BBEdit Testimonials
We say: “It doesn't suck.®” Here's what some of our devoted customers say:
What do you do? I edit the New Hampshire Gazette, the Nation's Oldest Newspaper™, founded in 1756 by Daniel Fowle (my third cousin, five times removed).
When did you start using BBEdit? I started using BBEdit in 2007.
What do you make? How does BBEdit help? I can't stand existing browsers' built-in bookmark tools, so I make simple html pages to store and curate links to news items, &c. I use a dumbed-down and slightly tweaked version of Tufte CSS, which looks nice and serves my needs well. BBEdit helps because, like all properly made tools, it reinforces the urge to work, and to strive for perfection.
Like all properly made tools, BBEdit reinforces the urge to work, and to strive for perfection.
What's your favorite project that BBEdit has helped bring to life? The Gazette, without a doubt. The first newspaper in New Hampshire, the Gazette was printed — no surprise here — on the first printing press in New Hampshire. In the mid-eighteenth century, this was very labor-intensive: each copy required four separate pulls on a massive lever.
In 1989, while trying
to verify a story told to me by my father three decades earlier, I discovered that I
could reclaim the paper by registering its then-lapsed trade name for the
grand sum of forty bucks. The rights had most recently belonged to Canadian
press baron Lord Kenneth of Fleet, the world's ninth-richest man.
Which feature is your favorite? I rely heavily on the search-and-replace history in the Find window.