I have spent the last week with a just turned four-year-old and an almost two-year-old while they navigated the time change from Asia to America which, is pretty much the same thing as running a marathon. Or two. I have about a million pictures on my phone and a million special moments marked in my heart and I want to dump them all here but I guess I won't.
Well I am going to dump a few because what good is a blog if not to overload anyone who might still be reading blogs with a bunch of family photos?
Also maybe more than a few.
Y'all know I have to go all the way back to Day 1 here because I don't know any other way. The 'kids' (yes they are full grown adults who've been raising children of their own while living out of the country for two years but your kids are your kids no matter their age) and an-y-way... the 'kids' bid farewell to the Land of Morning Calm and landed in crazy town USA (that would be the Atlanta Airport) last Sunday night.
Their flight was on time, but then there was that pesky three hour wait in a completely ridunculous passport control queue with two toddlers who'd just spent fourteen hours on a plane, and I am here to tell you these 'kids' are absolute rock stars.
Small rant...what is the point of travelers masking on an airplane when you're going to stand them shoulder to shoulder in a s-l-o-w moving three hour queue with a bajillion people upon arrival?
On the other side of the gate we grandparents were waiting waiting waiting not so patiently to welcome them home. Yes of course all four grandparents made the two hour trek to the airport. We have not had an in person hug in almost two years, plus we needed two vehicles to haul their umpteen bags and assorted baby gear back to the lake.
Finally there were hugs and tears and then a too long car ride to South Carolina but we made it with everyone's remarkably good moods in tact. Their pup (you know him now as our pup) plus Daughter2 were there waiting when we opened the front door and I cannot explain to you how wonderful it feels to have everyone on the very same terra firma.
Sleep. It's all relative when you're upside down on time and these little men were such troopers. There were some middle of the night calls for momma but by about day four everyone was pretty much in the sleep groove. And nobody was cranky. They jumped right in to lake life, both figuratively and literally...
...and we have had the best time doing all the things, many many things, with the cutest tiny humans on the planet. There was fishing with Pawpaw-
Celebrating a special someone's 4th birthday with all his favorite people-
There were bubbles-
My popcorn popper was a hit too-
This little guy had his very first taste of Chick-fil-A-
Summertime in South Carolina definitely calls for popsicles dripping down your chin-
There was bird feeding-
And bird watching-
Homemade waffles with Nana-
Pool fun-
Auntie hijinks-
This aunt is the absolute best at doing whatever needs doing to keep our proverbial train on the track. Don't know how we'd manage without her. For real.
Also, sisters reunited might be my favorite thing about the whole happy-exhausting-glorious week we've had together.
God bless America and the service men and women still far from home, still far from their siblings and their children's grandparents and extra hands to help with busy toddlers. Far from their momma's home cooking and in-person time with their people. The sacrifices are both large and small and we are so grateful for each and every one.
Welcome home!