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Thread: And gentlemen in England now-a-bed,

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Vernon, BC, Canada, wintering in Mexico
    6. Driving Down Monte Lake

    The trees stood askance,
    in a state of alarm,
    peg-legged, lop-eared,
    they had passed the night
    cloaked in darkness
    beneath a cover of fallen snow,
    nestled in drifts.
    Now, all were stark,
    exposed in the light,
    - diffused, gray, harsh.
    Blown flakes swept
    wildly along the black rock way
    and down Monte Lake
    frozen a metre deep.
    A half-metre meringue,
    flowed the burling cotton batten
    of another winter storm.
    Cattle hunkered in the copse,
    taciturn - bovine stoics,
    and conifers cowered in the ice fog.


  2. #32
    Join Date
    Feb 2000
    Washington State

    You know your kit-tuhs well. Heh.

    Driving Down Monte Lake - nice sounds and atmosphere, just right. These are storm clouds, right?

    A half-metre meringue,
    flowed the burling cotton batten
    of another winter storm.

    I love the description, but coming right after the lines about the leaves sweeping over the frozen lake, I thought, How could foam be whipped up on a lake that's iced over? Until I reread it and went, Ohhhhh. Just so you know what was going through my head as I read.

    Let the poem do the talking. Then hide behind it.

    Get your copy of Try to Have Your Writing Make Sense - The Quintessential PFFA Anthology!

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Vernon, BC, Canada, wintering in Mexico
    Quote Originally Posted by Donner View Post

    You know your kit-tuhs well. Heh.
    You know that the kitty-ditty is really about quantum physics, right?

    Quote Originally Posted by Donner View Post
    Driving Down Monte Lake - nice sounds and atmosphere, just right. These are storm clouds, right?

    A half-metre meringue,
    flowed the burling cotton batten
    of another winter storm.

    I love the description, but coming right after the lines about the leaves sweeping over the frozen lake, I thought, How could foam be whipped up on a lake that's iced over? Until I reread it and went, Ohhhhh. Just so you know what was going through my head as I read.


    blown flakes.. blown FLAKES! heh.

    The edges of drifts look just like meringues my grandma used to make on lemon pies.
    I'm glad you liked it. - When in doubt revert to nature pomes.


  4. #34
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Vernon, BC, Canada, wintering in Mexico
    7. Devil's Halo

    If looks could kill
    I'd be a footnote on a gravestone.
    The yellow-sickled, half-moons follow me
    about the room.
    The plastic cone around Heisenberg's neck
    is less a halo designating holiness
    than a marking device delineating a safety area
    outside of which you might not be bitten,
    but it won't spare you a clawing.
    Ordinarily happy enough, playful even,
    Heisie has to wear the collar
    until the stitches come out in ten days.
    We don't know how he got slashed on the side.
    Raccoon perhaps?
    But when I carried him in,
    my hands all bloodied,
    the girlfriend almost puked.
    In the car his shrieks made passersby
    want to call child services.
    The vet fixed him up really well,
    except now we have this furry demon
    stiffly stalking the halls,
    making sounds to raise the dead.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Feb 2000
    Washington State
    You know that the kitty-ditty is really about quantum physics, right?

    I have learned that, with cats, for every foolhardy action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Heh.

    blown flakes.. blown FLAKES! heh.


    I'm glad you liked it. - When in doubt revert to nature pomes.

    Or kitty ditties. Or song parodies. Or song parodies about kitties.

    Let the poem do the talking. Then hide behind it.

    Get your copy of Try to Have Your Writing Make Sense - The Quintessential PFFA Anthology!

  6. #36
    Hydro is offline professional gecko wrangler
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    But when I carried him in,
    my hands all bloodied,
    the girlfriend almost puked.
    In the car his shrieks made passersby
    want to call child services.
    The vet fixed him up really well,
    except now we have this furry demon
    stiffly stalking the halls,
    making sounds to raise the dead.

    The best creature poems mix in a little bit of darkness, humour, and pathos. This last does so nicely. Nice attention to all the senses as well; I could get the smells, the sounds... good stuff.
    The Snowboy - out now from Salt Publishing

    Naming the Beasts

  7. #37
    January Poet is offline Fun and felicitous PFFA patron
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    Nov 2007
    I'm sorry but I can't stop laughing at the sight of your poor cat in "Devils' Halo". Is that wrong. Give him a kiss for me (if you dare get that close). I can sympathize, however my experience was with a dog. I have never seen a cat in one of those halos. This was extremely witty. Look forward to reading more from you.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Vernon, BC, Canada, wintering in Mexico
    Quote Originally Posted by Hydro View Post
    But when I carried him in,
    my hands all bloodied,
    the girlfriend almost puked.
    In the car his shrieks made passersby
    want to call child services.
    The vet fixed him up really well,
    except now we have this furry demon
    stiffly stalking the halls,
    making sounds to raise the dead.

    The best creature poems mix in a little bit of darkness, humour, and pathos. This last does so nicely. Nice attention to all the senses as well; I could get the smells, the sounds... good stuff.
    Hmmmm, Dark Halo. It could be a series. Glad you liked it, Hydro.

    January Poet No, it's not wrong. If you don't laugh, you;ll cry. Thx for reading.


  9. #39
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Vernon, BC, Canada, wintering in Mexico
    8. Green Monster Stalking

    There's nothing sinister
    about my avocado plant,
    though it rises triffid-like
    above my 'puter screen.
    I grew it from a pit,
    admired its sprouting roots
    and when it stood 16 inches
    I gave it a bigger pot.
    Six big leaves,
    a couple of antenna-like feelers
    and a knobby neck do not
    an alien make, but Tom Cruise
    would not sleep in the same room.
    It turns to face the window
    with the rising of the sun
    then responds to
    beckoning fluorescents.
    I avoid eye contact
    as I water it
    and try to leave
    when it isn't looking.


  10. #40
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Some fun things in this thread, Geoff, specially the Possumy cat poem and "The Ride of the Poets" with its nod to Apocalypse Now in the end. But I'm partial to "Green Monster Stalking". You have any idea how big those trees grow?

    I am not as good as I think I am -- Scavella's mantra, Nov 2006

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Ha! Riding of the Poets paints quite a picture of poets at the chase, and the Hive still packs a sting.

    Witching of the Glen is full of dark fun - great sounds and high adventure - WOW!

    Your philosophical physics kitty fills my cup. Box. Container.

    Driving Down:

    Blown flakes swept
    wildly along the black rock way
    and down Monte Lake
    frozen a metre deep.
    A half-metre meringue,
    flowed the burling cotton batten
    of another winter storm.

    This does go a wee bit OTT for me, lovely as it sounds. The lake frozen a metre, the half-metre meringue - snow drift? Okay, nice, but then comes the burling cotton batten, which pushes it over. This is the falling snow, eh? (I could be wrong.) But: a) just after the meringue, it is one metaphor too many for me, and b) it is not batten (a board) but batt, or batting.
    Okay. Heh. Rant over. Just a little adjusting and it'll be fine.

    Poor Heisie, bet he didn't do it just to get a second ditty written!

    Love your Green Monster. Audrey II? After a certain point - around 36" - they gain a certain beauty, and they look better in groups. Start more. Mwahahaha.

    Back soon - M
    Last edited by new leaf; 04-09-2010 at 09:35 PM.

  12. #42
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Vernon, BC, Canada, wintering in Mexico
    Quote Originally Posted by Scavella View Post
    Some fun things in this thread, Geoff, specially the Possumy cat poem and "The Ride of the Poets" with its nod to Apocalypse Now in the end. But I'm partial to "Green Monster Stalking". You have any idea how big those trees grow?

    Thx for reading Scavella, and for your picks. I have picked ripe Avocadoes from a real wild tree in Hawaii. It was twenty feet high easily. I may move mine from my office before it gets too big for the door. heh.


  13. #43
    Empty Chairs is offline Fun and felicitous PFFA patron
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Southampton, England
    Lively and wittily observant, feoGf, as always. You have me laughing out loud, or LOLing, as I believe the young people say.

  14. #44
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Vernon, BC, Canada, wintering in Mexico
    Quote Originally Posted by new leaf View Post
    Ha! Riding of the Poets paints quite a picture of poets at the chase, and the Hive still packs a sting.

    Witching of the Glen is full of dark fun - great sounds and high adventure - WOW!

    Your philosophical physics kitty fills my cup. Box. Container.

    Driving Down:

    Blown flakes swept
    wildly along the black rock way
    and down Monte Lake
    frozen a metre deep.
    A half-metre meringue,
    flowed the burling cotton batten
    of another winter storm.

    This does go a wee bit OTT for me, lovely as it sounds. The lake frozen a metre, the half-metre meringue - snow drift? Okay, nice, but then comes the burling cotton batten, which pushes it over. This is the falling snow, eh? (I could be wrong.) But: a) just after the meringue, it is one metaphor too many for me, and b) it is not batten (a board) but batt, or batting.
    Okay. Heh. Rant over. Just a little adjusting and it'll be fine.

    Poor Heisie, bet he didn't do it just to get a second ditty written!

    Love your Green Monster. Audrey II? After a certain point - around 36" - they gain a certain beauty, and they look better in groups. Start more. Mwahahaha.

    Back soon - M
    You know, M, I never questioned cotton batten when writing this. It was something I learned as a 2 or 3 year old from Grandma and I may never have written it down before now, but you made me look it up and "batting made from cotton" it is. Thank you for noticing! I enjoyed the revelation.

    I'm glad you liked other things I've written this month too. Thx for reading.


  15. #45
    Join Date
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    Vernon, BC, Canada, wintering in Mexico
    Quote Originally Posted by Empty Chairs View Post
    Lively and wittily observant, feoGf, as always. You have me laughing out loud, or LOLing, as I believe the young people say.
    Thank you for reading and commenting, Laura.
    I enjoy the sound of your laughter, even reported.


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