Showing posts with label youtube. Show all posts
Showing posts with label youtube. Show all posts

Saturday, November 1, 2014

#MichaelsMakers Dream Tree Challenge

Hello!! So we decided to do something a little different this month.. we did a VIDEO!  What??? Let me tell you guys, it was a blast!  We had so much fun.  We managed to squeeze 8 hours of shopping and decorating into 11 MINUTES.  Check out our video... Follow us as we shop for Christmas at Michael's, watch as we show you our haul and tell you our plans, then be amused as we attempt to decorate with children running around, my cat climbing the Christmas tree, and ideas not going quite as planned.  Most importantly, get INSPIRED and get in the Christmas Spirit!  When you finish the video, let us know what you think!  Should we keep up with doing videos?  Do you guys like it?  I feel they're slightly more personal because you guys get to see us... how we are for real.  Bottom line, we're goofy.  There's no way around it. 

Also, make sure to change the setting to HD.. much better quality video!  Click the little gear in the bottom right of the video window.

Stop by Michaels’ blog, The Glue String, to see the full Dream Tree Challenge and all of the fabulous trees that were created this year by the Michaels Makers.  Head into Michaels Nov. 2 through Nov. 8 for the Make It Merry Tree Event  – 50% off all trees 6 ft. or taller!!! To kick off the holiday season, make sure and check out of Michaels’ Make it Merry  inspiration book or all kinds of holiday tips and projects.

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