Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Relaxing With The Hodgepodge

Hello December and hello Hodgepodgers. I'm glad you're here. If you've answered today's questions add your link at the end of my post then leave a merry comment for the blogger before you. Here we go-

From this Side of the Pond
1. What's the best $5 gift to give someone? 

A fun mug, a book, a coffee gift card, fuzzy holiday socks

2. What's your favorite way to relax/unwind during the busy holiday season? 

I like to sit beside the lit Christmas tree with the rest of the house lights off. Early morning with my coffee or at dusk with a cup of tea or glass of wine. Sit-marvel-pray-wonder. 

3. How do you feel about gingerbread? Love it or no thanks? Are gingerbread houses a part of your holiday tradition? If you said yes, how does that look? Do you like ginger flavor in other kinds of dishes?

I like gingerbread, especially with a cup of hot tea. I also like to use ginger when cooking, particularly in Asian dishes. And I always ask for extra pickled ginger with my sushi. 

Gingerbread houses weren't really a part of our regular holiday tradition, but there were some years we made them happen. Do graham crackers count because we mostly made ours using graham crackers. They're easier to keep together.   

No matter their ages my girls took the construction very very seriously. 

4. December 5th is National Blue Jeans Day...will you be celebrating? Do you have a favorite brand? A favorite pair? Do you have a hard time parting with a favorite pair of jeans? Blue jeans-joggers-leggings-yoga pants...which one do you wear most often? 

Blue jeans are one of my favorite items of clothing and I definitely have a favorite pair. Yes it's always a little sad to see them go (first world problem I know). I like a few different brands but currently have a pair of Liverpool that I love. Of the 'legware' listed jeans are my most worn. 

5. As we head into this holiday season what's your biggest priority or goal for the end of the year? 

Be present. Keep Jesus front and center. Find a little bit of joy in each new day. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

When you decorate the tree do you do it yourself, have a little bit of help, or maybe a lot of help? If you have help do you move your helper's handiwork around to different branches on the tree when they leave the room? Asking for a friend.  

It wouldn't be December without my annual posting of this carol, my favorite version, with lyrics that are timeless...


Wishing you peace in your heart and home this Advent season.

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  1. The Casting Crowns version of I Heard the Bells... is literally the song that I listen to the most during the Christmas season! I play it SO MUCH! I love that you love it as well. Agree about sitting in front of the Christmas tree in its lighted glory. Have a great day!

  2. I buy a tube of ginger paste for my Asian dishes. It makes it so much easier and I do love the flavor it gives!

  3. I'm cracking up on your random questions for a friend. I just did some of that moving because my dear 5 year old grandson was the first to pull some decorations out and put them on the tree. Do you think he'll notice I tweaked some? Great $5 gift suggestions. Great priorities! Happy Advent season to you.

  4. That is a great Christmas song! I love Christmas lights with other lights off as well. I now leave white lights up year round on my mantle because it was hard to put them all away after the holiday. What a good idea to use graham crackers instead to build a gingerbread house. Thanks for hosting!

  5. Love your goals and priorities - those would be mine too, but answered the question very materially! Had a chuckle at your random question for a friend. I decorate the tree by myself - my husband is tasked very specifically with getting the top strand of bead garland started and with putting the bow/star/whatever on top, but other than that it's all me. When the kids were little they helped and I left the ornaments where they put them for the most part. Then it was a mother-daughter project up until we moved and I miss that so much. Happy Hodgepodge and Happy Advent to you!

  6. Sitting by the fireplace and Christmas Tree is so relaxing. Love that song by Casting Crowns.

  7. My two youngest normally help decorate the tree. It's been up since Saturday and has one ornament on it. Isaac says we might work on it tonight. Last night, we were busy with soccer so it didn't get done. Soon though!

  8. I'm not familiar with this melody, but already I love it! Our tree came prelit so aside from the angel topper (currently MIA), that's the way it will stay ... minimalist.

  9. We decorate it together. Still haven't this year! Figuring out the plan having a married son (I asked him did they want to help any with it, he said would chocolate covered pretzels/peanuts be involved?) and not making a plan soon enough. I'll know for next year!
    I wonder how many of us will answer the same to #2! Looking at the tree in the dark was my answer too.

  10. Those are great $5 answers. Sounds like a perfect way to relax and unwind. Those are sweet photos of the gingerbread houses and the girls. Jean are great! Love your priority for the end of the year. Mark puts the tree up but I'm the only one who puts ornaments on. I guess in the past I let the kids help but I would tweek it. Beautiful song, thank you for sharing. Enjoy the rest of your week.

  11. Ha Ha, do I move some of my helpers work when decorating the tree. I do! I do! My boys know I will do this too, so sometimes they will place an ornament in a really wonky place to see what I will do and say, I have learned this over the years of decorating with them. Hee Hee!!
    I answered #2 the same. xx oo Carla

  12. I don't know what has happened to my dedication to participating in the weekly Hodgepodge, but I was determined to join this week. However, I discovered that today is Wednesday instead of Tuesday, so I've missed it again. I have several pairs of Liverpool and they are my current favorite brand. They will be the anchor of my travel wardrobe this month. I also love my Jag jeans. No decorating for Christmas in my house again, as we are never here to enjoy it.

  13. where DO you live where you can find a mug for 5$ or less??? last mug I bought was about $22. Gotta love NYS. hahah

    I decorate my tree ALL by myself now that our 2 daughters are in their own places. My husband said if he had remained a bachelor he would have no xmas decor hahah (although he loves celebrating Christmas!).

    1. Hobby Lobby where there is a perpetual sale on all things seasonal in the actual season : )

  14. In recent years I've pared down to table-top trees, which remain decorated and then stored for 11 months with a large plastic bag over them. The days of many trees (one in each room with a couch, the kitchen, and every bedroom) were a lot of fun but at 70+ it's easier with less. As for rearranging what others have done, I try not to do that. We've all got feelings.

  15. I don't need to move/tweak the placement anymore but I definitely did when my helpers were smaller. We've made gingerbread houses using graham crackers before too!

  16. The song is lovely. Thank you for sharing it! I enjoyed your answers and enjoyed answering the questions on my blog. I've never made a gingerbread house but think I could handle it with graham crackers!! At our house, Joe always did the outside decorations and I got to do inside. Some critiquing happened but not many changes were ever made. Happy December!!

  17. Great answers, I am the one to do decorations.

  18. My hubby and I decorate the tree together. Sometimes we have help from the local grands, but our youngest helper is now 10 so I seldom see the need to rearrange any ornaments.

  19. I need to check out Liverpool jeans!!
