Showing posts with label SILLY STUFF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SILLY STUFF. Show all posts

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Downton Abbey Gifts and English Tea Win

Oh, my word, do I have a fun post for you today!

Not only did I receive some fun Downton Abbey gifts for Christmas,
but I also just received a package from England -
 an incredible blog giveaway win from Jean at Delightful Repast!

I received the hanging "servants' bell" ornament from my
sister-in-law Jenn, the blackcurrant jam from my MIL.

I received the cookbook and the cloissonne teapot ornament
 from my daughters. 

I can't wait to open the jam - 
going to have some Tregothnan tea
 and make some scones with clotted cream to enjoy
tomorrow evening when the new (final) season of
Downton Abbey is on!

The large Chronicles of Downton Abbey book 
I bought last October when my tea society sisters
and I went to the grand opening of a lovely tea room together.

My giveaway win, coordinated by Jean of the blog
 Delightful Repast
was for a wonderful gift directly from the

(Worth a huge $$$ amount, plus the shipping! WOW!!)

This is a tea company that grows its own tea in England!

It came so nicely packaged - the smaller teapot is
perfect for one, or for a large cuppa for you and a friend.

It has a wonderful firm drop-in fine mesh infuser with a really easy 
one hand thumb-opening lift-lid-
such a convenient and smart design!

I am not one to normally use modern teapots-
not when I have a bajillion antique ones in my collection,
but I will certainly enjoy using this one
 due to its perfect size, design and hardiness.

The metal lid/bits ARE removeable too if one
wants to microwave or dishwash the pot.

The teapot came in a very nice solid box
and four kinds of Tregothnan Tea.

The teas each came in lovely cardboard gift box "tins."

Each tea was airtight sealed for freshness,
and had a nice bit of tea - perfect for a strong pot or two!

I received the following kinds of loose-leaf tea:

Great British Tea
Classic Tea
Afternoon Tea
Earl Grey Tea

I will be sampling these very soon
 and posting the results.

Stay tuned.

The Tregothnan Tea website sells some wonderful goods -

I HIGHLY recommend you pop on over check their website out !

They sell all sorts of gifts, tours, flowers, books -
 all things tea and lovely related items! 

 Through them one can also rent the most beautiful cottages
for the ultimate Cornwall get-away!

Here are a few of the pics of these splendid homes
that I found on their website!


AIRES Sunday, January 3rd, 2016

Downton Abbey Season 6

I am sooooooooooooo ready
 for another season!

Are YOU?!? 

And one final share:

For you who not only love all things lovely and tea,
all things Downton Abbey, but also love "The Force,"
this is for you! You will love it - true silliness!

Downton Wars: Episode 1 and 2

As always, thanks for stopping by!



Tuesday, January 27, 2015

A Funny "Cuppa" For Sure!

Ran across this sign and found myself laughing
 so many times that I just HAD to share with you all -
 'cuz laughter truly is the best medicine!

I bet there's time when the 
Dowager Countess Violet
would soooo love to say this exact thing!

You know she does say it in her awesome lady-like way, though!

I bet she REALLY wanted to say it to Miss Bunting
 in the last Downton Abbey episode during dinner, perhaps?

But I think this would be more appropriatly
stated BELOW stairs - perhaps the new ladies maid
to Thomas a few weeks ago?

Have a wonderful day!


No comments- allows more time for giggling!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

An Easter Joke to Make You Smile

My cousin just sent me this
 and I thought it was too cute not to share!

A man is driving along a highway
 and sees a rabbit
jump out across the middle of the road.

He swerves to avoid hitting it, but unfortunately the rabbit jumps
 right in front of the car. 

The driver, a sensitive man
 as well as an animal lover,
 pulls over and gets out to see
what has become of the rabbit.

Much to his dismay, the rabbit is
the Easter Bunny,
 and he is  DEAD .
The driver feels so awful
  that he begins to cry. 
A beautiful blonde woman driving
 down the highway
sees a man crying on the side of the road
and pulls over.

She steps out of the car and asks the man
what's it wrong. 

"I feel terrible!"  he explains,
"I accidentally hit the Easter Bunny
 with my car and KILLED HIM!" 

The blonde says,"Don't worry, darlin!"

She runs to her car
 and pulls out a spray can.

She walks over to the limp,
  Easter Bunny; bends down,
 and sprays the contents onto him. 

The  Easter Bunny  jumps up,
 waves its paw at the two of them
 and hops off down the road.

Ten feet away he stops,
 turns around and waves again,
hops down the road another 10 feet,
turns and waves, hops another ten feet, 
turns and waves,
 and repeats this
 again and again and again and again, until he hops out of sight.
The man is astonished.

He runs over to the woman and demands,
"What is in that can?
What did you spray on the Easter Bunny ?" 

The woman turns the can around
so that the man can read the label.

It says...

(Are you ready for this?) 
(You know you're gonna be sorry!) 
(Last chance!!!)

OK, here it is:

It says, 

"Hair Spray Restores life to dead hair,
and adds permanent wave."
Happy Easter!! 

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Keep Calm and Carry On

It was an important icon during WW2 in England,
 and it remains as iconic today.

It helped keep a hungry, frightened and tired nation's eyes focused;

reminding them they were defending freedom.

Oh, but what fun we're having with it now!

I decided to put together a bunch of the alternative
 "Keep Calms" for our amusement.

There's two that are just perfect for me:

(Keep Calm, stand on one leg and carry on
listening to Jethro Tull - Ian Andersen, the flutist for the rock band
stood on one leg often whilst playing his flute.)

Here's two for my tea society sisters & fellow bloggers:

Here's the perfect one for my MIL:

There's the perfect one for my husband:

And one for my brother-in-law Pat:

And one for my older sister :

Here's the perfect one for my niece Delaney:

Here is one (at this crazy busy time of her life) for my little sis:

And what she should wear
 when doing what REALLY makes her keep calm:

There's one for my sister-in-law Jenn:

And two perfect ones for my niece Darien:

Here's an awesome one for all my teaching friends, such as  Dina:

And a good one for my nephew Tony:

Here's a good one for my niece Reagan:

For my elder daughter:

Here's a good one for my brother-in-law Tony:

There one for my younger daughter:

And my younger brother:

Here's a perfect one for my son-in-law and older brother too:

And here's one for all you crazy GOOFY 50 Shades fans:

I hope to have made you smile just a little bit!

Lastly, if I was able, I'd make one that says:

As always, thank you for your  visit!

Stay warm, safe and dry!
