BBEdit Testimonials

We say: “It doesn't suck.®” Here's what some of our devoted customers say:

  • Ryan Dotson     Teacher by day, writer by night

    What do you do? Senior Word Engineer

    When did you start using BBEdit? I am surprised to recall that there was a time when I did not use BBEdit. The first version I used was 4.5, and I’m still excited by using it. BBEdit is a fond friend.

    What do you make? How does BBEdit help? Words. Heaps and heaps of words. If I’m writing anything longer than a sentence or two (like this!), it’s done in BBEdit. I know I’ll have the basic text editing features I rely on immediately to hand. BBEdit’s tools are second nature and help make me an efficient writer. What’s even better is that I can create my own features using BBEdit’s superb scripting dictionary, making it even more <em>my</em> tool.

    BBEdit’s tools are second nature and help make me an efficient writer.

    What's your favorite project that BBEdit has helped bring to life? Most recently, the help book for NetNewsWire 5 – another application which makes the Mac the finest computing platform. Otherwise, my personal web site. Every last character of HTML, CSS, templating code and of course the entries, was typed into BBEdit. Typing into a web form is barbaric by comparison.

    Which feature is your favorite? Projects. I use them to collect both text documents and reference material from all across my disk. For example, I was recently studying a programming language, all handled through a BBEdit project: folders for exercise code and deployed code; collections for PDFs of text books and other reference books.