Showing posts with label create. Show all posts
Showing posts with label create. Show all posts

Sunday 5 June 2011

Origami Butterfly Garland.

Day two of 30 days of creativity was slightly more thought out than day one. For a start, I sort of knew what I wanted to do, all I needed was a sheet of wrapping paper and some string. Sounds simple, right? Do you think a single shop in Wareham sold string? Twine? Cotton? Shop keepers were looking at me as though I was asking for magic beans and by the time I'd rushed around all the shops being told I wouldn't find any string there, it was too late to buy wrapping paper as all the shops had shut. So I went back to the house minus my two vital (and only) components necessary for my project.

Raking around in the house looking for inspiration again, I managed to find a little brochure with pretty images throughout it's pages and found a needle and thread in a drawer. Excellent! I poured myself a glass of wine, sat out in the garden admiring the beautiful view with the sun setting to the wonderful sound of birdsong and Daughter.

I cut out nine squares from the pages of the brochure and started folding little origami butterflies. I've never really tried origami before, but I wanted to try something new and I'm so glad I did!

After all nine butterflies had been folded I hand stitched through their middles one by one creating a little garland to hang in the house/garden etc. I was really pleased with how this project turned out given the failures earlier that day trying to gather my materials!

♥ Origami

Tuesday 31 May 2011

30 days of creativity

After reading Becky Button's blog post, I have officially pledged to @createstuff that for each day of June I will create 'something'! As scary as it sounds, I'm actually pretty excited to see what I come up with! Particularly on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd when I won't be at home and have to pack light, I will be creating on-the-move so that should prove to be rather umm.. interesting! I'll need a serious plan of action for these three days but for the rest of the month I'm hoping to just go with the flow and am really excited to see what I come up with!

Why not jump on the bandwagon and join in with #30daysofcreativity? Take a look at the website to find out more about it and how to get involved and if like me you are a little skeptical/scared, Here are 30 reasons to participate. 

Good luck! Let me know if you're joining me! ♥