21. There’s Nothing Poetic About It (Mystery Poem #2)
War is not something to celebrate, son,
there’s no happiness in it at all,
and all of the poets gathered under the sun
know nothing of answering the call.
You want to write something in metre and verse,
a sonnet to tell of brave tales? -
Try versify the walk beside mates in a hearse,
how the weight of a medal prevails.
Go string lines together to send to a wife
for her husband’s brave actions afield;
I’m sure she’ll appreciate the rest of her life
carrying wounds that can never be healed.
That heroism occurs is a fact beyond doubt
but no one can witness that at home;
all that is left will be those left without
as a loved one is lowered into loam.
Put away your pen, son, there’s nothing for you here,
at least nothing I can give you today;
you want do something? – then buy me a beer,
let me march one more time to the fray.
thankheavens for MPs
Because, if the poet isn’t careful, meaning has a way of too insistently shouldering its way in, so that we readers then have the meaning but miss the experience.
Christopher Ricks, Introduction to Austin Clarke’s Collected Poems