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Thread: Willow's Prodigal Poet Thread

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Southeastern Michigan
    Hydro, M.Wooley, I'm glad you liked my "fukyu." I am getting very tired (not to mention behind on poems!!), so here is the best I could do today:

    Weaver of early morning prisms
    and mysteries.
    Scandinavian stories:
    Spider weaves, colors,
    and cuts
    the strands of our lives.

    Those who stand on chairs in your presence
    have no idea that if you fall, you will shatter
    like finely-blown glass.
    Your two-section body weaves
    the Mobius strip of infinity.
    You are Grandmother to our
    First Nation people.

    But now, you are sitting
    on my lampshade, my
    cat is distracted, and
    my tissue ends your

    While I have learned many stories about the spider, the specific stories I mention above are from Animal-Speak: The Spiritual and Magical Powers of Creatures Great and Small, written by Ted Andrews. Copyright 1999, Llewellyn Publications, St. Paul, Minnesota.
    So if you're tired of the same old story,
    turn some pages. REO Speedwagon

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Southeastern Michigan

    Fig Tree

    The fig tree
    stands thirty feet tall
    offering shade
    in this arid country,

    a respite for travelers
    along the road.

    Leaves, lobed and
    downy underneath,
    invite birds to rest
    in their shade.

    One man
    with twelve followers
    and a taste for figs
    reaches through the leaves,
    rustles around,
    reaches again
    and again
    and curses the figless tree.

    Birds scatter
    as leaves brown

    The tree stands naked,
    branches lining the sky,
    an unnatural image
    of winter.

    Something crazy always seems to be happening in April for me (beyond NaPo, of course)!! My apologies for not visiting more of your threads. I hope to have some time, gardening permitting, to return and see how everyone else is doing.

    and perhaps try to catch up on my....10 poems or so???

    So if you're tired of the same old story,
    turn some pages. REO Speedwagon

  3. #33
    January Poet is offline Fun and felicitous PFFA patron
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    Nov 2007
    willow, i really enjoyed your latest. strong images and concise. I like how you snuck in the mention of Jesus (and apostles)- very clever metaphor

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Not Like Chicken/How a blowfly tastes and yourFukyu have me laughing hard. I liked your poker-faced Dissection, especially the eyes looking everywhere. Fig Tree is sad because at least, before the curse, it offered shade. Such risk in demanding too much.

    Such good things here, Willow - I hope you're feeling better, because I am selfishly wanting more. But I could not curse you if you did not produce more; I'd just satisfy myself with what you've already done.

    Last edited by new leaf; 04-15-2010 at 04:37 PM.

  5. #35
    Join Date
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    Midwestern U.S.
    I can't believe I haven't found you before. Your Kafka was great, the fukyu priceless - it needs to go on a coffee mug. Blowflies and how they taste - I may never eat again. Dissection - just a great thread all around. Brought me back to biology labs. I will be back if you will keep writing. Love, love, love it.

  6. #36
    poetic gypsy is offline Fun and felicitous PFFA patron
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    Feb 2010
    Hi Willow,

    I enjoyed reading your poem about spiders and the webs they weave.

    Those who stand on chairs in your presence
    have no idea that if you fall, you will shatter
    like finely-blown glass.

    Nice line.

    My favorite part of Fig tree is

    reaches through the leaves,
    rustles around,
    reaches again
    and again

    Keep up the good work!!


  7. #37
    Emilio is offline Fun and felicitous PFFA patron
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    Los Angeles, CA
    Willow, I liked Not Like Chicken, but Feminist Anatomy stole the show!!

    Call it my "pussy"
    again: I'll kick your tiny
    penis to the moon.

    Oh my.


  8. #38
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Southeastern Michigan

    Urban Peace

    January Poet, new leaf, PClem, Poetic Gypsy, Emilio, thank you so much for your comments! Maybe I will put my fukyu on a coffee mug...

    I was thinking the other day about how wonderful it is to do something I love, and also have other people enjoy it!

    And now, with apologies to Wendell Berry (this poem was strangely inspired by "The Peace of Wild Things"), I give you:

    Urban Peace

    When I get tired
    of the guy who wouldn’t leave
    until we called the cops because
    he didn’t get his Vicodin,
    When I review the twenty year old’s chart:

    trich then

    herpes then


    when another drunk
    wanders into our lobby
    mumbling, stumbling, peeing himself,

    I go outside.
    I sit in the courtyard and listen
    to the breeze
    ruffling the leaves,
    discarded newspapers, and paper cups.
    I breathe deeply,
    close my eyes,
    and hope no one asks me for money
    this time.
    So if you're tired of the same old story,
    turn some pages. REO Speedwagon

  9. #39
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Southwest Ohio
    Willow, I want the fukyu on a coffee mug. Or a tee shirt. Brilliant!

    You have lots to work with here. I like Fig Tree very much, and Urban Peace made me visualize my sister, who is a nurse, sitting in the hospital courtyard with her coffee. Good stuff!


  10. #40
    January Poet is offline Fun and felicitous PFFA patron
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    Nov 2007
    stopped in again to find the Female Anatomy-hilarious. Also enjoyed your latest. You paint stark reality with a brevity that captures the reader. You keep everyone in suspense waiting for the next gem.

  11. #41
    Join Date
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    North Eastern U.S.
    Willow, I enjoyed the Urban Peace poem, and the spiderweb poem- great ending! The Fig Tree- had no idea they got to be that big. We have none in my part of the world-

    Oh, and the Disecction poem too, which I read a long time ago but forgot to tell you. Anyway, I think it's got a lot going for it- hold onto that one.

    My husband and I were just complaining last night, why can't NAPo be in JAnuary or February? April is always much busier than I anticipate before hand, so I sympathize! But your poems are all good- quality over quantity and all that.

  12. #42
    Join Date
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    Southeastern Michigan

    The Gift

    Kathy, January Poet, RobynD, thank you so much for your comments. Robyn, maybe we can petition NaPo to be changed to January.

    Anyway, here's my latest:

    The Gift
    The curse the
    unwelcome visitor the
    oh shit I’m bloating bleeding bitching
    time of our month.
    Drug it! cover it! perfume it!
    hide it.

    In geological time
    it was not long ago that women
    were revered, admired, respected
    as we bled without dying.

    We hold life in the dark of our womb
    until our children are born in blood.
    Is it only the women whose cycles wane
    without harvest know what a gift we carry?

    I really want to develop this further but alas, I have to get ready for work. I HATE it when my livelihood interferes with poetry.
    Last edited by willow213; 04-26-2010 at 09:23 PM. Reason: previously undiscovered typo
    So if you're tired of the same old story,
    turn some pages. REO Speedwagon

  13. #43
    Mike Lane is offline Fun and felicitous PFFA patron
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Hey Willow,

    I really like "The Gift".

    A little tweaking in those last 2 lines and BAM.

    Good luck the rest of the way!


  14. #44
    Join Date
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    Southeastern Michigan

    Gardener's Excuse

    Thanks, Mike! Sorry for the length of time it took me to reply. My excuse follows:

    Gardener’s Excuse
    or why I can’t write 30 poems in 30 days in April.

    Don’t hit that Internet button.

    Oh, look, a gardening site!
    Astilbe, spirea, daisy wisteria honeysucklehollytroleusfernlavenderviolabutterflybush

    Trees will give purpose to that ugly spot between the sidewalk and the street:

    how many vegetables can I
    stuff into one 5x5 garden?

    Yesterday between rainshowers,
    I planted two common purple lilacs and
    two red-twigged dogwoods: winter interest, of course
    (crap now where the hell do I put my birdfeeder? that was the best site for the dogwoods).

    I came inside,
    kicked off mud-baptized boots,
    wiped dirt off my chin,
    showered, and

    I realize the real "poem" may start with "Yesterday between rainshowers," but I wanted to share the whole stream of consciousness thing in case some of my fellow PFFA-ers are going through the same dilemma.
    So if you're tired of the same old story,
    turn some pages. REO Speedwagon

  15. #45
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Hi, Willow, Urban Peace makes me feel that tenuous peace. My garden gives me none either. Cheers for the home stretch!

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