Showing posts with label Layer Cake. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Layer Cake. Show all posts

A zillion apologies will never justify my absence.. am sorry for my lacking in updating my blog.. i had wanted to update my blog while in Paris.. but i didnt.. i took photos.. i took along my lappy but i didnt update my blog.. most of the pics in my IG were taken fm my phone and those that i took using my SLR I made a flipagram video of in my IG.. follow me on IG ok cos i am not too sure if i hv the time to update a travelogue on my Paris trip in my blog.

Bef i go on and on abt whats new with us.. i just want to thank all the lovely ppl in my IG and FB.. the messages that I am getting daily asking me abt my well being.. abt how i am coping right now.. I feel blessed and thankful..

1st Jan was the day my dad was admitted to CCU.. he has been sick the last few months and became very weak on the eve of new year that we decided to take him to the A&E.. found out that his diabetes was at a critical stage.. he was rushed to the CCU unit where he got proper care and medication.. the family is being tight-nit during this period of time (which is important).. both my sisters and my mom took turns to sleep over.. dad was knocked out for the first two days.. he was blabbering and couldnt even remember what he was talking abt.. mom was pretty aware of the situation and was always on guard whenever she saw dad's doc.. after five days in CCU.. doc decided to release him to the normal ward and he has been warded there for the past few days.. hes better now... talking and not falling asleep every five minutes... hes laughing lots too which i hv not seen for over a year.. hes sitting down on his own and eating properly... started to read the newspaper and magazines again which he lost interest many months ago... i am thankful to Allah for this... us sisters were strong and supported each other.. sis Wati has not been back to work ever since dad was admitted and i dont know what i would do without them... love u girls so much!

While dad was in CCU.. my grandma was admited to ICU.. shes been worried sick abt dad that it somehow deteriorated her health.. she was bleeding internally and there is only so much that we can do (she's 89)... she was in ICU and a few hrs ago they pushed her to the recovering unit.. she can still recognize us.. shes still talking eventho she looks weak today.. may Allah gv her strength to go thru this period of time..

Looking back at what is happening right now... it makes me realise how important it is to hv a strong bond in a family.. no matter how tough the situation is... if u hv a strong family foundation.. u will come out on top..

So ok... lets move on.. there are too many new recipes that i want to share but time is really not on my side.. the interest that i once had seems to be going south.. i dont know if i will be able to update my blog as often as bef but one thing is for sure... i will keep my blog running as long as i can.. this blog is after all abt sharing recipes..

.. and abt my family.. Sonia is growing into a young girl.. shes in K2 and will be 6yo in two months time.. Hairi has been travelling and is going to Paris next week.. err i think.. hubs is still travelling and was in Jakarta two days ago and will be in China whole of next week.. i still hate it whenever he has to travel but thats how it is.. am thankful that hes been working hard to provide us well.. overall we are good and settling into the brand new year.. taking one day at a time..

Alrighty since this post is all abt family bonding... i wanna share a few pics taken on my bday.. eve of xmas.. the day Mr Santa give away prezzies hehe

And oh yes.. bef i call it a day.. heres the recipe of my bday cake which i prepared a few hrs bef my family members arrived.. enjoy and pardon for the not so good quality pic of my cake.. took pic using my phone :o)

2 cups / 228g cake flour
1/2 cup/ 27g cocoa powder
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
4 oz/113g bittersweet chocolate (finely chopped)
1/2 cup/120ml boiling water
1 cup/242g sour cream
2 tsp vanilla extract
1 cup/ 227g unsalted butter, softened
2 cups/400g granulated sugar, divided
4 large eggs, seperated, at room temp
1/4 tsp cream of tartar

Chocolate Frosting
85g bittersweet chocolate (chopped)
1/2 cup / 113g unsalted butter, softened
1 cup / 113g confectioners sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract

This recipe uses coconut pecan filling but i opted for salted caramel cream cheese frosting .. why? simply bec i didnt hv enough time to prepare the filling :oP

Make the cake
1) Position a rack in the center of the oven and preheat the oven to 350F (180C). Grease the bottom and sides of two 9" round cake pans. Dust the pans with flour

2) Sift together the cake flour, cocoa powder, baking soda and salt into a medium bowl, set aside

3) Combine the chocolate and boiling water in a bowl and whisk until the chocolate is completely melted and the mixture is smooth. Set aside to cool until repid.

4) In a small bowl, stir together the sour cream and vanilla extract, set aside

5) In the bowl of an electric mixer, using the paddle attachment, beat the butter at medium speed until creamy, abt 1 min. Gradually add 1 1/2 cup of sugar and beat at high speed until well blended and light, abt 3 mins. Reduce speed to medium and add the egg yolks one at a time, beating well after each addition and scraping down the sides of the bowl as necessary. Add the rapid chocolate and mix until blended. If ur mixer has a splatter shield attachment, attach it now.

6)Reduce the seed to low and add the flour mixture in three additions, alternating it with sour cream in tow additions and mixing just until blended. Remove the bowl fm the mixer stand and set aside.

7) In a clean mixer bowl, using the whisk attachment, beat the egg whites at low speed util frothy. Add the cream o tartar and mix just until blended. Increase the speed to medium and beat until the whites are fluffy and begin to form soft peaks. Gradually add the remaining 1/2 cup of sugar. Increase speed to high and whip the whites until they are glossy and smooth and form stiff peaks. Using a rubber spatula, gently fold the whites into the chocolate batter one third at a time, Scrape the batter into prepared pans and smooth the tops

8) Bake the cakes for 30 to 35 mins, until toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Cool the cakes in their pans on wire racks for 20mins.

9) Run a small knife around the edge of each pan to loosen the cake. Invert each cake onto a wire rack and cool completely.

Make  the frosting
1) Put the chocolate in a medium stainless steel bowl and place the bowl over a pot of barely simmering water. Heat, stiring frequently until the chocolate is completely melted. Remove the bowl fm over the pot and set the chocolate aside to cool until repid.

2) In the bowl of an electric mixer, using the paddle attachment, eat the butter at medium speed until creamy abt 30 sec. Gradually add the confectioners' sugar and beat at high speed unti the repid chocolate at low speed, mixing until blended and scraping down the sides of the bowl as necessary. Increase the speed to high and heat until the frosting is slightly aerated.. abt 1 min. Use the frosting immediately, or cover tightly and set aside at room temp for up to 3hr

Recipe adapted fm The Cake book fm Tish Boyle.. Bake it ok cos hubs said.. the cake is the mother of all chocolate cake hehe


2nd day of ramadhan.. Alhamdullilah.. yesterday went by quicker than i anticipated.. i was a little busy and didnt realise the time till hubs came home fm work.. quickly packed all the food and desserts that i had prepared and off we went to my parents place for iftar... a typical thingy in the Kassims family.. first and last day of iftar has to be at moms - where even the grandkids will automatically come without being told.. where even the only white horse in the Kassims family will ask: is mom going to cook nasi rawon, rendang and sambal goreng for us? hehehe

Today I am not planning anything big.. house is cleaned.. no laundry to do.. i hv one more layer cake to bake today for this week's order and thats it... still hv no idea on what kind of dessert to prepare for iftar.. maybe the pavlova that hubs has been craving for .. will see..

So ok.. my main intention of updating my blog today is to share this recipe.. a recipe fm Pak Yongki Gunawan.. the first time i bought his book.. i knew this would be one of the recipe that i'd try to bake.. first its a steamed type of layer cake.. second by looking at his cake pic.. i cant help but wonder: how on earth did he get a baking effect/ brown layer in a steamed layer cake.. well i will first share with u the recipe..

12 egg yolks
7 egg whites
375g sugar
20g starkies - use ovallete if u cant find any
180g flour
40g milk powder
1 tsp baking powder
a few drops of yellow food colouring
1 tsp salt

50g Hollman butter - use any brand that u like
200g Wisjman butter
40g condense milk
1 tbsp Toffieco Bakar - use vanilla paste if u dont hv it

75g mix fruits
75g almond slices
75g red and green cherries - sliced or cubes

Cocoa powder

Prepare ur steamer.. grease ur 8x8 baking pan
On a stand mixer.. whisk (A) till thick and fluffy - set aside
In a seperate bowl.. whisk (B) till batter turns pale in colour. once done.. fold in (A) into (B) a little at a time and continue to stir slowly with a rubber spatula till its well balanced.
Weigh ur batter and divide it with the number of layers that u intended to hv in ur cake.. he uses 100g of batter for each layer..
Pour the first layer of batter and steam it for 5 mins.. take it out of ur steamer.. add a little of (C) and sieve in (D).. pour another 100g of batter and continue to steam for another 5 mins..
You do that till u use up all the batter.

My cake ended up not having the brown lines that pak yongki gunawan got on his cake.. i think the pic that he got in his book was of a baked one or maybe he used a brown type of cocoa powder cos after i sliced my cake.. the lines that i got were almost black lol (bec i use cocoa berry maybe?) 

At that instant i had that "duh" moment lol.. I suddenly realised the purpose of cocoa powder in his recipe.. to create the "lines" on every layer.. duhhh.. i shud hv added a lot more cocoa to make the layers much more visible - next time when i do this layer cake.. i will divide my batter into two colours to create the layers and leave out the cocoa powder :)

Long story short.. cake turned out fab.. love the taste of this cake.. rich in flavours.. u get the moistness fm steaming, u get the sweet and sour taste fm the fruits and u get the creamy taste fm the batter :o)

Am a little frustrated with my other half.. hes outstation again.. dont u just love them even more when they travel practically every single week grrrr..the best part.. i dont even know his schedule anymore! ai ya ya..  i better not start blabbering .. too early for that! :oP

Had baked this cake yesterday simply bec everyone in my household loves mango mousse cake... in fact.. its one of my hubs fav but bec he has to travel again... he didnt get to taste it!

Mango Mousse
16g gelatine powder
50gg hot water
300g whipping cream
3 tbsp icing sugar
400g mango puree (if refrigerated, bring to room temperature)
140g diced mango

Mango Glaze
100g mango puree (bring to room temperature)
3g gelatin powder
3 tbsp boiling water

Cotton Cake
145g low protein flour - cake flour
15g corn flour
1 egg
5 egg yolks - whisk lightly with a fork
150g unsalted butter
65g fresh milk

5 egg white
100g castor sugar
1/4 tsp salt

Cotton Cake
1) Preheat oven 150C.. grease and line ur 7 baking pan.. wrap bottom of ur baking pan with aluminium.
2) Heat butter and milk till warmish.. do not let it boil ok.. switch off heat and add in sifted flour and corn flour.. mix using wooden spatula.
3) Transfer to a bigger bowl and add in ur eggs.. continue to mix till smooth.
4) In another bowl.. whisk egg white till frothy.. add in salt and add in sugar in 3 addition.. whisk till soft peak
5) Pour 1/3 of egg white mixture into ur egg/butter mixture.. fold in gently.. pour the rest and continue to mix gently.. (same manner as when ur baking chiffon cake.. cotton cheesecake)
6) Pour batter into baking pan and bake it au bain marie method for abt 45 mins.
7) Let the cake cool and slice horizontally 2 slices and trim them into 6 x 6 inch square.

Mango Mousse
1) In a mixing bowl, whip whipping cream with icing sugar to soft peak state. Refrigerate to chill.
2) In a small bowl, dissolve gelatine in hot water. When the gelatine is fully dissolved, add to mango puree. Mix well.
3) Add the mango mixture to whipped cream. Mix well until incorporated.
4) Use a 7 x 7 inch cake ring, place a layer of cake and pour in mango mousse, or use a large piping tip to pipe the mixture. Do take note of the corners. Add mango cubes and cover them with some mousse. Let it slighty set for about 10 minutes in the fridge.
5) Lay another cake layer and pour the remaining mousse. Let it set for 30 to 45 minutes in the fridge.

Mango Glaze
1) Dissolve gelatine in hot water. Mix in mango puree. Wait till the mousse is set and the topping is cooled, arrange sliced fruits, if using, pour in the topping carefully. Let the cake chill for at least 3 hours before removing the cake ring.

Cotton Cake recipe is fm Mbak Ricke.. i used the same cotton cake recipe for my strawberry shortcake 
Mango mousse recipe is fm Rei

Thank you ladies! This recipe also took me back to my old post where i first made mango mousse cake for my super duper hubs... blueekk


From the bottom my heart... ty for all the lovely comments here or in my fb or like page... just so u know.. i read each and every single one of em... i chose to hide it here simply bec i think its personal and close to my heart... 

When i let out whats in my heart.. i am letting it out simply bec this is the tiny space which i hv created since 2009.. this month i am celebrating my 4th year of blogging... i started blogging April 2009 and two days ago i dropped the news that i am planning to privatise my blog... i didnt realise all that until someone mentioned - i hope this is not an april's fool thingy hehe... to the someone who "reminded" me that no matter what... i will get more credits fm up Above.. Alhamdullilah... that woke me up and made me realise that my blog is all abt sharing... most important thing.. many hv benefited out of it.. be it baking for the family or baking for business... thank you... i managed to put aside all the negative vibes and managed to bake this wonderful cake for my family...

This is the second time that i've baked hubs a Sacher Torte.. the first time i baked it was in 2010.. i remember clearly that i baked it to take along to a small gathering at Sandra's place... oh how time flies... sometimes things happen for a reason and if it was not bec of how i felt for the past couple of months.. i dont think i will remember why i started blogging in the first place..

Sacher Torte... a famous Viennese dessert.. a cake which i was dying to get my hands on when we went to Austria in 2010.. omg this entry takes me back to my old post (do have a look at it)... brings back sweet memories that we are blessed to have experienced.. i miss Austria.. i know hubs misses being there too... we had a wonderful time there.. getting to know hubs side for the first time.. err well thats not true... the first time i met hubs side was when we went to Argentina.. opppssy here we go again... memories... sweet sweet memories.. u shud look at Sonia's pics back then hehe

"The Original Sacher-Torte

A little piece of history

The story of the world-famous Original Sacher-Torte began in 1832, when the all-mighty "coachman of Europe", Wenzel Clemens Prince Metternich, ordered the creation of a particularly palatable dessert for spoiled high-ranking guests.

"Take care that you do NOT make me look a fool tonight", he warned. That very day, however, the chef was unavailable! The order was reassigned to a 16-year-old apprentice in his second year, the quick-witted chap Franz Sacher...

One thing was certain; the speciality which was finally presented to the masters and mistresses was a resounding success: a soft and fluffy chocolate cake with the tasty apricot jam under the icing. Franz certainly never forgot the great success of his ingenious idea within this exclusive circle. He spent his apprenticeship working for the Count of Esterhazy, first in Bratislava and then in Budapest.

When, as a fully qualified cook, he started to work on his own account, he offered his successful composition once again, this time on a large scale. He was successful and soon the "cake by this man named Sacher" was in great demand, and the victorious career of the probably most famous of all cakes began." taken fm here

So ok peeps... i will not publish this recipe online... write to me if u want it yah.. by far... for sure... this is the first time in a long time that i ate a full slice of cake... the texture this time is definitely denser than my previous recipe and isnt as dry... the apricot preserve really comes through and in no way does this cake require the "smoothing" of whipped cream... for chocolate glazing.. i used the couverture chocolate that i bought while in Colmar and also Marmer couverture chocolate that hubs family friend got me fm Vienna during their last visit here.. super yummeh.. recipe is a real keeper!!! oh oh do u agree when i say that the edible gold leaf is just ohhhhh so stunning on a cake ahaks... and so damn expensive! But good things go into and onto good cakes :)

... a slice of heaven

Can u believe that i took a total of 10 pics using my SLR while in Bangkok .. i wanted to take more but the heat was unbearable that i had to leave it in our hotel room... ya know.. (heat+heavy SLR=Impossible) lol

We are back.. been back since last tues.. i had a super good time while in Bangkok.. the ppl.. the markets.. the food.. never fail to amaze me.. the best part was when my second sister, Wati, decided to book her tickets a few hrs bef her flight lol.. it was like...

Wati: "sis .. i've decided to fly to Bangkok.. booked our tickets... see u in Bkk"

Rima: " say what??!!.. yahoooo" hahaha

What cud be better than to hv ur sibling with u while running around fm one shop to another in Bangkok lol.. i wished my 3rd sister was with us but i guess not everyone is like sis Wati muahahaha.. she was there with two of her kids and hubs.. they flew back on Sunday and on Monday i had the chance to meet up with Serena and her friend.. she took me to Chinatown where we did a stop in a baking supply shop.. now dont ask me where in Chinatown cos i cant even recall where the shop is lol

Anyway after spending a few good hrs there.. Serena took me to this Indian restaurant where we had the best fried fish ever .. err i think the fried fish was just like any fried fish lol but we were hungry and the fish was super fresh and hot when it was being served.. we all ate like theres no tmrw lol.. after lunch Serena drove us back to the hotel where i met up with my old friend Ping.. Justin was in UK and it was kind enough of Ping to meet up with me..

We flew back the next day after hubs was done with his meetings.. it was a full on trip but i had a wonderful time.. got home late at night and starting baking the very next day... thank you to all who have ordered... am so glad that i managed to get it done on time..

Oh i also managed to bake my family this cake... i had this craving of white cake with raspeberry since like forever.. whipped up Dorie's white cake recipe.. prepared raspeberry compote and also swiss meringue buttercream for the frosting... i had wanted to add fresh raspeberry in between the layers but for some reason the fresh ones had a heavy price tag on that day.. i took out my frozen raspeberry and also blackberry.. sliced it into half and spread it on every layer.. works well for me too..

So ok... heres the recipe for the berry compote .. as for Dorie's white cake .. u can get the recipe fm my previous post.. and swiss meringue buttercream u can get it here.. enjoy n hv a blast wkend!

Berry Compote:
1 cups frozen sliced strawberries
1/4 cup sugar
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
1 1/2 cups fresh berries - i used frozen berries

In a medium saucepan, mix together the frozen strawberries, sugar, and lemon juice. Over medium heat, bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low and simmer, stirring occasionally, until mixture thickens and is syrupy about 10 minutes. Transfer to a small bowl and let cool slightly. Add fresh berries and stir to coat berries. Serve at room temperature or refrigerate until ready to use

Pic taken using my Iphone :o)

Note: i used two 7" round pans.. sliced both cakes to get 4 layers... i used sugar syrup on each layer.. spread berries compote.. spread swiss meringue buttercream and top it with frozen berries.. top another layer of white cake .. u do that till ur done with 4 layers of cake..


So I am back.. been back since last Thursday.. my Jakarta and KL trips were good.. took my camera and lappy with me but didnt even make full use of it... makes me wonder if i shud even be bothered to take along my lappy with me on my short trips.. i did take a few good pics on our visit to Taman Safari in Bogor tho... Sonia had a blast of cos! ty Lies for taking the time to take us there and to Acha whom i met while in Jakarta.. ty for coming by to see me... it was so so nice to meet another fellow baker in Jakarta.. take care my friend and hope to see u again soon!

Anyway theres one more trip thats coming up in a few days time and i just cant wait! Theres something abt Bangkok that i am in love with.. not bec of the bakery supply shop cos really.. its not as big and exciting as in Jkt.. its the ppl.. the surroundings and the markets that get me really really excited... this bkk trip also sees me flying with Sonia on my own for the very first time.. err well not really... the first trip that i took with Sonia alone was when we flew fm Adelaide to Brisbane..  she was only a few months old and my dear hubs already put his foot down and told me.. "u gonna take that plane without me... u will survive".. errr well i did survive and it made me a much more independent woman ever since.. anywho... back to my upcoming trip.. am flying there with Sonia and will be meeting hubs in bkk.. my hubs flew to Germany late last night and will be flying into bkk the same day we will be there :o)

Alrighty.. lets get back to this cake.. recipe is fm Tish Boyle.. the first recipe that i choose fm the book that hubs bought me a few weeks ago.. dont ask me why i decided on it.. not bec of the pic in the book cos the pic doesnt show much.. i guess its the interesting name .. :o) 

This cake is rich, intensely chocolaty, fudgy, moist and decedent. It’s almost black, brownie-like layers/ mud cake texture are sandwiched together with a smooth and fudgy chocolate pudding fillings and pls dont get me started with the chocolate frosting too lol... to some it may be a little sweet but to me it works well with the cake itself.. yums!

Chocolate Pudding Filling:
4 large egg yolks
2/3 cup (4.6 oz/132 g) granulated sugar
2 tablespoons plus 1/2 teaspoon cornstarch
1/8 teaspoon salt
1 cup (240 ml) water
2/3 cup (160 ml) heavy cream
3 ounces (85 g) semisweet or bittersweet chocolate, finely chopped
1 tablespoon unsalted butter
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Chocolate Blackout Cake:
1 1/2 cups (6.4 oz/181 g) all-purpose flour
1 cup (2.9 oz/85 g) natural cocoa powder - i used valrhona
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
2 cups (14 oz/400 g) granulated sugar
2 large eggs
1 large egg yolk
1 cup (240 ml) buttermilk
1/2 cup (1 stick/4 oz/113 g) unsalted butter, melted
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 cup (240 ml) hot brewed coffee

Fudgy Chocolate Frosting:
4 ounces (113 g) unsweetened chocolate, chopped (I use valrhona 55%)
11 tablespoon (156 g) unsalted butter, softened
1 2/3 cups (191 g) confectioners’ sugar
2 teaspoons vanilla extract

Make the Chocolate Pudding Filling:
1. In the bowl of an electric mixer, using the paddle attachment, beat the egg yolks, sugar, cornstarch, and salt at medium speed until pale, about 1 minute.
2. In a medium, heavy saucepan, combine the water and cream, and bring to a boil over medium heat. Remove the pan from the heat and whisk about 1/2 of the hot cream mixture into the yolk mixture. Whisk this mixture into the remaining cream mixture in the saucepan. Cook over medium heat, whisking constantly, until the mixture comes to a boil. Continue to boil, whisking, for 1 minute. Remove the pan from the heat and whisk in the chocolate until it is completely melted. Pass the filling through a fine-mesh sieve into a small bowl. Stir in the vanilla extract. Cover the surface of the pudding with plastic wrap, and refrigerate for at least 2 hours, until chilled.

Make the Chocolate Blackout Cake:
3. Position a rack in the center of the oven and preheat the oven to 350°F. Greased two 9" baking pan.
4. In the bowl of an electric mixer, sift together the flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. Add the granulated sugar and, using the paddle attachment, mix at low speed until blended.
5. In a medium bowl, whisk together the eggs, egg yolk, buttermilk, melted butter, and vanilla extract. While mixing the dry ingredients at low speed, add the egg mixture in a steady steam. Scrape down the sides of the bowl with a rubber spatula, then beat at medium speed for 1 minute, until well blended. Add the hot coffee at low speed, mixing just until blended. Remove the bowl from the mixer stand and stir the batter from the bottom of the bowl a few times to thoroughly blend the batter. Scrape the batter into the prepared cups, dividing it evenly. Bake it for 30 to 35 minutes, until a cake tester inserted into the center of each cake comes out clean. Cool the cakes on a wire rack. (i divide batter into three 7" cake pan)

Make the Fudgy Chocolate Frosting:
6. Put both chocolates in a medium stainless steel bowl and place the bowl over a pot of barely simmering water. Heat, stirring frequently, until the chocolate is completely melted. Remove the bowl from over the pot and set the chocolate aside to cool until tepid.
7. In the bowl of an electric mixer, using the paddle attachment, beat the butter at medium speed until creamy, about 30 seconds. Gradually add the confectioners’ sugar and beat at high speed for 2 minutes, until light and creamy. Beat in the vanilla extract. Add the cooled chocolate at low speed, mixing until blended and scraping down the sides of the bowl as necessary. Increase the speed to high and beat for 1 minute, until slightly aerated. Use the frosting immediately, or cover well and keep at room temperature for up to 3 hours before using.

Using a large serrated knife, cut the two chocolate cake layers in half, to create 4 layers. Set one layer aside and crumble half of it into crumbs to use as decoration later (you can eat the remaining bit).
Place one cake layer on a serving plate and spread over half of the filling. Top with another cake layer, the rest of the filling and the final cake layer. You should have a three-tiered cake at this stage.
Spread the chocolate frosting over the top and sides of the cake. Don’t worry about being too neat as its going to get covered in crumbs.
Scatter the saved cake crumbs over the top of the cake (sides too if you wish)
Serve immediately or store at room temperature for up to 3 days. The cake becomes even more moist and fudgy over time.


Hey peeps... its a brand new week and we are already on our 2nd week of 2013.. too fast if u were to ask me but hey what to do.. thats how it is .. u sleep.. u wake up and ur daily routine starts again.. am not complaining.... at least i dont hv to wake up in the middle of the night to breast feed my baby hahaha.. err can u imagine me preggie again at 44? blueekk.. if u were to ask hubs and Sonia if they want an addition to our family.. both will answer u promptly.. NO WAY! ishhh

The weekend was spent wisely.. we were out half of the day on sat and i spent the other half baking for my customers.. i also baked black forest cake for my family to enjoy... its a pretty straight forward cake and as much as i hv a few sponge cake recipe which i hv been using... i hv never stopped myself fm trying out new recipes... this is one of the recipes which i had planned to try out and since i am trying out Yongki Gunawan's sponge cake recipe to bake rainbow cake .. i thought why not bake his chocolate sponge cake too.. so here u are... recipe below is for a 24cm cake... half it if u wanna a 7" cake ok

8 eggs yolks
7 eggs
200g sugar
15g emulsifier
1 tsp vanilla essence
100g flour
25g corn flour
25g cocoa powder
15g milk powder
150g melted butter
1-2 tbsp black forest paste

Light simple syrup
100g sugar
300g water

Dark cherry fillings
1 can of dark cherry - seperate juice and cheery
300ml dark cherry syrup
50g sugar
3 tbsp corn flour

500ml of non dairy whipping cream
chocolate shaving

Preheat oven 170C and grease 3 x 24cm baking pan
Whisk eggs, sugar, emulsifier and vanilla essence till fluffy
Fold in sifted flour, corn flour, cocoa powder and also milk powder
Once mixed.. add in black forest paste and also ur melted butter
Divide equally between three pans.. bake it for abt 20 to 25 mins

Light simple syrup
Cook sugar and water on low fire till sugar dissolve.. set it aside to cool

Dark cherry fillings
Seperate dark cherry fm syrup.. slice dark cherry
Cook 300ml of dark cherry syrup (u can add water if ur syrup doesnt add up to 300ml) with sugar.. once sugar is dissolved.. turn down the fire and add in corn flour.. cook till it thickens.. once thickened.. switch off fire and add in ur dark cherry... let it cool

Place the top layer (with the "skin"), cut side up. Brush about 1/3 cup of the sugar syrup over the cake layer. Spread with about 3/4 cup of the whipped cream, making a 1-inch-wide border around the perimeter of the layer that is slightly higher than the cream in the center. Spread half of the cherry filling in the center of the cream layer, letting the cream border contain the filling. Repeat with another cake layer, syrup, cream, and the remaining filling. Top with the final cake layer and brush with the remaining syrup.

Spread the top and sides of the cake with a thin layer of the whipped cream, just enough to mask the cake and its crumbs. Refrigerate the cake (but not the bowl of cream) until the cream is set, about 10 minutes.

Transfer 1 cup of the whipped cream to a pastry bag fitted with a 1M tip, and set aside. Spread the top and then the sides of the cake with the remaining cream. Pipe 6 equally spaced rosettes around the top perimeter of the cake and insert one of the reserved cherries in each rosette. scoop  chocolate shaving and scatter it on the middle of ur cake

Refrigerate until the cream is set, at least 1 hour or overnight. Slice with a sharp, thin-bladed knife and serve chilled.

Source: Mbak Ricke

Monday monday... there are times when i just cannot run away fm monday blues... there is some kinda unhappiness that i hv been bottling up for the past couple of days.. arghh..  dont u just love ppl who really know how to get others to do their non business related things! geeeshhh

I told myself that i shud take it easy this year.. am 44 and i dont need to get myself worked up but if that person which u cant stand smses after midnight just to tell hubs to shop for him something.. that really pisses me off.. anyway am not here to vent my frustration.. i just need to get it out of my system .. thats all.. so bare with me huhu

Hubs flew to Jakarta a few hrs ago.. he took the first flight out and will be there for a couple of days.. I am still coughing away and i think i hv tried 101 ways to stop myself fm coughing.. ty to someone who recommended me to buy Ricola .. it soothes my throat a little..

On a lighter note.. a couple of days ago i received a parcel fm a courier service only to find out that KNur whom i met in Paris, had sent me a bday prezzie.. the latest recipe book by David Lebovitz.. i was thrilled and as i flipped thru the book cover.. i noticed that the book has a personalized dedication and his signature on it! i quickly went thru the book and this cake caught my eye instantly! showed it to hubs and his eyes just lit up.. knew i had to bake it for him bef he flew off... bought riped bananas fm the wet market and as soon as we got home fm our Saturday outing.. i began my journey with the famous David Lebovitz hehehe

This cake has three steps that u need to pay attention to.. the banana cake... the mocha frosting and the super delicious salted candied peanuts.. i wud recommend u to prepare the mocha frosting first as it took a little while to get that spreading consistency . next is to prepare the banana cake and as soon as u place ur cake in ur oven.. u can start to preparing the candied peanuts.. pls take note that i toasted all the nuts bef i used em and to get a high cake.. i used two 7" round cake pans.

So ok.. here is the first recipe fm Ready for Dessert by David Lebovitz.. ty KNur for the lovely pressie.. happy belated bday to u.... and to Lilly, happy advance bday! hehe

2 1/2 cups (350g) all purpose flour
1 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
3/4 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup (230g) unsalted butter, at room temp
1 1/2 cups (300g) sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp instant espresso
2 large eggs, at room temp
6 tbsp (90ml) buttermilk,yogurt, or sour cream - at room temp
2 cups (500ml) banana puree
1 1/4 cups (125g) pecans or walnuts, toasted and coarsely chopped

Candied Peanuts
1 cup (150g) raw or unsalted lightly roasted peanuts
1/2 cup (100g) sugar
3 tbsp (45ml) water
1/2 tsp flaky sea salt
1/8 tsp ground cinnamon

10 oz (280g) bittersweet or semi sweet chocolate - coarsely chopped
1/2 cup (125ml) strong brewed coffee or espresso
10tbsp (140g) unsalted or salted butter, cut into pieces - room temp

Preheat oven to 175C. Butter the bottom and sides of two 9" round cake pans and line the bottoms with circles of parchment paper.

To make the cake, in a medium bowl, whisk together the flour, cinnamon, the baking powder, baking soda and salt.

In a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, beat together butter and sugar on medium speed until light and fluffy - abt 5 mins. Add the vanilla and instant espresso powder, then beat in the eggs one at a time, mixing until completely incorporated. Mix in half of the flour mixture, followed by the buttermilk and banana puree. Stir in the remaining flour mixture, then stir in the pecans or walnuts just until combined. Dont overmix.

Divide the batter evenly amonng the 2 prepared pans. Bake until golden brown and a toothpick inserted into the center of the cakes comes out clean, abt 40mins. Remove fm the oven and let cool completely.

To prepare the peanuts. in a medium heavy bottomed skillet over medium heat, combine the peanuts, sugar and the water. When the sugar begins to liquefy, begin stirring. Continue cooking, stirring frequently, until the sugar crystallizes. Decrease the heat to medium low and continue to cook, stirring, letting the crystallized sugar on the bottom melt and brown slightly. Then use a heatproof spatula to scrape up the liquefied sugar and continuously coat the peanuts with it, tilting the pan to help the sugar coat the nuts evenly.

Once the peanuts are a bit glossy and coated with syrup (there will be some sugary crystals on them still, which is normal), sprinkle the sea salt and cinnamon over them. Stir the peanuts a couple of times, then scrape the candied peanuts onto a baking sheet and let cool completely.

To make the frosting, combine the chocolate and coffee in a medium heatproof bowl set over a pan of simmering water, stirring occasionally until the chocolate is melted and the mixture is smooth. Remove the bowl from the heat and whisk in the butter until combined. Let cool completely, until thick and spreadable.

To assemble the cake, run a knife around the sides of the cakes to help them loosen fm the pans. Invert one cake onto a serving plate and peel off the parchment. Spread abt 3/4 cup of mocha frosting over the surface of the cake. Invert the second cake layer out of its pan, peel off the parchment and place it over the frosted cake layer. Spread the remaining frosting evenly over the top and sides of the cake.

Coarsely chop the candied peanuts and sprinkle them over the top of the cake.

Phewww that was a long one! hehehe.. enjoy the recipe.. bake it for ur special one and to hubs.. take it easy eventho u hv full on meetings.. see ya soon and honestly?? i hate being left behind.. yikes!!

Ok i hv to admit that this time round its different... it took me a couple of days to go thru my jet lag.. Sonia was a lot more worse than me.. she would sleep at 3pm and when i tried waking her up at 6pm.. she would get agitated and head back back to bed.. sh then finally woke up at 10pm and would only fall asleep again close to 2am.. guess what time she got up?? blahhh 4am! yes to her the 2am sleep was like taking a nap in the afternoon arghhh!!

The last two days was better... we managed to make her not go to sleep at 3pm and by 8pm she was telling us that she wanted to lie down... she would then sleep thru till 7am... and me? since i am officially on "hols" and dont hv to get up at 6:30am to perform my prayers.. will then sleep till 10am... ahhhh this is life ey hehehe

So alrighty.. this cake was baked a day after i got home fm Germany.. i had actually wanted to bake something else but while going thru my fridge.. i found 2 packets of ice cream powder which were abt to expire.. so with a full tray of eggs in hand and a can of Wisjman butter which i had in my freezer.. i decided to bake this strawberry ice cream layer cake.. and then I forgot the ice cream.. So i ran out to the petrol station and all they had was... Haagen Dazs... argghh! $14.90 just for ice cream!!!

450g butter - i used Wisjman butter
1 tsp vanilla essence

24 egg yolk
5 egg white
280g fine sugar
80g self-raising flour
1 tbsp ovelette

130g milk powder - i used vanilla ice cream powder and milk powder
1 tsp vanilla essence

170g strawberry ice-cream powder - i added strawberry paste for making ice cream
150g strawberry ice-cream (softened) - i use Haagen Dazs :op
pink colouring - pink gel

Preheat oven at 160 deg C. Use top heat only.
Cream A until softened & mixed thoroughly.
Combine B in a mixing bowl & beat on high speed for about 7 minutes until thick .
Add A & mix thoroughly.
Divide mixture into 2 parts.
Add C into 1 part & mix thoroughly.
Add D into another part & mix thoroughly.
Pour 2 ladles of plain batter into a 10x7" lined & greased baking pan (Grease & line bottom of pan only). Grill until cook & golden brown for about one & a half to two minutes.
Repeat no 8.
Then pour 2 ladles of strawberry batter into pan & grill. Repeat.
Bake 2 layers of plain followed by 2 layers of strawberry batter until finish.
Lastly, baked the whole cake using top & bottom heat at 200 deg C for about 10 minutes.
Remove from pan and allow to cool before storing.

Recipe i got fm Bitter Sweet Spicy blog.. ty Faeez for sharing this wonderful recipe.. u were right.. the cake is moist and delish..

To those that hv been emailing me and leaving messages in my FB.. i will be opening my mac sheet pre order this weekend in my online store.. at the same time the macaron pyramids will be available and also Fleur de Sel!... and for all my reader for this holiday period... until the 25th Dec... I will be giving 5% discount on all my store goods. Just enter XMAS as voucher code when you "check out"...

...oh and guess what.. while in Colmar.. i got something for my readers.. nothing fancy but i think u will love it.. wait up! :)

Original recipe is fm Mdm Hawa Ismail

About Me

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Hi.. I am a SAHM to 2 kiddoes..19yr old boy n 2 year old girl.. met my Austrian hubby here in Singapore and hv been living here all my life... my love for baking started when i was 6mths preggie to my daughter, Sonia... my addiction to baking has not stop eversince.. I hope to learn as much as i can abt baking and decorating and then share it with u along the way..