Showing posts with label fashion shoot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fashion shoot. Show all posts

Thursday 26 July 2012


On Sunday 22nd July I drove from my little home in West Sussex across the border and through the stunning landscapes of Surrey to photograph my lovely friend Francesca in some of my dresses. We hadn't seen each other for well over three years, it was so lovely to see her after all that time!

We spent our afternoon wandering the local area. For the first set of images we strayed from the path into the woods, tunnelling through a forest of fern taller than us until we came to a clearing with a tiny stream and dappled light glittering from the treetops onto our feet - it was like we'd stumbled onto the set of a fairytale film! Francesca wore my newest Ragdoll dress with bare feet and looked like a little elven princess, she looked amazing. A-MAZ-ING!
Emerging from the woods having momentarily lost our trail we headed back up the track and followed the sandy paths leading across the colourful heathland. Surrey is so different to Sussex, there are towering pine forests and valleys filled with heather and bumblebees. The colours were incredible, an ocean of purple as far as the eye could see. Francesca lay amongst the flowers and did her thing - she's a natural.
For the last set of images we drove a small way eventually ending up at a small lake surrounded by fallen pine cones. The sun was slightly too high for the light I usually crave so Francesca paddled out into some shade and we shot the atlas dress in all it's glory.
All I can say is what a glorious day. Amazing weather, beautiful surroundings, a perfect opportunity to pick my camera up, lovely girlie giggles and a long over-due catch up.