Showing posts with label Deep Fried Beancurd Skin With Nestum Cereal Flakes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Deep Fried Beancurd Skin With Nestum Cereal Flakes. Show all posts

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Deep Fried Beancurd Skin With Nestum Cereal Flakes

Each time I tasted something nice in a restaurant or any food stall, I will want to replicate it.  I find it more challenging than to just follow a recipe from my wide collection of  cookbooks.  Able to taste it and come back home to try replicate the dish to near 90% is an accomplishment for a home cook like me. I once ate this deep fried beancurd skin with nestum cereal flakes at a noodle shop and I loved it so much so that I came back home, tried a few times but was not happy with it and yesterday I managed to get it correct or at least 90% near to the original :)  This is an easy to make finger food that has to be consumed fast or it will turned soft. Eat it within 30 mins, it will still remains crispy and crunchy.  But not to worry, it finishes fast when it comes to this kind finger food.  Hubby loves it too and we will be fighting for the last piece LOL!  This will be another popular request from the hubby  :)

 beancurd skin for making lobak

prawn, minced meat and fish paste

spread a thin layer of prawn and fish paste on the  
surface of the beancurd skin

after applying a layer of paste, coat the surface with nestum cereal
 then deep fried in oil till crispy and golden brown

Deep Fried Beancurd Skin With Nestum Cereal

1 piece of beancurd skin ( for making lobak ) - cut into 3"x 3" squares
100 gm prawn  , mince meat and fish paste  - ready made fish paste (40 gm ) minced meat (20 gm) from fishmonger + fresh prawns (40 gm) chopped finely
1 cup of nestum cereal flakes
1 egg - beaten - add a pinch of salt, a shake of pepper

oil for deep frying

Prepare the prawn and fish paste .  Add finely chopped prawns (30gm) to the ready made fish paste (50gm ) mix together with chopsticks till well blended. Leave aside.

Open up the beancurd skin and cut into 3" x 3" square.  Spread a thin layer of prawn and fish paste on surface. Apply beaten egg on top of prawn fish paste layer, then coat with nestum cereal flakes till it is well coated.  Deep fry on medium heat till golden brown.  Place on paper towel to absorb excess oil.

* note: oil must be hot before putting in the beancurd skin. Use a wooden chopstick to test out, If there is bubble around the chopstick end. It is ready for deep frying. 

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