ABC NorCal Electrical Apprentice Recognized with Award

Sagit Woodbury
Apprenticeship Operations Officer, ABC Northern California

Joseph Peterson, a fifth year ABC Northern California (ABC NorCal) apprentice, has been awarded the prestigious Southwire 2021 Top Gun Apprentice. Southwire is a global supplier of wire and cable, as well as a provider of electrical tools, equipment, and assembled products such as meters, extension cords and lighting.

"My long career goal is to be an awesome electrician, but my short-term goal is to pass my test," said Peterson. "I would recommend the ABC NorCal apprenticeship program, because it’s education for a learn what you’re going to apply in your career. It’s definitely for people whose goal is to be a journeyworker"

The recipient of the award is selected by Southwire Company based on who received the highest scores throughout the apprenticeship program. Southwire presented Joseph the award and gifts at the ABC NorCal Craft Competition in November. The award included a prize package worth $600 that carries a Top Gun certificate and hat, as well as a backpack filled with Southwire tools.

Michele Daugherty, ABC NorCal Chapter President/CEO; Joseph Peterson, apprentice; Joe Fawcett, Training Instructor of Southwire Company
Pictured left to right: Michele Daugherty, ABC NorCal Chapter President/CEO; Joseph Peterson, apprentice; Joe Fawcett, Training Instructor of Southwire Company
"Southwire is really committed to making apprenticeship programs stronger and helping train the future workforce," said Joe Fawcett, Training Instructor for Southwire Company.

Congratulations to Joseph for this amazing recognition for his hard work and dedication!

February 2022