people we love and the people that love us back.  We can try to remember every day that  love in all its forms,  really makes the world a beautiful place.