Entries in TWiL (93)


TWiL 134 - 139

Thanks to our wonderful panels on the last several episodes of This WEEK in LAW!

134 Siri: Sony? Sunny.

135 Spouses Bearing iPhones

136 Patent Thickets And Words With Friends

137 iLaw: Justice Inside.

138 A Face For Booze

139 Strike The Pose

TWiL is on Twitter and Facebook, if you're so inclined. Please also rate the show in iTunes.


Recent TWiLs

Catching up: here are the videos from episodes 129-133 of This WEEK in LAW!

All the show pages, with links to discussion points and more info, are at TWiT.tv/twil.

TWiL is on Twitter and Facebook, if you're so inclined. Please also rate the show in iTunes.


Another TWiL Three-Fer

Catching up: here are the videos from episodes 126-128 of This WEEK in LAW!

TWiL is on Twitter and Facebook, if you're so inclined. Please also rate the show in iTunes.


TWiL Three-Fer

Catching up: here are the videos from episodes 123-125 of This WEEK in LAW!

TWiL is on Twitter and Facebook, if you're so inclined. Please also rate the show in iTunes.


TWiL 122 Video — Meet Sue Domonous


The title is a play on what I hereby pronounce to be an utterly unpronounceable word: psuedonymous. Psuedonymity is much on people's minds lately with recent decisions and discussions regarding Google+. We also consider whether and how long ISPs should be required to retain customer data (and whether that has anything at all to do with child safety), how you can procure real (but unauthorized) stormtrooper armor without violating a single Lucasfilm copyright, and more.

Episode 122 Discussion Points. Video archives for this WEEK in LAW are available at TWiT.tv, on YouTube, and ODTV.  TWiL is on Twitter and Facebook, if you're so inclined. Please also rate the show in iTunes.