February 25, 2013 (Alpine) – Parks, housing, a proposed county equine ordinance, Forest Conservation Initiative lands, and Viejas’ plans for a parking garage are among the items on the agenda for the Alpine Community Planning Group this week. For a full agenda and details, read more.
Alpine Community Planning Group Agenda
P.O. Box 1419
Alpine, CA 91903‐0819
Thursday, February 28th, 2013
6:00 P.M.
Alpine Community Center
1830 Alpine Boulevard, Alpine, CA 91901
I. Call to Order
II. Invocation / Pledge of Allegiance
III. Roll Call of Members
Jim Archer Travis Lyon Lou Russo
George Barnett Nicole McDonagh Richard Saldano
Aaron Dabbs Mike Milligan Sharmin Self
Jim Easterling Tom Myers Kippy Thomas
Roger Garay Leslie Perricone John Whalen
IV. Approval of Minutes / Correspondence / Announcements
1. Minutes: Jan 24th , 2012
2. BOS letter on Alpine Heights Rd
B. APG Statement:
The Alpine Community Planning Group was formed for the purpose of advising and assisting the Director of Planning, the Zoning Administrator, the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors in the preparation, amendment and implementation of community and sub regional plans. The Alpine Community Planning Group is only an advisory body.
V. Open Discussion
Any member of the public may address the group on topics pertaining to
planning, zoning and land use which does not appear elsewhere on this agenda. Upon recognition by the Chairman, each speaker will be allowed up to three minutes to speak (organized/special presentations up to fifteen minutes). There can be limited discussion with no vote on any issue (s) so presented until such time as proper public notice is given prior to such discussion and vote
VI. Prioritization of this Meetings Agenda Items
VII. Group Business
1. Subcommittee membership, subcommittee chairs will offer for approval, proposed members of their committees
2. Review Standing Rules for comments and approval of 2013 Standing Rules
3 - Parks & Recreation Subcommittee Chairman Jim Archer will report to the ACPG on the 2/12/13 subcommittee meeting where 2 motions were passed:
1st motion identified a partnership with “PLAY” to operate and maintain the potential future acquisition of APN 403-190-85-00 on Arnold Way.
2nd motion recommended the Planning Group request the Board of Supervisor’s to name the potential future park Vinnie Higgins Park. This is a 16 year old boy that played football and brought the community together with his passing on December 2, 2012.
Notice of Completion (NOC) of a Tribal EIR for a Proposed Parking Structure (Adjacent to Viejas Hotel & Casino)
The Draft Tribal Environmental Impact Report (TEIR) is expected to be published on or before Thursday, February 14, 2013. The draft document can be reviewed on the World Wide Web at http://www.sdcounty.ca.gov/pds/ceqa_public_review.html, at the County of San Diego Department of Planning and Development Services (PDS), 5510 Overland Avenue, San Diego, CA 92123, or at the Alpine Public Library. Comments on the Draft TEIR will be accepted from February 14, 2013 through March 30, 2013. Please send any comments on the TEIR to the attention of Robert Scannell, Viejas Enterprises, 5000 Willows Road, Alpine CA 91901.
VIII. Organized / Special Presentations:
1. Housing Element Update. County staff Dixie Switzer will discuss the Housing Element Update released for a 30-day public review on January 29th . Since the Update is not proposing any changes to the General Plan land use map or goals & policies, its primary component is a Sites Inventory. The Sites Inventory identifies properties in Alpine that have a density of at least 10.9 dwelling units per acre. The presentation is intended to provide the planning group with an opportunity to provide comments prior to the Planning Commission hearing scheduled for March 1, 2013 [15 minutes]
2. Forest Conservation Initiative Lands GPA. County staff Bob Citrano will discuss the Forest Conservation Initiative Lands GPA. A Draft Supplemental EIR (SEIR) was released for a 45-day public review on February 1, 2013. The environmental analysis for this SEIR is based on the land use map endorsed by the Alpine CPG on April 26 and September 27, 2012. Staff will:
a. Identify proposed changes this project would make to Alpine Community Plan
b. Identify the roads that will result in significant impacts with build-out of the proposed project as determined by the traffic study prepared for the Supplemental EIR
c. Provide an update on the project status and next steps [15 minutes]
3. A representative from Sprint will be coming to discuss a modification to the cell site near 6163 alpine Blvd, Alpine, Ca 91901, Minor Use Permit # ZAP96-013W1; APN: 406-140-24,25. Presentation, Discussion and Action.
4. A representative for Sprint will be coming to discuss a modification to the cell site near 844 Tavern Road, Alpine Ca 91901, Permit # ZAP12-002W1; APN 403-380-80-00. Presentation, Discussion and Action.
5. Sharmin Self will discuss the comments and concerns submitted by the public during the Public Facilities Subcommittee of February 20, 2013, regarding The County of San Diego’s Draft Supplemental EIR (SEIR), which was released for a 45-day public review on February 1, 2013. The environmental analysis for the SEIR is based on the land use map endorsed by the Alpine CPG on April 26 and September 27, 2012. The Alpine ACP will submit these to the county before their March 18, 2013 deadline. Discussion only.
6. Jim Archer will discuss the Parks and Recreation Subcommittee recommendations to have the County of San Diego purchase parcel 403-190-85-00 at 1311 Arnold Way, Alpine. The County of San Diego will need a letter to the Director of Parks and Recreation, copying Supervisor Jacob, requesting the County to move forward with the acquisition negotiations to acquire the property. Discussion and Action.
7. "The County of San Diego has released their "Tiered Equine Ordinance Draft EIR" for 45 day Public Review. The Public Facilities subcommittee will forward comments and concerns accepted at their February 20, 2013 meeting. The ACPG will accept any comments and concerns from the public that have not already been submitted, in order to forward them to the county. All comments must be submitted to the County no later than March 20, 2013 .Discussion and Recommendation."
IX Consent Calendar
A. Circulation
1. Discussion and Vote: None
B. Communications
1. Discussion and Vote: None
C. Private Actions
1. Discussion and Vote: None.
D. Public Facilities, Services & Major Public Policy
1. Discussion and Recommendations (Vote): None
E. Trails & Conservation
1. Discussion and Vote: None
F. Parks & Recreation
1. Discussion and Vote: None
G. ADHOC Sub‐Committees
1. Discussion and Recommendations (Vote): None
X Subcommittee Reports (Including Alpine Design Review Board)
H. Private Actions
I. Trails & Conservation
J. Parks & Recreation
K. Public Facilities & Services &
L. Major Public Policy
M. Circulation
N. Communication
O. Alpine Design Review Board
XI Officers Reports
P. Chairman
Q. Vice Chairman
R. Secretary
S. Immediate Past Chair
XII Open Discussion 2 (Only if Necessary)
Any member of the public may address the group on topics pertaining to planning, zoning and land use which does not appear elsewhere on this agenda. Upon recognition by the Chairman, each speaker will be allowed up to three minutes to speak (organized/special presentations up to fifteen minutes). There can be limited discussion with no vote on any issue (s) so presented until such time as proper public notice is given prior to such discussion and vote.
XIII Request for Agenda Items for Upcoming Agendas
T. (All requested Agenda Items MUST be to APG Chair by the 2nd Thursday of each month to be included in the Preliminary Agenda.)
XIV Approval of Expenses / Expenditures
a) Post Office Fee $106.00 reimbursement to Jim Easterling, receipt attached
XV Announcement of Sub‐Committee Meetings
XVI Announcement of Next Meeting: March 28, 2013 at 6:00 PM
XVII Adjournment of Meeting
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