BBEdit Testimonials

We say: “It doesn't suck.®” Here's what some of our devoted customers say:

  • Liz Castro     Technical Author

    What do you do? I'm a computer book author, most recently about EPUB and ebooks but also about HTML, CSS, Perl and CGI, XML, Blogger and iPhoto. Until 2010, all of my books were published by Peachpit Press. Since then, I've been experimenting with self-publishing under the imprint Cookwood Press.

    When did you start using BBEdit? I feel like I've been using BBEdit forever. I know we talked about it in The Macintosh Bible, 5th Ed (1993). I probably first starting using BBEdit in earnest in 1995 while writing the very first edition of my book on HTML. I found BBEdit so helpful that I recommended it to all my readers.

    What do you make? How does BBEdit help? I make web pages and ebooks and BBEdit is an essential tool in the creation of both. BBEdit's tag coloring, GREP commands, compare features, mastery of character encodings, DOCTYPES, previewing, and more, all make my job a lot easier.

    I love figuring out how to search for very specific strings, and then replace them with a new configuration of original and modified data. It's very powerful. But better than that, it's fun.

    What's your favorite project that BBEdit has helped bring to life? I developed all the code examples of each of the seven editions of my “HTML Visual QuickStart” book with the help of BBEdit. I used BBEdit's syntax checker constantly to help proofread the code and make sure I wasn't passing on silly typos to my readers. BBEdit proved invaluable in my “EPUB Straight to the Point” book. Because ereader support of EPUB is so variable, using BBEdit's Compare Documents feature helps figure out what exactly is different between a working EPUB and one that isn't.

    Which feature is your favorite? Probably my favorite feature of BBEdit are the GREP commands in Find and Replace. I love figuring out how to search for very specific strings, and then replace them with a new configuration of original and modified data. It's very powerful. But better than that, it's fun.