Showing posts with label louise knight-richardson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label louise knight-richardson. Show all posts

Sunday 30 November 2014

Natfly in Autumn

Natfly in Autumn
We did it again. Natalie & I went out to shoot one thing and then this happened..
I felt compelled to do some composite work after being inspired by one of Brooke Shaden's workshops that I've seen numerous times on Creative Live (if you've not heard of Creative Live before I URGE you to check it out!). Composite work isn't new to me, but it can be time consuming. In my college days I would spend hours on just one image and found it really therapeutic. Watching a few photographs turn into art over the course of the edit for me was magical but it's not something I can justify using the time for anymore.. why. is. that? This image combines only around 6 or 7 images and was a fairly straight forward edit. We shot it on a total whim whilst setting up a different shot all together and I love the result.

Here's a lil'shot of me that Nat took from the same session. Autumn is so pretty.
Image ©Natalie Miller

Sunday 31 August 2014

Photos at Goodwood

Miss Miller and I ventured out to the woods at Goodwood. This particular trip was supposed to be Nat's day.. I wasn't supposed to be shooting, I was supposed to be helping but then we found this creepy area of part built shelters and then this happened.  
Seriously, I love it when we do this. Every photo-outing together is different, but usually goes a little something like this:
  • Have one goal in mind. 
  • Plan entire trip around said goal.
  • embark on journey.
  • Shoot something entirely different. 
I have so much love for this girl, she keeps me motivated and inspired. We bounce ideas off of each other and although a lot of my ideas are completely ridiculous, she gets it and manages to somehow keep a straight face whilst we attempt said ridiculous shoot, whether or not it works out. 
She's the number one reason I still find the time for photography (and by this I mean, actually get out and shoot something for fun and not work-related). It's not that I don't want to, I love taking photos and I truly miss the 'old days' where I would shoot self portraits weekly, or set up a photoshoot just for the sake of creating beautiful pictures, but finding the time around everything else can be hard - I seriously need to schedule some time in to do this more often!

Friday 30 May 2014

Huge news for Jackdaw Bindery!

TRYING NOT TO FAINT HERE.. It's been SO hard to keep schtum about this.. SO HARD and I still can't believe it myself I'm literally in daydream mode here, but after a couple of weeks of incredibly hard keeping quiet I can finally reveal that Jackdaw Bindery is
I've been reading Etsy's articles about the wonderful designers, artists and makers who sell their amazing work through etsy for so long it was a huge shock to the system to be contacted myself about little old ME being featured. I still don't believe it but now it's finally been published I'm just sitting here in silence staring and thinking.. *ME... THAT'S ME!* 

My good friend Natalie Miller came round to drink tea and shoot some beautiful photos of me and my studio that I'm so thankful for. If you're interested to know more about myself, Jackdaw Bindery and how it all happened, you can read the whole article on the etsy blog.
Still letting this sink in. The support for my journey so far has been amazing so thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone who has supported me, even in the tiniest way, thank you thank you thank you ♥

Sunday 21 October 2012


It's SALE TIME at Dearest Jackdaw! Not only do I have various items in the sale of my etsy shop already but I now have tonnes of prints with a whopping 50% OFF! I am selling all of my remaining stock from my print shop "What the Jackdaw Saw". I've gone through each and every print and grouped them into sets of images that compliment each other and look just as good together as they do apart. Just click here and use the shop section menu on the left hand side to navigate your way to the sale. Absolutely perfect for gift giving, stocking fillers, adding a little bit of colour to your home, office or studio. Come and take a peek!

Thursday 15 March 2012

Birthday, Sale and Free Prints ♥

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MEEEE! Well, not ME, me.. but to Dearest Jackdaw for she is ONE YEAR YOUNG TODAY! I even made a cake or 12. (The rest were long gone before I could snap this piccy!)

So, what has the year taught me? That I love my job? Yes indeed I do. And I cannot WAIT to see what the next year has in store - there are already so many things I want to do I'm finding it tricky to keep up with myself!

Thursday 20 October 2011

Find me this Christmas

I've been so very busy since the move - I've been working, sewing, photographing and creating each and every day to make up the stock for all the events I'm attending this Christmas! For those of you interested in coming along to any of them, here's where you'll be able to find me!