Welcome to another edition of The Wednesday Hodgepodge. If you've answered today's questions, add your link at the end of my post. Be sure to leave a comment for the person before you, or all the people before you if you have the time. Here we go-
1. What's the last thing you completely overreacted to?I know I overreacted to something recently because I distinctly remember hubs finally telling me I needed to calm down about whatever 'it' was. lol. That always goes over well, doesn't it? It's possible it was my first glimpse at the proposal for the backyard, which he knew would be adjusted down. For the most part I don't think I'm an 'overreactor'
2. Your top five snacks?
popcorn, clementines, a slice of cheese, apples, dried mango
3. What smell always brings back some type of memory? Elaborate.
I've asked this question or one similar a few times over the course of the Hodgepodge, and my answer is always the same. While there are many scents that evoke a memory the first one that always comes to mind is freshly mown grass. That smell takes me right back to the Saturday morning summers of my childhood.
Back in the day dads mowed the lawn on Saturday mornings. Or teenage brothers. Maybe there were a few moms tackling this job but I don't remember seeing any. I grew up in a sprawling suburban neighborhood and nobody had lawn services. I still love the smell of mown grass and the Saturday morning freedom feeling it brings.
4. What's something you learned from the last book you read?
The last book I read was West With Giraffes by Lynda Rutledge. It's based on an actual event, but is historical fiction, set in the late 1930's. When I read books set in this time period I'm always impressed by the resilience of people. How they didn't expect life to be easy, and instead just got on with things.
I learned a little bit more about the dust bowl too. Last year I read The Four Winds by Kirstin Hannah, another novel set in that same time period, and while West With Giraffes was very different in scope, the challenges people faced were similar. I know I studied the Great Depression in high school, but I don't remember hearing a lot about the dust bowl specifically.
5. What's the next thing on your to-buy list? Will you make that purchase before the end of the year?
I have a very long to-buy list, but in terms of large purchases I guess outdoor furniture would be near the top. A new space needs new furniture. I'm also shopping for luggage as my largest suitcase lost a wheel, three birthdays, Christmas, and I need new ear buds too (recommendations are welcome).
Like a said, the list is long.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
A work in progress...
Happy Wednesday everyone!
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