Showing posts with label girls. Show all posts
Showing posts with label girls. Show all posts

February 12, 2016

Friday Instagram Finds No. 39 with Katie Kutthroat

Hello Stitchers! Do you have big plans for Valentine's Day? As of today, my husband and I don't have anything planned. I hope I can convince him to make me his delicious eggplant dish that he "invented" for me :)

I'm excited to introduce you to Katie of the Instagram account @katitekutthroat! Katie and I have been social media buddies for quite a long time. Hers was one of the first accounts I followed when I started on Instagram way back when it was first out. Katie is a cross stitcher who stitches funny and sometimes (okay, oftentimes) naughty and subversive sayings. You may have seen her cross stitch pieces on the set of the hit HBO series Girls. When Katie first announced that her pieces could be seen on set, I was so excited for her, and tuned in to spot them. :) Take a look at a snippet of Katie's cross stitches.


Image by @katiekutthroat

Image by @katiekutthroat

Image by @katiekutthroat

That's it for this week's edition of Friday Instagram Finds! Join in the conversation by commenting below. While you're on Instagram checking out Katie's work at @katiekutthroat make sure you follow Feeling Stitchy! We'd love for you to stop by and say hello. You can find Feeling Stitchy on Instagram at the handle @feelingstitchyish. You can find Amy @randomactsofamy on Instagram.

Want to be featured in Friday Instagram Find? Tag your best stitch-related photos with #feelingstitchyig!

Hi, I'm Amy - I feature interesting embroidery and stitch-related photos I find on Instagram. I'm a hand embroiderer and maker.

You can find my embroidery and crafts on:
Instagram | Random Acts of Amy | Facebook

March 16, 2014

Patterns: The Girls

the girls

the girls by liz stiglets

Cozyblue has even more patterns out! The left is called Flower Girl and the right is called Home Girl and both can be found in Cozyblue's oh so tempting shop. Both have lots of really nice detail to get into.

Hi, I'm Jo - I feature new embroidery patterns Sundays on Feeling Stitchy. I also post on our Twitter and Pinterest.

Is there a new pattern you'd like us feature? Email me!

May 23, 2013

Girls' stitching

Olá! Continuing on last week's theme, Child's day celebration... I bring you this week an idea that you can try with girls, I would say girls older than 8 years old... I believe that at this age it's very important to choose projects that they can use in their daily life...

Last month I've coordinated a workshop with some girls and boys... The girls were all 9 years old and they told me they would love to make a hairpin! The boys were younger and not so enthusiastic about having a new hairpin. :)

Some time ago I developed a kit to make an embroidered hairpin using, as always, Portuguese materials and patterns. I adapted motifs from this book and burel or cork fabric were the materials chosen. These are great materials, not only because they are Portuguese, but above all because they don't unravel, what makes them very easy to work with.

Hairpin made of burel
Embroidered hairpin in burel
With these girls I "re-adapted" the motifs, making them easier. The most difficult part was transferring the pattern. Burel is very similar to felt... I used the same technique as explained here, embroidering through both tracing paper and burel. I have to admit it was not too easy, but they managed to do it all by themselves.

Proud of their hand embroidered hairpins
GIrls and their handmade hairpins
They were very proud with the results and all the color choices worked really well. Mothers loved the final work, too. You can't see their faces, but believe me, they were smiling!!

Girls and their handmade hairpins
Proud girls...
Last week I was with my younger daughter and we met one of these girls, I hadn't noticed, but my daughter told me: "she's using her hairpin"!!! 

I hope this can inspire you to make a project with your girls, and please let me know if they liked it!!!

May 1, 2012

May Stitch-Along: Week 1

Happy May Day, everyone!  As we kick of the start of the new month, we also kick off a new stitch-along here at Feeling Stitchy.  I'm excited to share an original embroidery pattern by June Jessie, a very talented artist and embroidery designer also known as isewcute on Flickr.

"A Little Curtsy Goes a Long Way" is a precious little pattern that reminds us all not to forget our manners.  This pattern was originally published in Fat Quarterly, the popular e-zine for the modern quilting and crafting community.  We're so excited that both June and the Fat Quarterly team are happily making this pattern available for all Feeling Stitchy readers.

A Little Curtsy Goes a Long Way
Click on the image above to access the pattern in Flickr, where you can download and print it in a variety of sizes.

While this pattern would look adorable simply framed in a hoop for hanging, I also can't help but think of its many other possibilities -- imagine it stitched onto a little girl's skirt, a tote bag for carrying ballet slippers, a nursery pillow, or a doll quilt.  Let's challenge ourselves this month to not only stitch the pattern up, but to use it in a finished product.  What do you have in mind?

Don't forget to tag your photos MayStitchalong2012 and add them to the Embroidery group over on Flickr.  In-progress shots are OK!  We'd love to see them, and I'll be featuring your photos throughout the month.

To see more of June's original embroidery patterns, be sure to check out her Etsy shop.  Now let's get stitching!


About the artist

We are so pleased to offer this adorable hand embroidery pattern designed by June Jessie, aka isewcute to her Flickr and Craftster friends. June is a prolific crafter, embroidery artist, and jewelry designer. Be sure to visit June's Etsy shop where she not only sells the 'cutest' resin jewelry, but also some of the most amazing original hand embroidery designs we've seen. June even offers custom listings where she'll recreate any photo into a useable pattern for you to stitch up! June welcomes custom requests and guarantees that her customers will be pleased with the results.

June also blogs at, where she chronicles her other crafty pursuits, from kids' crafts to cooking recipes. And when she's not on Crafster, you're sure to find her spreading the good word about the platform -- she's a major Craftster fan!

You can find June and her awesome handmade goods in one of her many online outlets.

October 30, 2011

Patterns: Petting Zoo

Petting Zoo by Cathy Gaubert close up

Petting Zoo stitched by cscrabeck, pattern by Cathy Gaubert

How cute are this threesome? I love this embroidery by cscrabeck and I also love the pattern itself which is by Cathy Gaubert. As of typing this pattern is not in Cathy's shop, but hopefully it'll be back in there soon. I think it would be a great pattern on a girlie pencil case or bag.

Hi, I'm Jo - I feature new embroidery patterns Sundays on Feeling Stitchy. I also post on our Twitter and Pinterest.

Is there a new pattern you'd like us feature? Email me!

September 22, 2010

Girl + cats = beautiful

Stitched by kittytown

As if kittytown's stitching isn't already amazing- she stitches her best friend's art to make something even more amazing. Gorgeous, Megan!

Hi, I'm floresita, editor of Feeling Stitchy. I'm an avid stitcher, knitter, and crafter. You can see more of my stitching on Instagram and my blog. My vintage transfer collection is on Vintage Transfer Finds.

Feel free to email me with any ideas for the blog!

August 5, 2010

Parisienne girl

parisienne girl
Stitched by glassmountain

Lovely blues and muted tones in this, no? Wonderful, glassmountain!

Hi, I'm floresita, editor of Feeling Stitchy. I'm an avid stitcher, knitter, and crafter. You can see more of my stitching on Instagram and my blog. My vintage transfer collection is on Vintage Transfer Finds.

Feel free to email me with any ideas for the blog!

July 18, 2010

Patterns: Summer Girl

Sew Lovely have posted this beautiful free Summer Girl pattern over on Flickr.

I'm finding the height of summer a little quiet on the new pattern front (is everyone out there having too much fun!), so it was lovely having a new pattern to stitch from and with a summer theme to boot!

Hi, I'm Jo - I feature new embroidery patterns Sundays on Feeling Stitchy. I also post on our Twitter and Pinterest.

Is there a new pattern you'd like us feature? Email me!

January 21, 2010

Lasses with glasses

Lasses with Glasses
Stitched by lagidgette

Yes! Is it just me, or does she have hearts in her eyes? :)

Hi, I'm floresita, editor of Feeling Stitchy. I'm an avid stitcher, knitter, and crafter. You can see more of my stitching on Instagram and my blog. My vintage transfer collection is on Vintage Transfer Finds.

Feel free to email me with any ideas for the blog!