Showing posts with label RSS Feeds and Syndication. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RSS Feeds and Syndication. Show all posts

March 27, 2011

An Official "Follow by Email" Gadget for Blogger (Easy set up for Feedburner Email Subscriptions)

Many blog readers prefer to receive updates of new posts by email (rather than subscribing in an RSS feed reader). To make it even easier for our readers to stay in touch with our sites, the Blogger Team have developed a new, official gadget: Follow by Email.

Using Feedburner technology, this new gadget offers a one-click solution for adding an email subscription form to our Blogger-powered blogs. We don't even need to sign up with Feedburner or visit the Feedburner dashboard to configure this for use in our sites!

February 01, 2011

Add Facebook "Like" Box Beneath your Blogger Posts

Facebook has become one of the most popular tools among Bloggers for syndicating blog posts. By adding a stylish Facebook "Like" box beneath your articles in Blogspot, you offer readers a temptingly easy means of sharing your posts with their friends.

Aneesh of Blogger Plugins has developed a simple, customizable way of installing a Facebook Like box for each page of your Blogger-based site. This tool is based on the original code and design developed by Mia of Dezign Matterz. I'm using a slightly altered version of this widget here on Blogger Buster.

In this post, I'll offer an overview of how to install Aneesh/Mia's stylized Facebook Like box, and an additional method for adding a simpler "Like" widget to your Blogger/Blogspot site.

January 17, 2011

Autodiscover your Twitter Feed with Blogger

When using Blogger, the RSS autodiscovery tags for our blog feeds are automatically generated, enabling visitors to easily subscribe for updates by clicking the orange icon in our browser's address bar:

Many bloggers use Twitter to promote their website and add an extra stream of conversation to our blog. In addition to adding a Twitter photostream or link to our Twitter profile in our layout, we can add autodiscovery tags to our template, enabling visitors a simple and alternative means of subscribing for updates.

December 22, 2010

A New Format for Blogger Post Feeds

Blog feeds offer a means of reaching a wider audience and allow our readers to stay up to date with the latest posts.

Until recently, we had little control over how our feeds were presented using the Short or Long feed options available in our Blogger dashboards. Short Feeds display only the first 400 words, stripping that content of HTML and images, while Long Feeds display the entire blog post.

Now the Blogger team have added a third choice to the length of our feeds, which we can use to display item content in feeds up until the Jump Break in our post. This enables any HTML-based content (such as images and links) will be displayed for each feed item, with a link to read the full item on summarized posts.

March 19, 2009

How to add "Tweet This" links to your Blogger Template (with short URLs)

Twitter has become one of the most popular ever syndication and networking tools for bloggers. A few readers have asked if it is possible to add a "Tweet This" link to our Blogger templates, and while this was possible, I had not discovered a method of automatically shortening the URL of our blog posts until now.

Luckily for us, have created a JavaScript-based solution which shortens the URL to just a few characters and enables bloggers to add a Tweet This link configured for their posts. In this tutorial, I'll explain how you can add this to your Blogger template so your readers can Tweet your posts to their Twitter followers, enabling your Blogger posts to be syndicated to a wider audience.

Editing your template to add the Twitter links

First of all, you should make a full back-up of your existing template (which you can later restore if you make a mistake in the coding). To do this, go to Layout>Edit HTML in your Blogger dashboard and click on the "Download full template" link near the top of the page. Save your template to a location on your computer which you can easily access later.

Next, go back to the Layout>Edit HTML page and ensure you have checked the "Expand widget templates" box. The place where we need to add the Twitter code is contained within the Blog Posts widget.

Search for this section in your Blogger template code (or similar):

<div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'>

If you cannot find this exact line of code, search for 'post-footer' instead. Alternatively, you can add your code immediately after the <p><data:post.body/></p> line.

Just after the 'post-footer' line you have located, paste the following section of code:

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'><span style='float: left; background: url( left no-repeat; padding-left: 20px;'><script charset='utf-8' src=';login=tweettrackjs&amp;apiKey=R_7e9987b2fd13d7e4e881f9cbb168f523' type='text/javascript'/>
<script charset='utf-8' src='' type='text/javascript'/>
<a expr:onclick='"return, \"" + data:post.url + "\");"' href='#'>
<span style='display:none;'>I'm reading: <data:post.title/></span>Tweet this!</a></span></b:if>

Preview the changes to your blog template to make sure you have not made any errors in adding the code. If all is well, the preview page should load (though you will ne unable to see the Twitter link on the preview page).

Finally you can save your template. Now when you view an item page on your blog, you will see a link in the post-footer section which looks like this:

I'm reading: Blogger BusterTweet this!

This link automatically generates a shortened URL for your post. When a reader clicks on this link, they are taken to (where they can log in if required) with a pre-filled Tweet which appears like this: I'm reading: [title-of-blog-post]

If you would prefer the prefilled Tweet to say something other than "I'm reading", you can edit this phrase in the code you add to your Blogger template. Readers can edit this pre-filled Tweet before updating if required.

I hope you will enjoy using this Twitter syndication link in your own Blogger templates. Please try this out for yourself to see how it works and feel free to leave your comments below.

September 09, 2008

Using Blogger's New Followers Feature

As many of you may have read on Blogger Buzz, Blogger has introduced a great new feature: "Followers".

This new feature allows you to:
  • Show that you are a fan of your favorite Blogger blogs
  • Follow a blog publicly or anonymously
  • See fans of your own blog (and the number of followers you have) from your blog dashboard
  • Display a list of your followers in a new "followers" widget
  • Read your favorite blogs (even those not hosted on Blogger) from the reading list in your dashboard.
  • Import your reading list from Google Reader
  • Read posts from the blogs you are following in a special "Blogs I'm Following" folder in Google Reader
At present, this feature is not available to all Blogger users, though it is being rolled out for everyone to use over the next few weeks.

For those of you who are (like me) impatient to try out this new feature, you can enable this automatically by following a blog (use this link to follow Blogger Buster, for example). Once you have followed even one blog, your dashboard will be updated to show the number of followers, your personal reading list, and the ability to add a "followers" widget to your layout. Thanks to Ionut of Google Operating System for the tip to enable this new feature :)

Add new subscriptions to your reading list

Once your blog dashboard has been updated for the new "followers/reading list" feature, you can easily add new subscriptions to read in your Blogger dashboard.

Adding a new subscription is easy. Simply click on the "Add" button near the bottom of your reading list, where you will be presented with a screen like this:

You can add a new blog by simply typing the URL (eg: This does not need to be a Blogger powered blog, nor do you need to know the URL of the blog's feed.

On the next screen, you can choose to follow this blog publicly or anonymously. Choosing to follow publicly means that your friendship with this blog is made public. Those using Blogger can see a list of their public followers, and readers of these blogs can also access follower details if a Followers widget has been added to the blog. In the future, non-Blogger sites will have access to similar widgets to display their public followers.

Choosing to follow anonymously is similar to subscribing to a blog feed in the normal manner: you would be counted among the list of followers, though your details and affiliation would be hidden.

Alternatively, you can choose to import your subscriptions from Google Reader by checking the "Import from Google Reader" option. On the next page, you can see a list of all the subscriptions in your Google Reader account, then check the ones you would like to import. It can take a few minutes to import all of your subscriptions of you have many listed in your reader, so you may need to be patient!

Managing your subscriptions

If you decide not to follow a blog you can easily edit or remove blogs in your reading list by clicking the "Manage" button.

This will generate a page listing all of your subscriptions with options on the right to delete this from your reading list and to toggle between "Public" and "Anonymous" following. You can also add new subscriptions near the bottom of this page.

Building a social network with Blogger...

In time, the "Followers" feature will also be integrated with FriendConnect which is built on Google's Social Graph API.Rather than being a social network in its own right, FriendConnect will link with other social networks and allow you to integrate your blog completely with your online social activities.

I must admit that my research on this subject is sparse, though you can read more about the possibilities for FriendConnect on Google Operating System, the FriendConnect homepage and the OpenSocial pages.

Learn more about the "Followers" feature

The Blogger Help Section has been updated with information to help you make the most of the new Followers feature. Here are links to the most useful pages which should help you get up and running:

What do you think of the "Followers" feature so far?

I'd love to know your thoughts about the new Followers feature, so please feel free to leave your comments and opinions below.

June 27, 2008

Update: FTP Blogs do publish comment feeds!

While researching for my previous post, Recent Comments for FTP Bloggers, I had been unable to locate the comments feed for FTP published blogs (and had wrongly assumed that such blogs didn't publish a comments feed!). Luckily, Pete has confirmed that FTP blogs do publish comment feeds! The URL structure of the feed location is as follows:[blog-id-number]/comments/default
Where [blog-id-number] is the unique identifier for your blog. To find your unique blog ID number, simply log in to Blogger and access the dashboard for your FTP published blog. You can then locate your blog ID by looking in the address bar, where your blog ID will be the long numeric string at the end of the URL: Copy this number, and replace [your-blog-id] with this number instead. The URL for your FTP blog's comment feed will then be structured like this instead:
You can use the URL for your comment feed to enable a link for subscribers; to syndicate through Feedburner, or simply to provide a list of recent comments which is drawn from your comments feed.

How to publish recent comments from your FTP blog's comment feed

If you would like to display a list of recent comments in a similar manner to this widget's display, you can use paste the following code into your blog template (be sure to change [your-blog-id] to your unique ID number!): <script style="text/javascript" src=""></script><script style="text/javascript">var a_rc=5;var m_rc=true;var n_rc=true;var o_rc=100;</script> <script src="[your-blog-id]/comments/default?alt=json-in-script&callback=showrecentcomments"&gt;</script> By default, this script will display the 5 most recent comments, with a 100 character excerpt from each comment. If you prefer to display more (or less) than 5 recent comments, you should edit this phrase in the code, replacing "5" with the number of comments you prefer to show:
var a_rc=5;
If you would prefer to show more (or less) of an excerpt for each comment, you should edit this phrase and replace "100" with the number of characters to display:
var o_rc=100;
Note: to display no excerpt at all, you can simply replace "100" with "0". I hope this update has provided useful information for those publishing their Blogger blogs via FTP. Please accept my apologies for assuming FTP blogs didn't publish comment feeds! Many thanks go out to Pete for his helpful comment and information.

June 14, 2008

Author and Permalink FeedFlare (proof of original source for SEO)

I have created a FeedFlare unit which can be added to your Feedburner feed. This generates a link to the permanent page for each feed item, using the post author's name and the title of your blog as the link text.

Using this FeedFlare will help Google (and other search engines) determine that your post is the original source of content, and prevent scraper sites from ranking more highly in search engine results.

This FeedFlare can be added to any blog feed (not only those hosted by Blogger) and will generate the author's name, blog title and permanent link from the actual blog feed. Once added as a FeedFlare, no additional set-up is required to present the correct attribution for your posts.

Why you should provide a link back to your original post

Scraper sites are blogs which are made for Adsense. Rather than create original content, such splogs prefer to source content from other high ranking sites and present is as their own.

Where duplicate content is found in search results, the one which appears to be from the original source will rank most highly, while any sites which appear to be duplicating this content will feature much lower down the page (if their result even appears at all!).

By using this FeedFlare, you can add a link to the original source (the 'permalink') for each of your blog posts. This helps Google understand that your article is the original content, as Matt Cutts explains:

So if the syndicated article has a link to the original source of that article, then it is pretty much guaranteed the original home of that article will always have the higher PageRank, compared to all the syndicated copies. And that just makes it that much easier for us to do duplicate content detection and say: "You know what, this is the original article; this is the good one, so go with that." (Source)

Why use a FeedFlare for this?

Blogger enables us to add content to the footer of our blog feeds in the Settings>Site Feed section of our dashboards. We could easily add a link to our home page here, but unfortunately we cannot use this to generate a link to each article published on our sites.

For better rankings in search engines, it's important to link to the original article. This can be achieved using Feedburner's FeedFlare API, along with attribution to the post author (great for group blogs) and the title of the publishing site.

How to add this FeedFlare to your Feedburner Feed

Adding the Author and Permalink Feedflare to your syndicated content is simply a matter of copying and pasting one line of code!

Log in to your Feedburner account and access the dashboard for your chosen blog. Click on the "Optimize" tab, then on the "FeedFlare" link in the left sidebar.

On this page, you will notice a section where you can enter a new FeedFlare URL:

In this box, paste the following URL:

This is the location where the FeedFlare XML file is hosted on my server.

Finally, click on the "Add new FeedFlare" button, then you will see this has been added as an additional FeedFlare option which you can add beneath your posts.

All you need to do now is tick the box left of the "Blog Permalink" title, move the position as required and save your preferences.

Then as soon as your Feedburner feed is updated, you will be able to see this link appear beneath each entry of your syndicated feeds!

You can see this FeedFlare in action now by taking a look at the Blogger Buster feed (opens in a new page).

I hope this FeedFlare will be useful for you. Please feel free to let me know what you think about this idea (including any suggestions for improvement) by leaving your comments below.

May 21, 2008

Add Blogger Comment Count as Feedburner Feedflare

Until recently, it was not possible to display the number of comments for a post within our Blogger feeds.

However, via Google System I've learned that Feedburner have now added a new FeedFlare which you can use to display your post comment count in your Feedburner feed.

When readers click on the comment count link from your Feedburner feed, this will lead to the comments page for this post, enabling readers to read comments and add one of their own.

To activate this in your Feedburner feed, simply log in to your Feedburner account and click the link for the blog you wish to display the comment count.

Next, click on the Optimize tab, and then on the "FeedFlare" link in the sidebar.

On this page, you should easily spot the checkbox which says "Comments Count (Blogger)". Check the box which will display this FeedFlare in your actual blog feed (as this count should already be displayed in your blog posts).

Finally, save your FeedFlare settings for this new feature to take effect (or "activate" your Feedflare is you are not already using this particular feature of Feedburner yet!).

Using Intense Debate Comments?

For those who are using Intense Debate as their commenting system, you can also display your comment count using the Intense Debate comments Feedflare.

Simply log in to Intense Debate and click on the "Add-Ons tab in your dashboard.

On this page, look to the right-hand side of the screen where you will see the Feedburner Feedflare settings, like this:

Choose the blog for which you would like to display the comment count using the drop-down menu. This will then generate a unique URL in the box beneath.

Copy the URL from this box to your clipboard, and enter this in your Feedburner FeedFlare page in the box which says "Enter or Paste a FeedFlare Unit URL:

Then click the "Add New Flare" button.

Finally, save or activate your FeedFlare settings for this new feature to take effect.

Be patient!

In either case, the settings may not take effect immediately! It may be a few hours (or perhaps a day) before your new FeedFlare settings will become visible in your blog feed, though by the next feed count update, you should notice your comment count is visible when viewing your blog feed.

Also, you must ensure that you have activated the comment feeds for your posts in the Settings>Site Feed area of your Blogger dashboard. This is enabled by default, but do check to ensure you haven;t accidentally switched off this setting!

I hope this will be useful for you in adding your own comment count to your blog feeds. It's also another good reason to redirect your Blogger feeds through Feedburner if you aren't already doing so!

As always, please feel free to leave your comments and opinions below.

May 16, 2008

4 Important Reasons to Redirect your Blogger Feeds through FeedburnerA

Feedburner is the most popular and fully featured free service for syndication of your blog feeds. Once you have set up your free Feedburner account, you can choose to redirect your blog feeds through Feedburner, instead of simply offering the default Atom feeds which are automatically generated for your blog.

There are many reasons why redirecting your Blogger feeds through Feedburner will be beneficial for both you and your readers, but while researching for a forthcoming post, I've come to realize how few Blogger users actually do this.

So in this post, I'll offer four important reasons why you should redirect your feeds through your Feedburner account, and also explain how easy it is to do.

Five Great Reasons to Redirect your Feeds

  1. All of your subscribers will receive the same feed

    Your Blogger blog is capable of publishing up to three different feed URLs for your blog:
    • (atom feed)
    • (another atom feed)
    • (an RSS feed)
    However, if you choose to redirect your feed to your Feedburner syndicated feed, all of these feeds will lead to the same single online location:
    This also means that all of your subscribers will receive a feed with the same (possibly improved) formatting.

    To seer this in action for yourself, try visiting any one of the three locations for the Blogger Buster posts feed below (all of these will redirect to my Feedburner feed URL):
  2. You will have a true indication of your subscriber base

    While many bloggers choose to add a Feedburner account and offer this syndication to subscribers, those who don't redirect their feeds through Feedburner will seem to have fewer subscribers!

    It is virtually impossible to know how many subscribers retrieve your default blog feeds unless you redirect them through Feedburner (or another service which is able to catalog feed retrievals).

    Most Bloggers who choose to redirect their feeds through Feedburner notice a sharp increase in their subscriber count. Also, you will be able to monitor your subscriber count, since you will have access to daily, weekly and monthly feed analysis.
  3. Monitor the growth of your blog using the subscriber count

    As your blog matures and your posts reach a wider audience, you will undoubtedly notice an increase in your subscriber count.

    Using your blog's subscriber count is one method of analyzing your blog's growth, and can also offer statistics of page views and popular posts.
  4. Using Feedburner offers readers more incentive to subscribe

    This may not seem so obvious until you make a comparison between these two pages:

    The page on the left is an unformatted, default feed page which is accessed when feeds are not redirected through Feedburner. The page on the right is a feed page generated by Feedburner. As you can see, this is much more visually enticing, and includes easy subscription options for your readers to use their favorite feed readers to subscribe.

You may be surprised how easy it is to redirect your Blogger feeds through Feedburner. Assuming you have already created your free Feedburner account, here's how to redirect your Blogger feeds:

  1. Go to Settings>Site Feed in your Blogger dashboard.
  2. In the box which says: "Post Feed Redirect URL", type the URL of your Feedburner feed (eg:

  3. Save this setting!

I hope this post has helped you realize the benefits of redirecting your Blogger feeds through Feedburner. Please feel free to leave your comments (or indeed, your own incentives!) below.

May 09, 2008

Another Popular Posts Widget from AideRSS

AideRSS analyzes RSS/blog feeds to determine the popularity of each item according to the number of comments, Diggs, bookmarks, backlinks and clickthroughs.

One of the most useful features of AideRSS for bloggers is the ability to analyze the popularity of items in your own blog feed. Consequently, you can use this data to create a widget of your highest ranking feed items - your popular posts - which can be displayed in a widget in your sidebar, which is very easy to install!

Getting Started With AideRSS?

To begin analyzing the rank of items in your own blog feed, simply visit the AideRSS homepage and type your blog's RSS feed URL into the box.

If you use Feedburner to burn your Blogger feed, enter the URL of your Feedburner feed (eg:

If you do not redirect your feeds through Feedburner, you will need to enter your feed URL like this instead:

On the following page, AideRSS will analyze your blog feed, then refresh to offer results of each items Postrank:

Once you've taken a look at the popularity of your most recent posts, you can go ahead to create your popular posts widget by clicking the "Sharing and Widgets" link near the top right of the screen.

This page displays a preview of what your widget would appear like on the left, and the code you can use to display this widget to the right.

Adding the AideRSS Popular Posts Widget to Your Blog

To add the widget in it's default format, simply copy the code in the box, and paste this into an HTML/JavaScript widget.

If you would prefer to customize the widget, there are prompts in the JavaScript code which explain how to change the following:

  • Date Range: Choose from Year, Month, Week or Day
  • The Number of Posts: by default, this is set to 5. Simply replace this variable with the actual number of posts you would like to display.

If you prefer, you can even add the JavaScript code to display the results with a post, like this:

To use the JavaScript in a blog post, you must ensure that you create your post in Edit HTML mode, otherwise the JavaScript will become malformed and not display once your post is published.

There is no need to register with AideRSS to analyze your blog feeds or use the popular posts widget.

Once you have first analyzed a feed URL using this free service, you will be able to access the data anytime you like.

More about AideRSS

This popular posts feature is not the only useful aspect of AideRSS. You can also use this free service to save time by filtering your feed subscriptions to display only those which you may be interested to read. Also, Jake Luciani used AideRSS functionality to research the best time of day to publish blog posts.

You can learn more about this popular internet startup on the AideRSS about page, and get a feel of what this system is capable of by looking through the API pages.

Please let me know what you think about this widget by leaving your comments and opinions below.

May 01, 2008

RSS Awareness Day

RSS Awareness Day

Today is RSS Awareness Day: a celebration of RSS (Real Simple Syndication) when we can spread awareness of the benefits of RSS and encourage others to use this too.

RSS is a format used to deliver content in an easily distributable form from websites which are updated regularly. Most blogging systems, for example provide an RSS or Atom feed to accompany the pages of the blog.

In this post, I'll explain the basics of blog feeds with particular reference to Blogger powered feeds; how they are useful for your blog readers and how blog authors can make their feeds more useful and accessible too.

What are RSS and Atom Feeds?

RSS and Atom essentially perform the same function: they offer updates to a blog or website in a portable format. It's like the difference between Internet Explorer and Firefox: both allow you to access the internet, though the format and style of these browsers are different.

You can read the updates of a "feed" in an RSS reader, receive updates by email, or even access them on your mobile phone!

This video offers a simple explanation of RSS though the same principles apply to Atom based feeds too:

Blogger's Atom Feeds

As I mentioned earlier, Blogger powered blogs provide an Atom based feed rather than an RSS feed. This feed contains your posts, either in full or summary format. Your readers can subscribe to your blog's feed and receive updates whenever you write a new post.

How to enable your Blog's Atom Feeds

In order to ensure your blog does publish an accompanying feed, you should check that you have enabled this in your Blogger dashboard.

Simply go to Settings>Site Feed in your blog's dashboard, and you will see a screen which looks like this:

Ensure you have set the site feed to "Full" or "Summary". If you select "None", your blog's feed will not be published!

If you set your blog feeds to "Full":

Your entire posts will be published in the feed, enabling subscribers to read your full posts in their feed reader.

If you set your blog feeds to "Summary":

Only a short portion of your posts will be published, and subscribers will need to visit your site in order to read the rest of your post.

There has always been a debate about whether to publish full or summarised feeds. In my experience, people prefer to subscribe to "Full" feeds than a summary, although this may mean you will have less actual visits to your site as people read in their feed readers instead.

Why Feeds are Useful for your Readers

If you offer an accompanying feed to your blog, readers do not need to revisit your site every day to check if you have updated: instead, they can simply check their feed reader, or have updates delivered by email.

In simple terms, this is like offering a magazine subscription: rather than ask your readers to travel to the newsagent each time they want to read your content, you are offering a delivery service. Convenience offers an incentive for readers to stay faithful with what you have to offer!

Making your Feeds More Accessible

Here are a few ideas you could try to make your feeds more accessible for your readers (and therefore more likely to subscribe!):

Redirect your Feed Through Feedburner

Feedburner is a free service which you can use to make your blog feeds more accessible and also maintain statistics of your subscribers.

Redirecting your feeds through Feedburner is really easy. This way you can keep accurate track of how many subscribers your blog has, and ensure the format is compatible for all feed readers.

You may like to read the full article I wrote about this to get a better understanding of the benefits and what you need to do.

Offer Email Subscriptions

Many internet users are unaware of how feeds work, nor the benefits of blog subscription. To make it easier for such readers to subscribe to your site, why not offer email subscriptions?

Most internet users are familiar with email, so offering your feed in this easily accessible format is an incentive for those unfamiliar with RSS to subscribe too. You can use Feedburner to offer email subscriptions, and easily add a subscription form to your blog sidebar for readers to subscribe directly on your site!

Create a Visible Link to your Blog's Feed

For Blogger Buster, I have added various links to the site feeds in the navigation section, the sidebar and on the front page.

The icons beside the link text offer a visual representation of RSS feeds which are easily recognizable, and offer easy access to subscription pages.

Explain How Readers Can Subscribe (And What This Means for Them!)

A dedicated subscription page can offer explanations of the methods users can use to subscribe to your blog. You could also use this page to explain what your feeds are for those who may be unfamiliar with RSS and Atom feeds.

About RSS Awareness Day

RSS Awareness Day was created by Daniel Scocco of Daily Blog Tips in order to raise awareness of the benefits of RSS and feed subscriptions. is the dedicated website for this project which explains what RSS Day is all about, and how you may get involved too.

More Useful Posts about Your Blog Feeds

Here are links to some of the other posts I have written about blog feeds:

I hope this post has been useful in explaining a little about your blog feeds in celebration of RSS Awareness Day!

Why not subscribe to Blogger Buster to receive fresh updates of new Blogger-related posts? :)

As always, your comments and opinions are much appreciated. If you have also written a feed-related post for RSS Awareness Day, feel free to leave a link to your post in your comments too.

March 25, 2008

Help! My Feedburner Subscriber Count Dropped to Zero!

This morning, Feedburner seems to be suffering a major glitch in the system. All of my blog feeds have suddenly reduced to zero, and after reading the Feedburner forums, it seems that many others are also experiencing this same problem.

EDIT: Feedburner have just added this message to the Known Issues page:

25-MAR 2008: Seeing "0" for your subscriber count right now? Don't panic! One of our stats rollup processes got a bit behind so your subscriber totals may not be tallied yet; it should wrap up soon and your numbers should be back when it's complete.
It's good to know the Feedburner team are working out this issue. Hopefully anyone affected will see their stats return to normal soon enough!

Edit 2: I just logged in to my Feedburner dashboard and have found my stats are back to normal now (though my feed count widget doesn't seem to have caught up yet!). Has anyone else noticed the change?

I'm keeping an eye on Feedburner's known issues page and will update this post if I hear any news about the sudden subscriber drop.

In the meantime, if anyone else has any news about this, please let us know by leaving a comment below.

March 20, 2008

The Stylish Way to Show Off Your Feed Count!

Let's face it, while Feedburner's FeedCount widget is an easy way to display your blog's feed count, it does look a little boring! Luckily there is another way for Blogger users to display their feed count, which will enable you to have almost complete control of the way this is displayed! This is the method I use to display Blogger Buster's feed count which you can see in the bottom of the sidebar.

This method is a little more complicated to install than the Feedburner widget: you will need to edit and host your own PHP files and also style the widget to your liking. But through this tutorial, I will take you through the process step by step. You'll soon be on your way to creating a unique feed count display for your own Blogger powered blog!

A Bit About This Widget

I've been looking for a working method of styling the subscriber count in Blogger for a long time. Wordpress users have the advantage of installing a PHP based plugin to accomplish this with ease, but as many of you will realize, such support is not available for us to use in Blogger templates.

After endless searching, I finally came across the Conflagration plugin which was written by Garret Albright. While this was essentially written for Wordpress blogs, this script has one advantage which enables it to be used in Blogger powered blogs too: the ability to call the subscriber count using JavaScript!

By stripping the contents of this plugin to two essential files, I was able to parse and display my own subscriber count as a simple textual number, then style this nicely with CSS.

Important Considerations (you must read this before trying to install your widget!)

This "hack" is more complicated than other tutorials I have written here before, though I will try to simplify things as much as possible!

The most important thing to consider before installing this hack is whether you have an external hosting account where you can upload and access PHP files. I imagine that many of you will not already have such hosting available to you, though luckily I have been able to find a few decent free file hosts which do host (and allow access to) PHP files:

All of these free hosts offer support for PHP; you will be required to register your details in order to access this free webspace and may need to wait for verification of your account before you are able to upload the required files for this hack. These free hosts do state that this free hosting is ad-supported, though this is nothing you need to worry about as it won't affect how the script displays your feed count!

Once you have access to a file host which offers support for PHP, you're ready to customize your own Subscriber Count widget.

How to Create Your Own Subscriber Count Widget

In this section, I'll explain what is necessary to display your feed count, and afterwards will offer some examples of how you can customize this.

There are 5 main steps to creating your own Feedburner Subscriber Count widget:

  1. Activate Remote Access to your Feedburner Traffic Data

    By default, remote access to your Feedburner traffic data is disabled. You will need to activate remote access to create and display your own feed count widget.

    To do this, log in to your Feedburner dashboard and choose the name of the feed you wish to access. Then click on the Publicize tab, and look for the Awareness API option in the left sidebar menu.

    Finally, click on the "Activate" button to allow external access to your traffic data.
  2. Download the required files for your widget

    Next you will need to download the files you need to make this widget work:

    DownloadDownload Feed-Count-Display Files

    Unzip the files to a location on your computer, maintaining the same file structure of these files as you will soon need to upload these to your host.
  3. Edit the Config.php File to include your personal feed data

    This is the tricky part. You will need to edit the Comfig.php file to include your personal Feedburner ID number.

    The easiest way to get this number is to log in to your Feedburner dashboard and click on the name of the feed you are interested in. Your ID number is the number at the end of the URL in your browser address bar:

    Copy this number from your address bar. Then open Config.php using your favorite text editor (eg: Notepad or Notepad++).

    In this file, you will need to locate the following line:
    Replace this number with your own Feedburner ID number and save the file.
  4. Upload all of the files to your hosting provider

    You now need to upload all of the files contained in the Feed-Count-Display folder to your hosting provider. Use FTP to upload the folder wherever possible as this ensures the file structure is maintained. If you need to upload each file individually, you must make sure you create a folder named "Data" (with a capital D).

    Make sure that the "Data" folder is writable by the server. This means that you should set the folder permissions to the numeric value 755. Or in other words:
    Owner permissions: read, write, execute
    Group permissions: read, execute
    Public permissions: read, execute
    This means that your subscriber count can be written to the folder each day, ensuring that this value is kept up to date.

Once you have completed all four steps, you can check that the scripts are working and display the true value of your subscriber count.

To do this, visit the "js.php" script where it is hosted on your server, by entering the URL of this file in your address bar, like this (change the section in red to match the location of your files):
This should result in a simple page featuring the current number of subscribers to your blog which will look something like this:

To make this number appear in your blog, you can use a simple JavaScript in the following format:

This blog currently has
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
If you add this simple JavaScript to your sidebar, for example, the result will appear something like this:

This blog currently has subscribers!

At this point, you know you can display an accurate count of your subscribers as simple text. And because we can display this as text, we can use CSS to make it stylish!

Make your subscriber count widget stylish!

Using CSS offers endless possibilities for styling your subscriber count!

Here are a couple of examples you could use, along with their corresponding code (dont't forget to change the URL of the script to that of your own host!

This blog has

Blogsolid showcased some great examples of subscriber count widgets which you could take a look at if you're seeking inspiration.

Licensing and Credits

The scripts used to create this widget were originally written by Garrett Albright of RayGunRobot, while the YAML parser was written by (spyc.php) was created by Chris Wansthrath and is under the MIT License.

In keeping with the licensing of Garrett's original post, the files offered here are free and open source, so you may use and distribute these as you like.

Final Thoughts...

As I mentioned earlier, this is probably the most complicated (and least "user-friendly") tutorial I have posted here at Blogger Buster. I honestly wish there were a simpler method for styling the subscriber count in Blogger powered blogs, but unfortunately this is the only working solution I have found.

So if anyone knows of a simpler method which would work in Blogger please do let me know about this!

In the future, I may post a showcase of Blogger powered subscriber count widgets, so if you have designed a great widget to display your subscriber count please email me your URL or leave a comment below.

March 19, 2008

How to Display Your Feedburner Subscriber Count (The Easy Method)

Redirecting your Blogger feeds through Feedburner is the best way to get accurate results of your subscriber count. Once you've accumulated a few subscribers, you may feel inclined to show off how many people subscribe to your blog. You've probably seen widgets in other blogs which inform you how many people currently are currently subscribing via Feedburner. But how can you go about displaying such a widget in your own blog?

There are actually two methods available to display your subscriber count in your Blogger powered blog:

  1. Use a Feedburner Feed Count Widget
  2. Create your own widget (and style to your tastes)

In this post, I'll explain the easy method: using Feedburner's default widget to display the number of subscribers to your blog.

The Feedburner FeedCount widget will display the daily average number of subscribers to your blog. This is available to anyone who publishes their feed through Feedburner. It's free and very easy to use, and you can even change the color scheme to match that of your Blogger template!

Here's how you can display your subscriber count using Feedburner's FeedCount widget:

  1. Log in to your Feedburner dashboard, and click on the name of the blog feed you are interested in.
  2. Near the top of this screen, you will see tabs which lead to various sections of your dashboard. You need to click on the "Publicize" tab, which will offer you different options to publicize your blog's feed:

  3. This page will feature a menu in the left sidebar, which lists the various options you can use to publicize your Feedburner feed. Click on the "FeedCount" link in the sidebar, which will take you to the page where you can configure your widget and get the code you need to display this in your blog.
  4. There are two slightly different styles of chicklets (widgets) you can choose from here: the "static" widget is simply a textual display of your current subscribers, while the "animated" widget displays a little animation of the text beside the subscriber count.

    Check the radio button beside the style you prefer to use.
  5. Now you can go about styling the colors of the widget to suit the style of your blog template!

    The color interface is really easy to use, and allows you to choose the color of the background and the text.

    Once you have chosen the colors for your background and text, click on the "Activate" button a little further down the page. This will save your preferences, and generate the code you will need to display this widget in your blog.
  6. Once you have activated your Feedburner FeedCount, the page will refresh and you will see a new section appear in the page like this:

    This section features the code required to add the style and color of widget you have chosen to your Blogger template.

    The easiest way to add this to your blog is by choosing the option, "Add this as a widget in Blogger". This is available to those who use Blogger's Layouts templates.

    Simply follow the steps and this widget will be added to your blog's sidebar through the widget installer interface.

    If you would prefer to have more control over the placement of the widget, you can copy the code which is inside the new box on this page, then paste this into your template (or even in a blog post) where you would like this to be seen.

How this widget works

The Feedburner FeedCount widget uses a GIF graphic which features the number of subscribers to your blog.

The graphic is generated using a PHP based script which is hosted and operated by Feedburner. This operates in a similar way to many "hit counters" which display the number of visitors to your blog.

Furthermore, this widget also acts as a link to your Feedburner feed page, where visitors can easily choose to subscribe using their favorite feed reader.

Why would you want to display your subscriber count?

Many bloggers consider the number of subscribers to a blog to be a measure of the blog's success. The more subscribers you have, the more popular your blog may seem to be (though of course, this depends on your personal opinions!).

If you are happy about the number of subscribers you have, you could use this widget as an indication of reader confidence in your blog's content. It's like saying "x-number of people like my content enough to subscribe to this blog, so maybe you could subscribe too!"

Another reason you may like to display your subscriber count is to indicate your blog's growth over time. Regular readers will notice the steady increase in subscribers to your blog, and you won't need to log into Feedburner each time you would like to check your statistics!

Why you might not want to display your subscriber count

If you have only a small number of subscribers, displaying your feed count won't necessarily install confidence for new readers to subscribe.

I preferred not to display a feed count for Blogger Buster until I had established a decent base of subscribers, though when I did finally decide to display this, I noticed more people felt inclined to subscribe!

Aren't there other ways of displaying my feed count?

You've probably noticed that I use a different method to display the subscriber count for Blogger Buster (you can see this in the bottom of the sidebar and also on the home page). This method uses a combination of JavaScript, externally hosted PHP and CSS styling to parse and display my subscriber count.

Although this method is a little more complicated, it is certainly more stylish and allows you to have complete control of how your feed count is displayed! So if you're not content using Feedburner's boring widget, be sure to check back tomorrow as I'll be publishing details of how you can style your own subscriber count and display this in your blog.

October 06, 2007

What is Atom/RSS?

Would you like to keep up to date with the latest content at Blogger Buster? There are a number of ways you can subscribe to receive news of the latest updates to the site, and the main ones used by Blogger Buster readers are the Atom and RSS feeds.

What is Atom/RSS?

Atom and RSS are both a similar technology which was developed to help people receive automatic updates of their favorite websites.

Although there are some differences between the technology of Atom and RSS, they both do essentially the same job: they fetch updated content from your favorite sites in a format you can easily read in a feed reader.

A better alternative to bookmarking.

Before Atom and RSS were invented, web users had to bookmark their favorite sites instead, and return to the bookmarked sites manually to see if anything had been updated. This creates more work for you as the reader, and means you could easily miss new content if you forget to check your bookmarks. Also, it can be complicated trying to keep track of many bookmarked sites at the same time.

Atom and RSS can do all the hard work for you!

If you subscribe to a website's feed, you are asking the website to send you new content, instead of having to fetch this yourself. It's a bit like getting a magazine subscription, but rather than being sent your magazine once a month, you will be sent new website content each time the site is updated. This could be daily, or even more regularly!

So... How can I use Atom/RSS feeds?

You will need a Feed Reader to be able to read Atom and RSS feeds from websites. In their native forms, Atom and RSS feeds are difficult to read and look a little like raw html code. Feed readers translate this into something which you can easily read, which looks a little like a web page which focuses on written content.

Two of the most popular feed readers you could use are Google Reader and Bloglines. Both of these services are free and very easy to use, especially as they both feature detailed help sections.

There are of course many other feed readers available which you can easily using your favorite search engine.

The easiest way to learn how to use a feed reader is to sign up for one of these services, then subscribe to a few feeds. For both of these services, you'll notice that new items will stand out from those you have read, and also that the newest content will feature at the top of the page. This makes it easier for you to know which items you have read.

How can I subscribe to feeds?

There are many places to look feed subscription links, including:

  • Your favorite website
  • Your feed reader's website
  • Your internet browser
Let me explain a little about these subscription links:

On Site Subscriptions

You may have noticed feed icons on your favorite websites; these are often orange icons (which seems to have become the standard color for feed icons), or may also be counters to let you know how many subscribers a site has. On the right are some more examples you may have noticed too.

Usually these feed icons will link directly to the Atom or RSS feed for the site. You can either copy the link location for use in your RSS reader, or may be able to subscribe from the link directly.

Your feed reader's website

Most feed readers will have a search utility to help you find feeds of interest which you can then subscribe to. Google Reader for example allows you to search through literally thousands of blog and news feeds simply by searching for keywords of interest to you!

Browser subscription

Some internet browsers (eg: Firefox) have a built in function to detect and subscribe to website feeds. If your browser detects that the website you are looking at has an Atom or RSS feed available, you will usually see an orange icon to the right of the address bar, like this:

If you were to click on this icon while reading this site, you would be locating the Atom feed for Blogger Buster.

For different browsers, the feed icon in the address bar may look different, or be another color though it should still be easily distinguishable as a feed icon.

If you use your browser to subscribe to a site feed, you may wish to change the default settings so that subscriptions are added to the feed reader of your choice (eg: Google Reader or Bloglines) rather than the default reader built into the browser itself. This is generally done in the settings section of your browser, and may also be chosen when you open the link to a website's feed.

Atom or RSS - which feed should I choose?

Modern feed readers are able to read both Atom and RSS feeds. RSS is the most popular feed format, but by default Blogger published Atom feeds for our blogs. So I decided to publish both the Atom and RSS feeds for Blogger Buster to provide a choice in the subscription type.

Currently most subscribers to Blogger Buster choose the Atom format, but since there really is very little difference in how these feeds function, so the choice is up to you.

If you would like to know a little more about the difference between Atom and RSS feeds, you can read this post.

Would you prefer to receive updates by email instead?

Many sites offer updates by email too. Here at Blogger Buster you can easily subscribe for email updates by using the form near the top of the sidebar. All you need to do is enter your email address and click "Subscribe". A confirmation email will be sent to you to ensure you do wish to receive updates.

It's easy to unsubscribe too!

If ever you decide you don't want to subscribe to a feed, either using your feed reader or by email, it is very easy to unsubscribe:

  • For those using a feed reader

    Simply delete the feed from your feed reader, and you will no longer receive updates from this site.
  • For email subscribers

    Usually you will find an "Unsubscribe" link near the bottom of any emails sent for feed updates. Alternatively this may have been sent in the confirmation email you were sent when you first subscribed for updates. When you click on this link you will be able to remove your address from further updates.

If you are new to the concepts of web feeds, I hope this explanation has been useful to you, and perhaps has persuaded you to experiment with Atom and RSS for yourself. Please feel free to leave your comments and opinions below.

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September 13, 2007

Mobilize your blog with Widsets

I recently came across a new service from Widsets which enables you to syndicate your content for people to read as a widget on their mobile phone!

Using WidSets, you can create a widget using your blog's Atom/RSS feed which can be read on a mobile phone. Readers can subscribe to your WidSets widget and receive updates on their mobile device where a regular feed reader may be unavailable. You can see an example of the subscription button for WidSets in my right sidebar.

WidSets is a free service for both subscribers and publishers, and may be very useful in generating traffic from the new wave of readers using their mobile phone to surf the web. To create your own account and begin creating widgets to syndicate your blog content, head on over to WidSets and register your account details. You will be sent a confirmation message to your mobile phone and email account, and can begin creating your WidSets widgets straight away.

Do note that the text message sent by WidSets will contain a link for you to go online with your handset to download the WidSets software, which enables you to view your widgets from your phone. You do not need to use this software in order to be able to create widgets; you only really need to verify your email address.

Please let me know your opinions of this widget using the comment form below.

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September 11, 2007

All about blog feeds (part 4)

This is the fourth and final installment of a short series of posts written to help you achieve a better understanding of your blog feeds, and how you can use them. In this post, I will explain how you can use services like FeedBurner and AddThis to syndicate your blog feeds and attract more subscribers to your blog.

Services such as Feedburner and AddThis aim to help you publicize your blog feeds, and make them more readily available for readers to subscribe to. If you use Feedburner to syndicate your feeds, for example, you can offer your readers the option to subscribe to your blog feed as a daily email digest, which for those unacquainted with feed readers may well be a pleasant and accessible option!

How FeedBurner works

FeedBurner is probably the most popular feed management system to date, and is completely free to use. Many services are offered to members to help publicize and optimize your blog feeds, and attract more readers to subscribe to them.

To create your own free Feedburner account, simply go to the Feedburner registration page and provide your details. Once you have set up your account, you can begin burning your blog feeds right away!

To "burn" (or "syndicate") a blog feed, all you need to do is enter the feed URL and click "Next". On the following screen, you will be provided with a Feedburner address which you can offer to readers for subscription to this feed. This URL can be changed to suit your needs if you prefer, so long as it hasn't already been used by another member. Click "Save" and your feed will now be managed by Feedburner! However, you may want to consider using a few of the publicizing and optimization options available to you in order to let your readers know that the feed is there for subscription.

Some of the most popular tools provided by Feedburner are:

  • Feedburner Stats: get an accurate overview of your subscribers, click-throughs and site traffic.
  • Chicklet Chooser: use a friendly graphic as a widget in your sidebar to let readers know about your feed subscription links.
  • Email subscriptions: offer updates by email in a daily digest.
  • Pingshot: automatically pings pinging sites for you each time you post.
  • Headline animator: create a headlines widget featuring the most recent posts from your blog in rotation.

Redirect your blog feeds through Feedburner

You can now choose to redirect your default blog feeds through FeedBurner! This is a great solution for ensuring your subscription statistics are kept up to date, and can offer you a better understanding of your readers. To activate this, you should already have a Feedburner account. Then, go to your Blogger dashboard and click on Settings>Feeds. On this page you will be able to redirect your default blog feeds to your Feedburner feed URL (this is the URL you created when you first burned your blog's feed). Enter this URL and click "Save". From now on your default blog feeds will be redirected through Feedburner instead.

Note: only the default Atom feeds will be redirected through Feedburner; the alternative RSS formats cannot be redirected in this way. So if you also want to have statistics for feed subscribers to your RSS feeds, you would have to burn these manually through your Feedburner account as described earlier in this post.

How to use AddThis to syndicate your feeds

AddThis offer a free, non subscription feed syndication service which generates a button link readers can use to subscribe to your feeds using their favorite feed reading system (eg: MyYahoo, Bloglines, Technorati). To create your own free widget, simply visit the feed widget creation page and enter the feed URL you would like to syndicate. AddThis will then create the widget code which you can easily add to your blog's sidebar and offer to your readers as a subscription link.

You can also choose to become a member of the AddThis site, and get statistics for those who subscribe using this widget, as well as statistics for your site.

Overall, this is a very simple and easy way to help publicize your blog feeds.

Syndicating customized feeds

By "customized" I refer to the non-default feeds, such as label feeds, summarized feeds and alternative RSS feeds. If you would like to publicize any of these feeds using the methods I described above, just enter the appropriate URL including any variables as I described in the previous two installments. Foe example, if you want to syndicate your summarized posts feed using the AddThis widget, enter this as your URL:
Similarly, if you want to syndicate your full comments feeds using Feedburner, enter this instead:

The one thing I would advise against is trying to syndicate per-post comments feeds using a third party service, because it is much more efficient to provide a link to per-post comments feeds on the post referred to by the link, as outlined in this post. Trying to add Feedburner or Addthis links for such a feed could really get messy and complicated!


I hope this short series has helped your understanding of your blog's feeds and how you can publicize them for readers to subscribe to them. If there is anything I haven't covered here, or if you have any comments about this series, please feel free to leave your message below.

<-- Part 3

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