Hydro, M.Wooley, I'm glad you liked my "fukyu." I am getting very tired (not to mention behind on poems!!), so here is the best I could do today:
Weaver of early morning prisms
and mysteries.
Scandinavian stories:
Spider weaves, colors,
and cuts
the strands of our lives.
Those who stand on chairs in your presence
have no idea that if you fall, you will shatter
like finely-blown glass.
Your two-section body weaves
the Mobius strip of infinity.
You are Grandmother to our
First Nation people.
But now, you are sitting
on my lampshade, my
cat is distracted, and
my tissue ends your
While I have learned many stories about the spider, the specific stories I mention above are from Animal-Speak: The Spiritual and Magical Powers of Creatures Great and Small, written by Ted Andrews. Copyright 1999, Llewellyn Publications, St. Paul, Minnesota.
So if you're tired of the same old story,
turn some pages. REO Speedwagon