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Thread: Dunc and those shoores soote

  1. #181
    Dunc is offline but say it is my humour
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    Sydney, Australia
    27 June 2006


    Mum -
    ...........It’s been so superbusy!
    Really should’ve written sooner -
    never had so many patrons
    queuing for the schooner

    soused and fish-eyed after drowning,
    dripping down through all the tunnels -
    every trip I’m overloaded
    right above the gunnels!

    Good news anyway - the budget
    blew to bits on O.T.A.
    so they can’t afford a bridge and
    poof! I’m permanent! Hooray!

    And with all that fancy planning
    for a brutal total slaughter?
    What a farce! The blockheads never
    found sufficient water!

    So a lot of dodgy buggers
    (tipped off by some HQ buddy)
    slip back from the upper mountains
    muddy but still bloody.

    What a cock-up! Still, they’re saying,
    maybe it was best it missed
    given all the lofty heavies
    who are really pissed!

    Anyway, the bosses tell me
    no assistant (or respect!)
    plus, in future there’s a fee that
    I have to collect.

    That’s enough. I’ll have to spar on.
    Ever-lovin’ wishes,
    ...............................- Charon

  2. #182
    NicS is offline Fun and felicitous PFFA patron
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    Nice stuff as usual, Dunc. I guess even Charon had a mother. Love this:

    Really should’ve written sooner -
    never had so many patrons
    queuing for the schooner

    soused and fish-eyed after drowning,

  3. #183
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Hi Dunc,

    I though 9 was about a ferryboat that was to be condemned because a bridge was to be built in its place. It reminded me of another poem about Death the Ferry Man (posted during JuPo), I thought it was one of yours too but I can’t find it so I don’t know who wrote it.

    Anyway, after looking up Wiki, I think it’s about the game Dungeons and Dragons, I don’t know the game but I suspect that’s what happens.

    This series is very Matrix, the world is not real and only the imagination and manipulation of its inventors, however the people in the world don’t realise it and the programmers have lost control of what’s happening, just like God. Well… that’s kind of how the poems are pulling together for me.

    My favs are 1,5, and 7

    I can’t wait to see your conclusion!

    Looking forward


  4. #184

    poof! I’m permanent! Hooray!

    Such a fun poem, but LORD, this line kills me.

    chuckled half the day on that one...

  5. #185
    Dunc is offline but say it is my humour
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    Sydney, Australia


    Sorry for the delay in responding, guys.

    Student - I'm guessing he had a mother, though none of the ancients actually says so.

    Cher - In truth it's intended as a tale woven with no particular strictness around the various Flood stories.

    sefton - Glad you got something from it!

    As ever, I appreciate the feedback, folks. Thanks for dropping in,

    Regards / Dunc

  6. #186
    Dunc is offline but say it is my humour
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    Sydney, Australia
    As at 30 June 2006


    Lovely and only mother,
    delicate glaze of life
    between the vacuum
    and the molten mantle,

    .......I can’t believe it! I make this amazing place and you - you just smash it, you moron!

    the story tells of the drowning
    and of the burning to come
    heard as your world is rendered down
    into a toil of fumes

    .......- I did what I had to. I was NOT drunk.

    without even the excuse
    of the slow-boiled frog
    who dies of ignorance.

    .......Immortal? Ha! Don’t bet on it, buster! If I go, you go - dead set!

  7. #187
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Excellent! What fun to see Charon represented as his mother's son instead of a timeless evil - I can almost feel myself warming to him!


  8. #188
    ADK is offline Fun and felicitous PFFA patron
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    Jun 2005
    Hi Dunc,
    Loooved the Charon poem. Your sense of humor was going full bore with that one.

    Today's only pales in comparison to that one. It's pretty funny, too, God getting dressed down by Mother Goddess. Delicate glaze of life...as if that's going to divert her. And I'm glad you included the amphibian.

    Hope you're sticking around for July.

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