Caffeine FAQs
The cold hard facts about caffeine.
Tea and Health
This site tells of the amounts of caffeine in tea and all sorts of other fascinating
Tea Tree Oil Information Page
More info on tea tree oil, curing athletes foot, pimples, arthritis, yeast infections
and, of course, the common cold.
The Medicinal
Effects of Tea
A short but sweet page explaining the properties of tea.
Herbal Descriptions
Containing the possible medical values of all herbs.
Unusual Uses of Tea
Cooking With Tea
Tea as a tenderizer, condiment and everything else.
Tea in cooking
From Sweden, Lamb Cassorole and Cashmere Soup, including many tea links.
Tea Dying FAQ
How to dye your clothes with tea.
Links to Serving Tea
Classic Tea Ceremony
a thorough examination.
A Chinese Tea Ceremony
An Article from Urban Desires on the way of preparing chinese tea.
Tokugawa Museum
This shows a variety of ancient Japanese tea ceremony instruments.
A Nice Cup of Tea,
by George Orwell
Orwell's preferred way of serving tea.
How to make a bad
cup of tea
Tea Leaf Reading
Tea Leavesby Max Tillberg
Tea Leaves by Raven
Hollings Red Teapot Gallery
An unusual melange of photos of a red teapot in various locales.
Tea FAQs
Frequently asked questions about tea, compiled from:
and other newsgroups.
The Tea Page
by Max Tillberg. Which hosts a chatroom through the internet if you have a java-capable
Tea Magazine and Tea
These are not online magazines, but offer subscriptions through the internet.
World of Tea
This has a clickable map of all of the world's tea growing regions.