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Thread: So, It's come to this.

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Midwestern U.S.
    Love Tasty and am fascinated by how your mind works/ takes ordinary subjects and turns them into something extraordinary.

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    January-poet, Laurie, and Donner

    Thanks so much for dropping by and laying some good words on me.The universe has been working against my writing this past week. Urgent home construction projects, and the loss of my thumb drive that contained EVERYTHING have left me in a awful state.
    I do have a back-up copy of sorts that goes back to late March, but I've lost a few things fo'eva'.


    Look for the telltale phrase, 'Forward this to everyone you know!': a found poem

    Captain Abraham Sands of the Jacksonville, Florida Police Department. writes
    in order to get the word out to car drivers
    of a dangerous prank occurring in numerous states.
    Some person or persons have been affixing
    hypodermic needles infected with HIV
    to the underside of gas pump handles.

    It is imperative to carefully check the handle.
    Look at every surface your hand may touch.

    If you know that you will be capable of helping us actualize this transaction, you should send to me immediately the details of your bank particulars or open a new bank account where we can transfer the money

    E-mails that claim to show pictures of disaster areas may contain viruses.
    Only open attachments from known senders.

    Your account may have been compromised, please send us your information.
    My Friend Jerry is stuck on a Facebook in England and needs 1000 Euros to get home.
    A year-and-a-half later, Gillette really does unveil a five-blade razor with two lubricating strips.

    They both have a delayed virus that will be activated on Christmas day

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    New Yorker Deli Veterans Day 2009

    They don’t take credit
    cards here, cash only.

    Eat a hot pastrami sandwich,
    iridescent streaks on the meat
    catch your eye like oil slicks
    from sunken ships, mustard drips
    and crumbs of rye survive on a salty plate.

    Outside the day
    is as cold and rough
    as a bushel of oysters.
    But, in here a parade of men
    with nothing in common
    except the small slice of the one big
    the one to end all, the latest one
    the one in Asia, the good one
    the one that got The Wall
    or the other one.

    Two old men in satin jackets covered with patches hold
    court at the deuce across the aisle, nursing light
    beer from an improbably small pitcher
    One signals , folds his tattered menu.
    “Hey Trixie, when you get a minute.”

  4. #64
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Yeah, what is it with that pastrami "glare"? I never knew someone else noticed besides myself. What is that? Love love love the "bushel of oysters" analogy. Tres kewl. When you go back to this, those opening line breaks are gonna need some work. -a

  5. #65
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Haworth parsonage graveyard

    Your "Found Poem" based on spam emails gave me a chuckle. "Trailways Madonna" is also very strong. We are nearly 2/3 there!



  6. #66
    January Poet is offline Fun and felicitous PFFA patron
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    LOLOL for Found Poem and hey I love my reubens(with pastrami not cornbeef) so I don't want to know what the streaks are. And I think I know those old men, they used to eat at my parents' diner. I really enjoyed the sense of place in this one- reminded me of when I used to help in the diner when I was a teenager.

  7. #67
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Andrea, Mari, and January,

    Thanks again for dropping by. The streaks on the pastrami are caused by the curing process.

    This is a crappy sestina, but I wrote it in 18 hours, so that's got to count for something, right?

    Fast Food Sestina

    On cold days Rochelle has to stand
    out behind the back door just to smoke
    a cigarette and worry about money.
    She works doubles because she needs the hours

    she and the manager have had a little talk
    and she gets what she wants now, baby.

    She flips her phone open to see a picture of her baby;
    looks for the little envelope symbol to tell her where things stand.
    Nothing there. She drifts back to when Corey would call to talk
    and laugh and call her “honey”. He rolled away like smoke
    from a chimney. Now she fills her hours
    with French fry grease, paper hats and never enough money.

    She is going back to school when she saves enough money,
    get her GED, a real job and some brand-new toys for her baby.
    Or at least get some sleep, she’s running on about five hours
    or less these days. It’s getting to where she can’t stand
    the thought of even one more shift meal, or the smell of smoke
    when the grill gets too hot, or the way the part-time high-schoolers talk.

    Once in time, she could talk that talk
    about who liked who, and “I’m gonna get me a...and a … and one of those with my paycheck money”
    Now, these kids know better than to ask her for a smoke.
    Back in the kitchen, the manager tells her she’s going to have to baby
    that machine along, or it’ll fall right off its stand
    and he’s not paying for a service call after-hours.

    She punches her card into the ker-chunking time clock and adds up her hours
    in her head, how long to buy gas, how long for more formula, and how long to have a talk
    with Mama about how short she’s going to be this week. She watches the customers stand
    in line, looking up at the menu like it’s some sort of spaceship they have to give their money.
    She smiles a thin smile as she thinks about her own little alien baby
    sees her dropping from a space ship flashing its lights and spewing green smoke.

    The onions in the machine burn her eyes like smoke,
    but still she smiles for her little girl who giggles for hours
    and grins like a post-card lake in the mountains, a cool blue-water baby.
    some day, when that cool little girl learns how to talk,
    some day, when she can afford the money
    they’ll find that lake, walk its shore, stare at their reflections in the water, and they will just stand.

    Mama told her “You’ll stand what you have to stand, put that in your pipe and smoke it.”
    So she deep-fries for money, sweats in an ugly shirt for hours and listens to the
    code-talk from the line, “Double-double, heavy everything, and drop me some fries, chop-chop, baby

  8. #68
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Midwestern U.S.
    Love you spam e-mail poem. I need to check my spam for inspiration! Your Deli poem was very good, some great images there, although I prefer to not look too closely when I eat processed meat! The fact that you can even DO a sestina this late in the game is impressive! Way to go!

  9. #69
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    East Dulwich, London
    Hey Dave!

    Just dropping firstly to say thanks and secondly to compliment you on the sestina. Often the envoi feels squished, as the writer tries to get all the endwords crammed in, but here, using them to represent the fast hammered-out ordering was a stroke of genius.

    So she deep-fries for money, sweats in an ugly shirt for hours and listens to the
    code-talk from the line, “Double-double, heavy everything, and drop me some fries, chop-chop, baby
    "I do not jump for joy. I frolic in doubt."
    Katya Zamolodchikova

    poetry at KirstenIrving.com
    editing at Sidekick Books

    voice acting at KI Voiceovers

  10. #70
    Hydro is offline professional gecko wrangler
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Dave, Sestinas scare the crap out of me, so as far as I'm concerned you're a genius for just attempting one.

    Really enjoyed the imagery of 'New Yorker Deli' as well. Good, ambitious stuff here.
    The Snowboy - out now from Salt Publishing

    Naming the Beasts

  11. #71
    poetic gypsy is offline Fun and felicitous PFFA patron
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    HI Dave,

    Finally making it over here. I have tried to catch up on your thread.

    Tasty is probably my favorite. I really like the sensory-feel of all those words.

    In Fast Food..., this line He rolled away like smoke
    from a chimney.
    caught my eye. Very good image.

    In your e-mail poem...

    If you know that you will be capable of helping us actualize this transaction, you should send to me immediately the details of your bank particulars or open a new bank account where we can transfer the money

    Where do I send the money?

    Hope to be back soon,


  12. #72
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Wiseman View Post
    New Yorker Deli Veterans Day 2009

    They don’t take credit
    cards here, cash only.

    Eat a hot pastrami sandwich,
    iridescent streaks on the meat
    catch your eye like oil slicks
    from sunken ships, mustard drips
    and crumbs of rye survive on a salty plate.

    Outside the day
    is as cold and rough
    as a bushel of oysters.
    But, in here a parade of men
    with nothing in common
    except the small slice of the one big
    the one to end all, the latest one
    the one in Asia, the good one
    the one that got The Wall
    or the other one.

    Two old men in satin jackets covered with patches hold
    court at the deuce across the aisle, nursing light
    beer from an improbably small pitcher
    One signals , folds his tattered menu.
    “Hey Trixie, when you get a minute.”
    I got a real sense of place from this. The "bushel of oysters" but was great, as was no "credit", which is not uncommon for such places. The ending is good.

    How many "Trixies" are there left? What will happen when the last "Trixie" is gone?

    The middle section is essential, but needs the most work as it stands.

    BrianIs AtYou
    I think I think, therefore I might be.

  13. #73
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Thanks everybody,
    I really appreciate y'all dropping by. The New Yorker is a great place, the shiny stuff on the pastrami comes from the curing process.

    This one is, I'm afraid, pretty weak.

    Things that float
    Embryos in their own wet world,
    or a condom in the toilet.

    Balloons, the shiny metallic one
    I found snagged in a fallen pine

    It said “Congratulations”.
    Specific gravity, generally speaking.

    Kids in water wings, or vinegar in oil.
    the few bad pinto beans in the pot.

    Beer cans, at least for a while
    cigarette lighters, the kind you throw away,

    Flip-flops, coconuts, buoys and gulls.
    Witches, at least those in life jackets.

    Ocean liners and ice bergs,
    but not the king of the world
    the gold crown weighs heavy
    in the submarineburbs.

    Candles in paper boats
    Dead bodies (eventually).

    Those red maple leaves
    on a New England postcard stream.


  14. #74
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Fast Food Sestina - wow for a start. Just wow. I didn't check it all the way through, but the bottom line is that you've got great characterization. You've done extremely well with the concrete nouns & verbs required to place your setting. Tres Kewl

  15. #75
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Hi Dave, I wish I had made it here sooner. I read People Who Ask for Cigarettes tonight and am pretty impressed. The standout for me was Something wrong with every detail. The sound of the leaves put me in the scene. Great storytelling.
    I also loved the word play in New York Deli. The middle section does break down a little, but it finishes strong. I will be back to catch up on the other sections.
    embrace the eyeball ethic

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