Jason "JT" Ready, founder of US Border Guard was among five found dead in the Phoenix suburb of Gilbert this afternoon.
Police were called to the scene of a domestic dispute when they found the bodies of two women, a man, a mortally wounded female toddler who later died and the body of Ready. Initially the police described the scene as that of a murder-suicide, but they quickly pulled back on that declaration, probably due to other evidence found.
Update 2: Video below of interview of JT Ready at an Occupy event in Phoenix
For those in the immigration movement they will not know a whole lot about Ready. Ready claimed to be a member of the Minuteman Civil Defense Corp (MCDC), a group that was founded by Chris Simcox after a falling out with Jim Gilchrist's Minuteman Project years ago. However, the only source of that is the far-left, race-baiting for profit group, the Southern Poverty Law Center.
Of course with the extent of the MCDC at the time of its founding, it would not be out of the realm of possibility that Ready received a "membership" at some time and considered himself a member. There were tens of thousands in the MCDC - all that was required was a donation. The MCDC never sanctioned him as any sort of leader of the group.
With all the hype of the left to try to tie JT Ready to the mainstream of those in this country who are for the rule of law and enforcement of immigration laws - their efforts fall on their faces. Ready was in no way a part of the mainstream enforcement movement. Ready gave several speeches at Neo-Nazi rallies, not something that the average American opposing illegal immigration would do.
The most attention JT Ready received was when Arizona State Senator Russell Pearce was running for re-election. Ready showed up at an event that Pearce appeared at to give a speech and meet and greet afterwards. Pearce had met him before when he had been a volunteer on phones for pro-life groups. This was prior to Ready associating with Neo-Nazi groups. Ready went up and got a picture with Pearce. This picture was posted by Ready on the internet.
Later, after Ready had been disavowed by the Republican Party for his Neo-Nazi ties, this picture was quickly picked up by those in favor of illegal immigration and against Pearce. Pearce is a fierce proponent of enforcement of immigration laws, and the pro-illegal alien groups somehow tried to tie Pearce to the Neo-Nazi movement simply for posing for a picture. These are the kinds of smear-tactics and despicable acts those who support lawbreakers use when they cannot oppose someone with legitimate facts and arguments. They lie, slander and libel.
Update: Russell Pearce has released a statement on the JT Ready shooting after being badgered repeatedly by media all day. Read it below.
Ready then apparently renounced his membership in the National Socialist movement and in 2009 formed the group US Border Guards and Border Rangers based out of Arizona. Having covered immigration enforcement since 2003, I can tell you that I have no familiarity with this group. There have been tons of groups formed of border watchers and some of them are simply two or three people and do not represent the majority of border watchers that had vetting processes and did not call for violence only reporting to the Border Patrol when they spotted illegal activity of smuggling drugs or people.
US Border Guard posted the following statement to their website on the shooting event.
The US Border Guard is extremely saddened by the untimely loss of our founder, J.T. Ready and the other souls lost in such a senseless act of violence. Our sympathies go out to all of his family and friends during this time of unbelievable grief and pain. God bless you, J.T. You will be fiercely missed.
The picture above is the angle the media has taken with this story - portraying JT Ready as an extremist militia guy in camo with a big gun on the border - ignoring his neo-nazi past. That is because to the media there is no difference between the two groups. If you oppose illegal immigration, you must be a racist. Groups like the SPLC and other pro-illegal alien groups profit from this continued equation and scare tactic.
JT Ready went on to run for Pinal County Sheriff in Arizona as both a Republican and a Democrat - losing.
The facts on the death of JT Ready are currently unknown. The facts that those in favor of illegal aliens are already trying to smear all of those who oppose illegal immigration as anti-immigrant and Neo-Nazi's like JT Ready are quite clear and already out there on the internet. The real fact is that JT Ready opposed illegal immigration, but he also opposed all immigration based on racial supremacy. That is a far cry from the rest of Americans who want order and security along the border and a responsible immigration system.
The majority of people I know in the immigration enforcement movement oppose illegal immigration based on the rule of law and the costs to this country in the billions yearly in services and benefits. Some also believe that immigration should be limited, not only for assimilation reasons, but because all immigration should be based on whether an immigrant is a boon or a burden to the United States of America and its citizens. Immigration - in their opinion and mine - is not welfare, it is for the benefit of our nation, not the immigrant's.
Statement by Russell Pearce on the JT Ready Shooting
Our prayers and thoughts are with the surviving family members and friends of the victims of today¹s horrific and evil act. There are no words to adequately express the sadness we share, as a community, with those affected.
I spent much of my day resisting efforts by those in the media to get me to make a statement. Today¹s events have nothing to do with me and no connection to me. Yet TV news crews started coming to my home seeking comments and my telephone rang nonstop with calls from those who were desperate to score the ugliest of political points off of this tragedy. Now my name is being mentioned in coverage and I have no choice but to respond.
Regarding whether I knew JT Ready, I did, as did many of us who have been involved in Mesa politics for a long time. When we first met JT he was fresh out of the Marine Corp and seemed like a decent person. He worked as a telephone fundraiser for Christian and pro-life groups, he dated the
daughter of one of our District 18 members, and his attitudes and spoken opinions were good and decent. At some point in time darkness took his life over, his heart changed, and he began to associate with the more despicable groups in society. They were intolerant and hateful and like so many who knew him from before, I was upset and disappointed at the choices he was making. I worked with others to have him removed from his local position within our Republican Party because there has never been and will never be any room in our Party or our lives for those preaching hatred. He was angry with me and stayed angry with me, and it has been several years since I have had reason to speak with JT.
In the past several years the local media has worked hard to try to tie me to the JT Ready that preached hate, and that is nothing more than a lie. When I learned the truth about him, I made it clear how wrong I thought it was and I worked to remove him from our Party. Yet the lie is told and retold over and over again. It is the ugliest form of politics. The most radical groups I have ever belonged to are the Boy Scouts of America and the Fraternal Order of Police, and in my 65 years in Mesa, as a law enforcement deputy, as a judge and as the head of state agencies, I have never been accused of mistreating anyone or of unfair conduct toward anyone I have associated with, hired or supervised.
Finally, while I am frequently critical of the job the mainstream media does in pursuing a political agenda instead of the truth, today¹s behavior is the most reprehensible that I have ever witnessed. On the very day that these unspeakable crimes take place, editors and producers all over town are
making a concerted effort to make the story about a politician whose conservative politics they disagree with.
Today, the Devil won and claimed the soul of one young man and the lives of others, including the most innocent of all, a child. Our thoughts and prayers are with the four beautiful souls that are now in God¹s hands. We pray that He accepts them into his kingdom and that He grants comfort and solace to the friends and surviving family.
Update 2:
Thanks to JMZ in the comments below for finding this video interview of JT Ready at an Occupy Phoenix rally (video was uploaded in January 2012)
Additional sources: 1, 2