Judgment Enforcement Unit (JEU)

The Judgment Enforcement Unit (JEU) helps workers recover unpaid wages by enforcing judgments from the Labor Commissioner’s orders and decisions for unpaid wages and penalties.

What is a Judgment?

When the Labor Commissioner’s Office determines that unpaid wages are due to workers, an Order, Decision or Award (ODA) or Notice of Findings (NOF) is issued. If the employer that owes the wages fails to pay the workers, a judgment is issued to help the worker recover the wages.

These judgments are court orders to pay wages and other monies owed. Once the Labor Commissioner ODAs and NOFs are converted into a judgment, they can be enforced using the same mechanisms as any other civil judgment.

Resources for Workers

Judgments Referred to JEU

Identifying Assets

Judgment Success Stories

Read more stories and cases

Bank Levy Recovers Unpaid Wages for Restaurant Worker

Bank-LevyA restaurant worker in Thousand Oaks won over $20,000 in unpaid wages from a successful bank levy. The liable owner of the restaurant, singer and performer Siavash Shams, was the subject of the Judgment Enforcement Unit’s investigation...

October 2024