Our curated list of culinary news from the prior week. Think we missed a must-read or there's something you gotta share? Add a comment below or drop us a line at contact [at] bestburgernyc [dot] com.
- Seems as though Danny Meyer and Shake Shack are taking over the world. First Dubai, now Westport, CT [AHT] and soon Grand Central [Eater]. Pretty soon lines for Double Shack burgers will conceive out of thin air!
- And in even more related Shake Shack news, a Harlem burger shop, Milk Burger (nice name, dude), blatantly ripped off Mr. Meyer and his menu. The intern did it, judge. I swear. [DNAInfo]
- Lower East Side hot spot, The Meatball Shop, is getting all hipster on us, opening a location in Williamsburg. Question: How many hipsters does it take to eat a meatball hero? Answer: It's some really obscure number, you wouldn't even understand. [The BK Paper]
- Awesome NoLita Italian sandwich spot Torrisi is opening a small stand in Yankee Stadium. Aside from Lobel's or Carl's, that just may be where you'll find Burger Bedlam eating while the Yanks bash the Sox. [NY Post]
- Eater NY reports a second location for Island Burgers & Shakes, this one on the UWS. Our first review will come soon. Plus, same report - IHOP in the East Village soon. Holy Rooty Tooty Fresh 'n' Fruity. [Eater]