Political Parties in 2008 [ARCHIVE]
Check the political parties positions, platforms, and actions in support of full legal equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer Americans...
Check each political party platform on equality for LGBT Americans as well as our rating for the party on equality:
> The 2008 Democratic Party Platform and the 2008 Republican Party platform on LGBT equality
> The 2008 Libertarian Party platform and 2008 Green Party platform on LGBT equality
eQualityGiving has asked the heads of the LGBT political organizations related to the major parties to present their ideas of what their party is actually doing to achieve LGBT equality. See the box on the right.
The Democratic National Committee has an officer, Andy Tobias, so openly gay that he has written two books about it. Check his article about the 7 reasons to support the DNC. If an officer of the Republican National Committee submits a similar article, it will be published.
Furthermore, the Democratic National Committee has a senior staffer fully dedicated to promote the interests of the LGBT community within the party. Read the progress made by the Democratic Party in 2007 and 2008 on LGBT issues.
The Republican Party has no similar position of a senior staffer fully dedicated to LGBT issues.
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