Showing posts with label priscilla. Show all posts
Showing posts with label priscilla. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Neko Flies Cat Toy Review & Giveaway!

Priscilla eyeing the kragonfly.

My kitties are big fans of wand toys that they can hunt, pounce, and leap for, so when Neko Flies recently asked if we'd like to test out some of their products, I knew I couldn't say no without seriously hissing Charlie and Priscilla off.  

Neko Flies was started in 2007 by founder Ellen Tsuyuki, who decided to create a toy that would measure up to her cats needs. After working with her trusty feline advisors, Nekochan, Chiquita, Timmy and Bubba, she created the unique line of interactive toys tailored to make both kitties and their owners happy. Neko Flies are touted for being realistic looking with lifelike movements, and appealing to a cat's natural hunting instinct. All of the toys promise a fun, interactive bonding experience for you and your cat, plus they come with super cute names like "foxifur kittenator" and "kattipede." 

In case you haven't noticed, I've been a little Vine-happy lately (follow me @catsparella!), and couldn't resist taking a few videos of Priscilla getting her kittenish swagger on. She might be 12-years-old, but homegirl doesn't look a day over 8. 

Here she is testing out the Foxifur Kittenator with rod:

Priscilla pouncing for the Foxifur Kittenator (Thank to my mom for the Homer Simpson-esque commentary in this one).

And giving the Kragonfly attachment a spin:

Going belly up for the Kragonfly attachment. As predicted, the "realistic gliding dragonfly that shimmers in the air!" was too much for her to resist. 

Enter To Win!

Kattipede Toy with Rod

Our friends at Neko Flies have generously offered one lucky Catsparella reader (and their kitty!) the chance to win a kattipede toy and rod of their very own!

To enter, leave a comment on this post with your name, and some way for me to contact you if you win (email, link back to your blog or profile, Twitter, etc.) The winner be will chosen in a random drawing next Tuesday, July 30 at 5:00PM EST. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only. One entry per person, please.

Good luck, and be sure to visit the Neko Flies website to check out their entire range of fun toys for your frisky feline!

(If you have trouble leaving a comment, please email me at

Disclosure: I received the Neko Flies products seen here for review and giveaway, but all opinions and cat bellies contained in this post are my own. 

[Comments are now closed. Thanks for entering!]


Wednesday, April 17, 2013 by Telekat: The Cat Video Toy For 21st Century Felines

Rodent Football!

You're probably already familiar with the concept of the "Cat Sitter," a VHS tape (and later DVD) that was basically the equivalent of Sesame Street for felines. Flash forward to 2013, and by Telekat is a modern take on the cat video toy, designed for the technologically savvy feline who has everything, including a laptop and iPad.

 Priscilla going in for the kill
The 88 minute video, designed to entertain and stimulate your cat, includes clips of birds chirping happily in front of a Nyan Cat-inspired screen, hamsters hitting the football field, and butterflies and fish flitting about. There's also a segment featuring sea monkeys flying through space, that's sure to have you questioning your sanity.

Charlie is transfixed!

I set up on my laptop for Charlie and Priscilla to test out, and they immediately took notice. It was really funny to watch their little heads go back and forth, and observe them peering behind the monitor, trying to figure out where the noises were coming from!

Nyan Birds

You can sample all of the video clips on the YouTube Channel for free, or download the full 88 minute HD video to the mp4 playing device of your choice for just $5. To learn more about, visit their website at

Disclosure: I received a free download of by Telekat for review, but all curious cats contained in this post are my own.


Monday, April 1, 2013

Happy 12th Birthday, Priscilla!

Priscilla is my first cat, and was adopted from a flea market when she was 8-10 weeks old. The woman working in the seafood stall had a cage full of kittens that her cat had given birth to, and she was trying to find them good homes. Priscilla was sitting by herself in the corner of the cage, watching her siblings eat. I remember holding her, probably the first time I had ever held a kitten, and knowing that she belonged to me. My dad paid the $10 adoption fee, and she barfed in my lap on the way home.

Priscilla is my love, my baby kitty, my bunny loaf, and my best friend. I don't remember my life without her, and don't want to imagine it without her in it. She is my inspiration, and the reason that Catsparella exists. 

Please join me in wishing her a very happy birthday today, and many more to come in the future!


Monday, December 17, 2012

Pets Add Life, All Year Round

Priscilla got dressed up for my birthday back in October

As we approach the end of the year, I find myself reflecting on the events of the past 12 months, and thinking about the impact my cats Charlie and Priscilla have had on my life. In a year filled with ups and downs, I know that I can always count on them to be by my side, to inspire me and make me smile. 

Charlie celebrating Black Cat Appreciation Day in August

I was recently shooting a video for an upcoming project, and wanted Priscilla to be in the shot. I held her while saying the first few lines, then put her down on the table, to which she responded by letting out an indignant hiss. Needless to say, I started cracking up, and we had to stop filming. I knew she wasn't really that put out by what I had done, but true to her name (Prissy, for short), she always has to make sure things are done on her terms, and not yours.

Priscilla likes hanging out and marathoning TV shows, being brushed with the Furminator, and getting tons of kitty kisses. Charlie loves when we play with Da Bird, runs to the kitchen drawer when he hears it opening because he knows his favorite toy is in there, and delights in stretching out for long, relaxing belly rubs. They're both always doing something to amaze me, and are the best friends a girl could ask for.

Feeling patriotic on the 4th 

During this holiday season, please consider volunteering at your local shelter, fostering an animal who doesn't have a home for the holidays, or if resources allow, adopting a new feline family member of your own. Studies show that having pets can reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and help fight depression and loneliness -- not to mention bring joy, laughter, and comfort. If owning one cat is like having a apple a day, two or more must be the equivalent of a whole bushel! 

All dressed up for a Valentine's Day date!

I am proud to once again be teaming up with Pets Add Life (PAL), a non-profit campaign dedicated to spreading the joys and benefits of owning more than one cat, and increasing responsible pet ownership. To learn more about PAL and their initiatives, please visit their YouTube channel, or follow them on Facebook and Twitter for more information.

This post is sponsored by the Pets Add Life campaign and the American Pet Products Association. I am being compensated for helping spread the word about the benefits and joys of pet ownership, which I believe in and am happy to do.


Friday, April 13, 2012

Blast From The Past: My First Apartment

I have partnered with Apartment Guide to serve as an Official Apartment Guide Pet Blogger! As an official blogger, I will be sharing articles and ideas for exploring your space, city and style.

The first time I had a place of my own was when I was transferred schools and had to get my own apartment because on-campus living options were extremely limited. The college was about two hours away from my parents house, so we took a weekend trip to check out rentals before the semester began. After looking at quite a few duds (living in some granny's house where I had to walk through her front door and go upstairs to an afghan covered attic bedroom wasn't gonna cut it), we had just about given up hope when we decided to meet with a realtor who immediately showed us the perfect place. It was the bottom floor of a two-story house, and I had my own private entry through the back door. It was small, but comfortable: I had a living room, bedroom, kitchen, and old-school pink bathroom (tiles and bathtub) that I really loved.

I didn't know anyone in the area when I moved in, and the first year was pretty lonely for me. It was around this time that my cat obsession had really gone into overload, and I seriously started thinking about adopting a kitty to make the second year a little more bearable. Shortly afterwards, I found Priscilla, and after settling in to my parents house for the rest of the summer, we moved back to the apartment together in the fall. The previous tenant had a particularly messy dog, so my landlord had initially instated a "no pets allowed" policy; However, having three daughters of his own, he had a soft spot for my situation, and his wife convinced him to let Priscilla stay.

I had always grown up with dogs and had never actually cared for a cat on my own before, so learning all of the intricacies of feline behavior from a months-old kitten was an adventure for both of us. I quickly learned that rolls of toilet paper must be locked up at all times, feeding time is on her schedule, not mine, and no surface was too high for her to scale. I remember being amazed when I walked into the kitchen one day and found her sitting on the highest cabinet near the ceiling, and freaking out as I wondered how I was going to get her down (she ended up getting down just fine on her own, of course).

Since the apartment was so intimate and we didn't entertain many visitors, Priscilla and I became practically inseparable. When she wasn't staring out the window in my bedroom, she was glued to my side. I'd wrap my arm around her like a teddy bear when we were watching TV together, and she would sprawl out in the wet bathtub after I had taken a shower to watch me do my hair by the sink. I would take her on trips to the pet store to pick up litter and other supplies (she wore a laughable fluorescent pink, rhinestone encrusted leash and harness but her paws never touched the ground) but knowing what I know now, I definitely would have tried to socialize her more often. Although those early days of solitude together are what helped bond us for life, I also believe it's what led to her antisocial attitude towards strangers today.

One particular incident that stands out from our time in the apartment was when I thought she had run away. The only entrance was through a sliding glass door that I would painstakingly slither out of to ensure she didn't escape (not that she even tried, really). One day something happened (the details are fuzzy) and for some reason I had felt quite certain that she had gotten out. I remember the sinking feeling in my chest as I ran out into the backyard to frantically search for her, only to turn around minutes later to see her curiously watching me through the glass from INSIDE the house.

Another time, one of my best friends from home came to visit and spent the night on the fold out couch I had in the living room. This wasn't a regular fold out - it was a weird IKEA deal, so basically it opened up into a mattress on the floor. My friend is NOT a cat person (which makes them drawn to him even more, I think), and in the middle of the night I heard a scuffle and came to see what was the matter. According to him, Priscilla, my sweet, innocent baby cat, had pounced on his head while he was trying to sleep, and would not leave him alone.

We only lived in the apartment for a short year before I moved out, and sadly, I have very few photos from this short, yet memorable time in my life (apparently no one had cameras in the early 00s?). It's funny that I actually remember very little about the first year I lived in the apartment without Priscilla, which I think actually makes a very convincing argument for the age old adage that a house is not a home without a cat.

Whether you're living, looking or moving, Apartment Guide offers how-to tips for making the most of a space for you and your pet on and

Disclosure: Apartment Guide and owner Consumer Source, Inc. have partnered with bloggers like me as Official Apartment Guide Bloggers. As part of this program, I have received compensation. They have not told me what to purchase or what to say about the products used, and believe that consumers and bloggers are free to form their own opinions and share them in their own words. Consumer Source’s policies align with WOMMA Ethics Code, FTC guidelines and social media engagement recommendations.


Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving from Charlie and Priscilla!

Turkey Charlie

Pilgrim Priscilla

Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours!


Sunday, October 2, 2011

Crafting With Cat Hair Book Review and Giveaway!

Priscilla and her cat-hair counterpart

Despite its title, Crafting with Cat Hair, Cute Handicrafts to Make with Your Cat by Kaori Tsutaya and translated from Japanese by Amy Hirschman, is not a book about starting a craft circle with the neighborhood felines, as much as it's about dutifully brushing your kitty until you produce enough hair to decorate a small box used for storing knick-knacks.

The book is illustrated with adorable photographs, and features ten different craft projects, including a finger puppet, book covers, portraits, tote bags, coin purses, badges, hats and scarves, pincushions, and more. Contrary to popular belief, the larger items (such as mittens and gloves) are not constructed using cat hair at all, rather they are made using felt or store bought items, and then decorated with a cat-hair design, using a felting technique.

In addition to the step-by-step projects, there's also information on topics such as proper brushing techniques (don't over brush!), an explanation of shedding habits, and tips for dealing with pests and allergies. One section also addresses the subject of odor; A lot of the negative comments I've heard about crafting with cat hair, in addition to it being "weird" and "gross" is that cat hair is "dirty" or "smells." The book comments that unless your cat is unwell, cat hair typically does not have an odor, and any dirt can be removed by washing it prior to beginning a project (there are instructions on how to do this).

I instantly fell in love with the book after receiving it last week, and decided to start off with the first project - the Cat Hair Finger Puppet. The basic materials needed are cat hair, cardboard, clear packing tape, plastic wrap, beads, glue, and embroidery thread. (Note: The project in the book has 11 steps -- this is just a condensed version to give you an idea of the process.)

After cutting the pattern (provided in the book) out of cardboard, it's wrapped in plastic wrap and tape to keep it waterproof. Sheets of cat hair are then wrapped around the form to create the puppet.

Since I first heard about the book's release, I started saving up Charlie and Priscilla's hair in (separate) Ziploc baggies, but for the purpose of the finger puppet project, I quickly learned that wasn't the best thing to do.

As I've mentioned in the past, I use the FURminator on my cats (which they love), however the hair comes off in small clumps or tufts, as opposed to moldable sheets of fur. If I had sheets, they could have easily wrapped around the form, but instead I was tasked with piecing together the puffs of fur I had into some kind of solid shape (not so easy). In the end it all worked out, but I think I probably used more hair than necessary, thus making the puppet bulkier than it needed to be. The author recommends several brushes in the book (including the FURminator, FWIW), so I've ordered a flatter brush like this one to see if harvesting the hair in sheets yields better results.

The form is moistened using water and dish detergent, which is gently massaged into the fur through plastic wrap.


After being rinsed in a bath, the puppet is dried off.

A hot iron is applied over a blotting cloth to remove any excess moisture, and the tail is cut, before removing the paper form from inside the felt. Note that my puppet's poor tail is too short because I was afraid of over-snipping and ending up with a Manx!

The finished result is molded, tweaked, and trimmed into shape before being adorned with beads and thread.

Enter To Win!

Quirk Books has generously offered one lucky Catsparella reader the chance to win a copy of Crafting with Cat Hair of their very own!

To enter, leave a comment on this post with your name and some way for me to contact you if you win (email, link back to your blog or profile, Twitter, etc.).
The winner be will chosen in a random drawing next Monday, October 10th at 5:00PM EST. This giveaway is open to everyone, so our international friends can participate, too! One entry per person, please.

Good luck, and if you can't wait to win,
Crafting with Cat Hair for yourself, or check it out when it hits bookstores on October 11th!

(If you have trouble entering a comment, please email me at

Disclosure: I received copies of Crafting With Cat Hair for review and giveaway from the publisher, but all opinions expressed in this post are my own.

[Comments are now closed. Thanks for entering!]


Wednesday, August 31, 2011

My Reading With Animal Communicator Sonya Fitzpatrick

One of the highlights for me from this years BlogPaws conference was winning a reading with world renowned Animal Communicator Sonya Fitzpatrick. You may know Sonya best, as I did, from her show The Pet Psychic that aired on Animal Planet from 2002 - 2003, or from her current radio show, Animal Intuition, that airs Tuesday nights at 7 p.m. on Sirius XM Satellite Radio.

Fitzpatrick reportedly learned of her unique gift to communicate with animals at a young age, but abandoned her talents after three of her family's pet geese turned into Christmas dinner. The event was very traumatic for her, and it wasn't until 1994 that she reconnected with her psychic abilities, which she uses to help people gain a greater understanding of their pets.

Before arriving at BlogPaws, I'd heard from my friend Cat Chat Caren that Temptations Cat Treats was giving away a one-on-one reading with Sonya (Just to be clear, I have no affiliation with them), so on the first night of the conference I made a beeline to their table and made sure my entry was in. I wasn't sure how many readings they were giving away (it turned out to be quite a few), but I was thrilled to get a voicemail the next evening letting me know I had won. In addition to having the rare chance to meet Sonya in person, I should also note that according to her website, a 30-minute phone session with her normally runs $300! (My reading was around 10-15 minutes).

I was worried about how the session would go since Charlie and Priscilla weren't with me (they don't travel), so I decided to gather up a nice selection of pictures on my laptop to bring to the reading. In addition to my two kitties, I also included photos of my dog Teddy, who went over the rainbow bridge just over two years ago (From watching her show, I knew that Sonya talked to ALL kinds of animals).

Before I get into more details, I want to preface this story by saying that while I don't generally believe in psychics, I went into the session with an open mind, and really wanted Sonya to be able to answer my questions and give me some insight into the secret life of my cats. That being said, had I gone in with a more skeptical attitude, perhaps the results (or my perception of them) would have been a little different.

Sonya was beautiful and regal in person, she is British and a former model after all, and immediately put me at ease with her friendly and open demeanor. I told her it was an honor to meet her, and she warmly laughed before reaching out to hold my hand. When I get nervous I tend to jump ahead of myself, so I whipped out my laptop and exclaimed, "I have pictures!" before she even asked me to do anything. She told me how she loved pictures, but the funny thing is she never ended up looking at them.

The first thing she asked for were the names of the animals I wanted to communicate with. She wrote down "Charlie", "Priscilla", and "Teddy" on a piece of paper, and the reading began. There were a few times she closed her eyes and it looked like she was concentrating, but most of the time the conversation was very easy and free-flowing.

While she did ask some specific questions like, "What bothers Priscilla in the kitchen?" and "Who had a silver car?" she never asked me to tell her anything about the pets beforehand, meaning it's not like I told her their life stories, and she was just regurgitating what I had already said. Now, I'm not saying she couldn't have implied certain things from my reactions, but at the very least, that makes her one hell of an intuitive.

The main piece of information I was looking to find out was where Charlie came from. As I've written about in the past, he came into our lives five years ago after we found him living in a sewer on our street. He was around a year old at the time, in fairly good shape, extremely friendly, and fixed, so we knew he wasn't feral, but we weren't sure if he was lost or abandoned, either. I explain these details to give you a little background on his story, but I didn't tell all of that to Sonya.

That being said, Charlie "communicated" to her that he was living with a family that abandoned him when they moved away. He said that he was on the streets for quite awhile, where he was very worried, and also quite hungry. While it breaks my heart to hear he was so carelessly tossed out on to the street, he also told her that he was glad those people moved because he likes his new home much better! She also mentioned him saying several times that he is very, very happy, and stays close to home now (he's an indoor cat) because he doesn't want to end up like that again! On a cute side note, Charlie also told her that he likes him name and that I kiss him a lot, which is funny because I'm a serial cat kisser, but I'm not so sure he likes it!

On to Priscilla, she said that she's very funny and bossy. At first, she wouldn't let Charlie get a word in edgewise. She told Sonya that she's a very good cat who was never any trouble and always uses her litter box (which is true, and Sonya even told me the color of the box), and that everyone loves her, even Charlie. She also said that she's very independent and runs the house (yep).

Charlie and Priscilla don't get along (mostly on Priscilla's end), and everything she said about their relationship was correct. In fact, the things she was telling me Priscilla said were pretty much EXACTLY what I already imagined coming out of her mouth, so I definitely got a good laugh out of that.

Through Sonya, Priscilla communicated that Charlie is a "mess" (true), and that he is very needy (extremely true). Her overall feeling is that, "Well, I guess he's sticking around, and I'll just deal with it," and although there's no love lost between the two, they still "rub on" and would miss the companionship if the other were not around. Priscilla says that I worry about her a lot (true) and that she likes it, and predictably also asked why I talk to Charlie when I should be paying attention to her.

When it came time to talk about Teddy, Sonya also said some interesting things that gave me pause. She asked me to tell her about the time he slept on my bed, which I suppose could just be an open-ended "fishing" question, but actually he only slept on my bed one time ever, when my Mom was in the hospital recovering from a minor surgery (I didn't mention the "minor" part). After I said that, she said he replied, "Yes, but Mum was ok and she came back home after that," which was true.

She also said he was asking about a silver car and a white car, and while it didn't occur to me at the time, my parents DID each have cars that color that Teddy traveled in. He also said that when I moved out of the house, things were never the same, which in itself is a generic statement, but how did Sonya know I moved? (Although she did ask me his age at one point, and looking at me I suppose she could have surmised there was a high probability that I would've moved out of my parents house in his lifetime.)

The session lasted about 15 minutes total before someone came in and told us to wrap up. I didn't feel rushed whatsoever, and Sonya let me stay a few extra minutes to answer any final questions I had.

Now, did I receive any earth-shattering revelations from my reading? No, but it was fun and insightful, and made me feel strangely closer to the cats having heard what Sonya had to say. I've always felt in my heart that Charlie was abandoned, so to hear her confirmation felt "right", and it's pretty amazing that her reading of Priscilla's personality was so spot-on, considering she's never met her, or even seen a picture!

So, is Sonya Fitzpatrick the real deal? I'd say that's something you'd have to decide for yourself, but I left the session (mostly) a believer, and would jump at the chance to meet with her again given the opportunity.

What are your thoughts on pet psychics, and have you ever met with one? Let me know in the comments!


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Moderncat Studio Toy Review & Giveaway!

Jute Joint Jezebel

Are your cats tired of the same ol' same old when it comes to their playthings? Then maybe it's time to try out Moderncat Studio, purveyors of treats and toys for stylish kitties everywhere! The Phoenix, AZ based studio is helmed by cat-lover Kate Benjamin, who's also the brains behind the hugely popular kitty websites, Moderncat and Cattoo Design.

Moderncat Studio is dedicated to creating products that are beautiful and functional, and are handcrafted using environmentally friendly cat-safe materials and finishes. They generously sent over a sampling of toys for Charlie and Priscilla to test out, and what I immediately liked best was that in addition to the funky patterns and innovative designs, some of the toys also integrate fun sounds (rattles and bells, which my kitties love) which are very important when your cats have a short attention span!

As you can see, they loved everything - check out the "Meow!" at 0:15! I let them pick out their own toys from the box (first Priscilla, then Charlie), and they went to town! In the video they're playing with the Jingle Jute Bomb (a crowd favorite!), ModShaker Catnip Rattle Toy (also a fav), and Small ModKicker (true to its name!).

Priscilla lording over the toys

Our haul included the following items:

1. Lynks Felted Wool Cat Toy, 2 & 3. ModKickers, 4. Felt Roller, 5. Atomic Flyer, 6. ModShaker, 7. Jingle Jute Bomb, 8. Bamboleo - Re-purposed Wine Cork Cat Toys with Organic Catnip (pictured with Charlie, below).

Charlie sniffing out a Bamboleo

I have to say I was impressed with all of the toys, and my cats are obsessed! With Moderncat Studio you're getting unique designs and cool fabric patterns (that make me happy), and sturdy construction and high quality catnip for the kittehs! Win-win!

Enter To Win!

Speaking of winning, we want YOUR cat to take part in the fun too! Moderncat Studio has generously offered one lucky winner the chance to win a random assortment of the toys seen above!

To enter, leave a comment on this post with your name and some way for me to contact you (email, link back to your blog or profile, Twitter, etc.).
The winner be will chosen in a random drawing next Wednesday, August 24th at 5:00PM EST. This giveaway is open to everyone, so our international friends can enter, too! One entry per person, please.

Good luck to all, and make sure to stop by Moderncat Studio to check out their fabulous selection of luxury cat goods! For the month of August, 5% of total sales will go to All About Animals, a Phoenix, AZ based animal rescue dedicated to saving companion animals whose lives are in jeopardy, by providing rescue, foster, and adoption.

(If you have any trouble entering a comment, please email me at

Disclosure: I was provided with Moderncat Studio toys for giveaway and review, but all of the opinions expressed in this post are my own.

[Comments now closed. Thanks for entering!]


Friday, July 29, 2011

Charlie and Priscilla's Cat Hat Round-up & Last Day To Vote!

Well, this is it! Two cats, and twenty hats later, we've reached the final day in the 2011 Petties Campaign!

During the past three weeks, Charlie and Priscilla modeled some crazy hats for the cause, and I also visited Tabby's Place, where we met kitties like Kendall, Boots, Natalie, Tashi, and Twix, to show you where the $1,000 donation prize would end up going if I won. I have to say that no matter what ends up happening, I'm so thrilled to have been able to bring more exposure to Tabby's Place, and plan on continuing to highlight the sanctuary in the future.

That being said, I still want to bring home the $1,000 prize for them, so round up the cats and have them vote like crazy for Catsparella in the category of Best Social Integration Blog at! There's no registration required, and you can vote in as many, or as few, categories as you'd like.

Please spread the word that TODAY, Friday, July 29th, is the LAST day to vote!

I truly appreciate all of your your votes, support, and amazing comments, and as a special thank you, here's a round-up of Charlie and Priscilla's Top 10 Looks, as determined by Facebook "Likes"! Also, don't forget to stop by the Catsparella Facebook page tonight, to see Charlie model one final, surprise look!

1. Surprised Charlie - 109 Likes

2. Hamburger Charles - 94 Likes

3. Panda Priscilla - 93 Likes

4. Charlie Potter - 85 Likes

5. Queen Priscilla - 84 Likes

6. Gator Charlie - 78 Likes

7. Business Charlie - 75 Likes

8. Tick Tock Charlie - 68 Likes

9. Mad Catter Prissy - 67 Likes

10. Strawberry Priscilla - 63 Likes

*Honorable Mention to 3 of my favorites that didn't quite make the list*

Meow-gartitaville Priscilla

Nyan Cat Priscilla

Princess Beatrice Priscilla

(Click here and scroll down to see all of the other looks!)

Thank you!


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Throwing a Cat Party on a Dime

I'm a thrifty gal, always looking for a way to save a buck, so when our friends at My Pet Savings offered to do a guest post about throwing a fabulous cat party without spending a ton, I couldn't refuse! I love all of these cute and easy ideas, and will definitely use some of these tips when planning my next cat soiree!


When your cats are like your children, it only seems right to throw them a little celebration for their birthday or for the holidays. Here are a few ideas on how to throw a cat-errific good time on a dime.

Avoid party-crashers

The Guests: Invite all of your cat lover friends and their felines to your fabulous cat party! It is best to keep the party relatively small and to only invite well-tempered cats and kittens. Of course, you can choose to just have your cat be the only cat there if having guest cats in your home makes you nervous.

Temptations treats and kibble provide the garnish on this cat food cake

The Food: A party is not a party without delicious food. There are several cat treat recipes online that are simple to make. For individual birthday cakes for cats, mix tuna and prawn together well. The mixture should be the consistency of mush. The mixture can then be layered thickly in a rectangular cake pan. Then take a water glass and use it to cut the mixture into perfect circle. Place the circle of tuna and prawn on a little plate and garnish with catnip or cat grass. Place a candle in the birthday cat’s cake. Also, if your town has a pet bakery, they may have several gourmet treats for your cat available for purchase.

Cupcakes decorated using M&M minis, mini Oreos, and pretzel stix

For the non-furry guest, delicious cupcakes can be decorated to look like your kitty’s face (Click here for more cat cupcake ideas). A litter box cake is a popular recipe that will be a hoot for all of the human guests. You can also serve goldfish crackers, tuna sandwiches, and Chex Mix labeled as “Cat Chow” or “Meow Mix”.

The Decorations: Decorate with pictures of your cat in affordable frames. You can also hang faux yarn balls from the ceiling. Just take Styrofoam balls and wrap with inexpensive yarn. Glue the yarn to the ball to resemble a yarn ball. Hang from the ceiling or place on the table.

Little pots of cat grass can decorate the table, while also acting as place settings and take home favors.

Priscilla always enjoys a good game of Cat-opoly

The Games: Set up obstacle courses for the cats to explore and enjoy. Owners and cats can have relay races through the obstacle course by having the owner lead their cat through a series of obstacles (such as climbing up the cat tree or running down a ramp) with the help of three kitten treats. Whichever team has the fastest time will receive a cat-related prize. The book 50 Games to Play With Your Cat may have several more cat related games to play.

Without the cats, the owners can enjoy cat-related games, such as cat bingo or Cat-opoly – a cat version of Monopoly.

Throwing a party for your cat or just a cat-themed party can be a lot of fun. There is no need to spend a lot of money, though. Look for fun cat toys at a local dollar store and make the food and decorations from resources you all ready have in your home.

This article was provided by My Pet Savings, which provides cat (and dog) lovers with the latest cat food coupons, freebies, deals, giveaways and more.

Special thanks to Kristy from My Pet Savings for sharing these great tips! Images courtesy of Priscilla's 10th Birthday Party, which you can read more about here.

Have some more ideas, or want to share pictures from your own cat party? Email me at!



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