Showing posts with label dessert. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dessert. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Three Cheers For The Red, White, And Hodgepodge

Welcome to our first Wednesday Hodgepodge in the month of July! I love everything about the July 4th holiday here in America and hope you have a great week celebrating in some way. If you've answered today's questions add your link at the end of my post, then leave a comment for the blogger before you. Here we go-

From this Side of the Pond
1. It's a big week in the US of A as we celebrate Independence Day. Do you have any special plans? How will you mark the day? BBQ? pool-lake-beach time? fireworks? homemade ice cream? If you're not an American you can tell us what's happening in your corner of the world on Thursday. 

It's always a fun day on the lake, but the water gets busy. We normally don't take the boat out on the 4th because we live here and can boat when there are fewer people out. We'll play it by ear. Conveniently our across the cove neighbor puts on one of the best firework displays on the lake and we're in the prime viewing zone. Boaters come from all around the lake to watch (we sit on our dock) and when there's an especially pretty firework everyone honks. So fun! 

Normally my girls are here on the 4th with all the grands, but because my daughter1 has movers coming next week, and once they finish the pack and load, she'll be at the lake right after, both girls decided to wait. Daughter2's hubs is currently extending their patio so his parents went to TN for the holiday so his dad could help with that. Parents are great, aren't they?  

The girls want to both be here at the same time, so we'll have the whole crew in a couple of weeks, and we'll make homemade ice cream then. A lot of noise too I'm sure lol. 

Hubs brother and sister-in-law are coming here for the 4th, and we always have a great time with them. Hubs plans to BBQ ribs, and it'll be HOT so we'll spend a lot of time relaxing in the water on our floats. 

2. What's your favorite 'All-American' dessert? 

Is a brownie an American dessert? 

The answer is yes. I checked the internet and apparently the brownie was developed in the USA at the end of the 19th century. A brownie is one of my favorites. Strawberry shortcake feels All-American and that's another favorite. 

I'm not making either for the holiday though. I'm going to make a frozen strawberry pie that sounds yummy and also refreshing. I'll let you know. 

3. Does that patriotic feeling come easily to you, or are you having to work for it more these days? What's something that makes you proud to be a citizen of your country?  

It comes pretty easily to me. I mean as long as I don't watch too much TV or surf social media for too long. The men and women who serve our country make me proud. The way neighbors pitch in and help neighbors and strangers alike in times of tragedy or following natural disasters makes me proud. The volunteer spirit in America makes me proud. 

4. Your favorite 'patriotic' movie? Favorite patriotic song? 

This is a tough one. I think I'll go with Saving Private Ryan for my favorite patriotic movie. 

There are so many really good patriotic songs, not sure I can choose just one. A lot of country music has a patriotic bent to it and I love that. 

Some of my favorite patriotic songs are Only In America by Brooks and Dunn, Whitney Houston's version of The Star Spangled Banner which never gets old, and The Marine Corps Hymn which makes me think of my dad. Whenever that one's played it makes me proud to be an American. 

And I love Rodney Atkins 'It's America'. 

5. One simple pleasure on your July 'bucket list'? 

Make a peach cobbler. I generally make just one a summer and it feeds a crowd, so will probably do that when the kids and grandkids are here. I like to get the peaches from a farm store that's a bit of a drive from our house so I need to get hubs on board with a ride out that way.  Hi hubs! And yes I could buy them in the grocery store but these are worth the drive. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

America is a bit of a mess but it's still the land I love. May God bless and keep her...

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Monday, May 6, 2024

Oh Hey Monday

Let's recap the weekend that was. We were home again, two in a row so whoohoo! I love at home weekends, especially this time of year. I also love weekends away, but there's gotta be a few at home to help us keep our balance.  

Friday night hubs and I sat on the deck and listened to music. Complete chill at the end of a busy week,  and in general this is where you'll find us on Friday nights for the next six months-ish. 

Or you might also find us here-

The pup  loves morning coffee on the dock with his best bud. 

I was out Tuesday night when hubs texted asking if we could have a few people over for the Derby on Saturday. I said sure and next thing ya know we have twenty coming to celebrate the run for the roses with party snacks and mint juleps. 

I do love a good theme party and if I'd had more notice I'd have gone to town with recipes and decor, but Amazon to the rescue and we managed to get a few fun things for our fun people. 

Everyone was bringing some sort of appetizer and hubs got right to work on his super special julep juice.  He fired up the green egg for wings (these were his very best ever!!) and I found a recipe online for Derby Pie cupcakes. 

If you've never had Derby Pie it's a gooey chocolatey nutty pie and it's scrumptious but not practical for a party, so I thought the cupcakes (recipe here) would be an easy option. I was so wrong. I think I used every bowl in my kitchen for this one. You first had to mix the batter ingredients and then you had to make a 'pie filling' on the stove, and when that was done you put the filling into two bowls, then you took three quarters from one bowl and put that in yet another bowl and on and on it went.  

Holy moly talk about labor intensive. 

Part of the filling also had to be poured onto a cookie sheet and baked. When it was done it had a toffee like texture and you broke it apart and added it to the icing. Oh my it was so yummy! 

The cupcakes didn't look especially pretty, but the taste was five stars. Sorry for the blurry came to me thirdhand. Did you watch the race? What a finish!! 

Sunday morning as we had coffee on the deck we noticed a blue heron on the shoreline. We watched him stalk a chipmunk in the rocks behind our firepit before nabbing it with precision, and then of course 'digesting' it.

After he'd dunked it in the lake several times to be very certain it was dead. It's one part icky and two parts completely fascinating. Another blurry photo but I had to zoom in about 150% so as not to scare him off. 

Our neighborhood wine club met Sunday evening which is always a lot of fun, and then we came home to this...

No better way to usher in a new week than with the visible reminder God keeps his promises.  

I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah again this week for their Hello Monday blog tell me how was your weekend? 

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

A Fearless Hodgepodge

Welcome to this week's edition of The Wednesday Hodgepodge. If you've answered today's questions add your link at the end of my post, then leave a comment for the blogger before you. Here we go-

From this Side of the Pond
1. What motivates you to work hard?

Sometimes it's houseguests ha! I mean company coming kicks us in to gear in terms of having the house in order. For the record, my house is almost always in order, but company motivates me to dig a little deeper. 

In terms of projects I love a deadline and find having a list of tasks needed to meet that deadline motivating. 

Sometimes love motivates me to work hard. I want to accomplish something for another person and the idea of adding a bright spot or a bit of kindness to someone's day is motivating in its own way. 

2. It's been said "Ignorance is bliss" it? 

Well now that depends what we're talking about. I don't think we can stick our head in the sand about what's going on in the world today, but I won't be consumed by it either. If there's some element of a problem or situation I can control then ignorance is definitely not bliss.

In thinking a little more about this question I'm going to say that most of the time ignorance isn't bliss. Ignorance quite often turns what would have been a small manageable problem into a larger issue. 

3.Would you rather be stuck on a broken elevator or a broken ski lift? Explain. Have you ever actually been stuck on either? Of the common fears listed here what's your #1-

heights-enclosed spaces-snakes-public speaking-the dark-flying

I think a ski lift, as long as we're talking chair lift. If we're talking gondola then I'll take the elevator please. Thankfully I've never been stuck in either, but my hubs was stuck in an elevator several years ago. He was in a hotel in New Jersey and the lift stuck between the 6th and 7th floors for several hours. The fire department had to extract him lol. 

Actually it wasn't funny, but all's well that ends well. Also he was alone and was happy about that. 

Of the common fears listed enclosed spaces are my #1. 
Which is why I'd prefer the ski lift. 

4. What's something you like about the town or city where you live? 

I live in a small town and I guess the smallness is something I enjoy. I do love a city, but I love them the way I remember them, not so much the way they are now.  People in my small town are friendly, there's not a lot of traffic, and there's a lake in my backyard. Can't beat the view-

Tuesday morning sunrise

5. Life is too short to waste time on things that don't matter. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I made a chocolate-raspberry ice cream cake for dessert last weekend and it was so good. I used this recipe ( and will definitely make it again. I did crush the raspberries when layering because biting into a whole frozen raspberry might ruin someone's night. And I forgot to take a picture but trust me, it's a keeper. 

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Wednesday, June 21, 2023

A Summer Solstice Hodgepodge

Welcome to summer and this week's Wednesday Hodgepodge. If you've answered the questions, add your link at the end of my post, then leave a comment for the blogger before you. Here we go-

From this Side of the Pond

1. Hello Summer! In the northern hemisphere anyway. What's something on your summer bucket list? Do you have an actual summer bucket list? If not, use your hypothetical list.

It's currently raining cats and dogs here and we are so ready for summer to get with the program weather wise. On my (hypothetical) bucket list...cowabunga off the dock with my grandsons, make home made ice cream, snap one photo of the whole entire crew together, hike to a waterfall, and host an outdoor dinner party. 

Hmmm...maybe I'll make an actual list. 

2. What for you is the defining scent of summer?

A lit charcoal grill and freshly mown grass. 

3. What's a (music, food, wine, or flower) festival happening in your part of the country that you would like to attend if tickets/travel/timing was no object? 

There's a nearby foodie fest called Euphoria held in mid-September every year and I'd like to get tickets for the Michelin starred dinner. The festival also features winemaker dinners, tastings, cooking demos, and singer-songwriter events, but I'm sure the Michelin dinner would be over the top. 

4. Apparently a military whistle blower claims the US has a UFO retrieval program. What say you? Do you believe aliens are out there?

This is honestly not something I've thought too much about. Not something I'm all that interested in. My initial thought is not likely, but I wouldn't say it's outside the realm of possibility. 

5. Besides your wedding day and the birthdays of any children you may have, what are three of your top experiences in life? 

This is tough. Do I go with three big events or three small moments that I treasure? A bit of both...

  • Lunch in the House of Lords as a guest of David Cameron
  • Standing beneath a California Redwood
  • an 8-day hike on the AT when I was fifteen years old

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Inspired by the Hodgepodge last week I did make a strawberry shortcake on National Strawberry Shortcake Day (June 14th). I tried a new recipe and it was delish. The cake was made in a cast iron skillet and you put cut strawberries on top before baking.

I sliced mine and layered with more strawberries, then topped with whipped cream before serving. 

Yum! The recipe is linked here-Skillet Strawberry Shortcake

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Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Reelin' In The Hodgepodge Years

Welcome to another edition of The Wednesday Hodgepodge. If you've answered today's questions add your link at the end of my post, then leave a comment for the blogger before you. Here we go-

From this Side of the Pond
1. Do you know much about (or understand) Artificial Intelligence (AI)? Does it worry or excite you? 

I don't know a lot, but I've read about some of the many ethical concerns raised by those who are in the know. I think it's an area where science and technology are once again moving faster than our grasp of what it all means in terms of morality. 

Supposedly AI will reduce human error, and in some fields that could be a good thing. There are definitely red flags in a lot of areas too though, so I think I lean more to the side of caution as opposed to excitement. In general I don't get too excited about anything tech.  AI is probably one of those things I'll be forced to understand when it's thrust upon us. 

2. What was the last song you listened to? Your favorite movie soundtrack? What song always puts you in a good mood?  

Oh My Soul by Casting Crowns was playing on the radio when I got out of the car a few minutes ago. 

As far as movies soundtracks go it would be hard to choose a favorite. A few favorites would be The Big Chill, Saturday Night Fever, A Star is Born and Almost Famous. 

A song that always puts me in a good mood? Dancing Queen by Abba. Don't judge. 

3. What were you doing ten years ago? 

May 30, 2013

This is when a blog is helpful. I scrolled back through my end of May/early June posts from that year, and it seems life was rather ordinary. I wrote about my blooming Viburnam hedge, celebrating my nephew's 7th birthday, a teacher daughter home for a visit, hubs traveling hither and yon, enjoying the outdoor fire pit, dinner with friends, and taking a spin in the little red car. 

Hubs and I were living in North Jersey, Daughter1 was in D.C., Daughter2 in South Carolina, and both girls were single and working. Hubs was working too, and Daughter2 finished her Master's degree that summer. Life was good and for the record none of us live in those same places ten years later. 

An awful lot of change happens in a decade, doesn't it? 

4. Your favorite no-bake summer dessert?

Blueberry pie. I do cook the filling on the stove, but the pie isn't baked. 

5. Something you're looking forward to in June? 

Sweet Baby J turns one in June, and I'm looking forward to celebrating this boy who has brought so much sunshine into my life this year. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

You never know what's going to pop up when you peel back the years. This picture was on my blog May 6, 2013. She never did catch one of the chipmunks or groundhogs who lived in our rock wall, but she sure loved to try. Sweetest dog ever. 

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Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Having One's Cake and Hodgepodge Too

Welcome to this week's edition of the Wednesday Hodgepodge. Grab your coffee and some cake to go with, because it is national dessert day and it's also 2020...aka the year in which cake for breakfast is a very good idea. If you've answered today's questions add your link at the end of my post, and before you hurry off be sure to leave a comment for the blogger who linked before you. Here we go-

From this Side of the Pond

1. Let's start things off right...Wednesday is National Dessert Day. What are we having? How often do you make/serve dessert? Store bought or from scratch?

Finally a National Day I'm on board with! When dining out I almost always look at the dessert offerings first and plan my entree accordingly. What can I say? I'm a fan of dessert. Wait, I'm going to amend that to say I'm not a fan of just so-so desserts. I won't eat store bought cookies just to have something sweet at the end of a meal, but if you give me a truly delicious, perfectly concocoted, perfectly baked, perfectly set dessert I'm a happy camper. Also, make it pretty. Pretty is good. 

What are we having tonite? Nothing. I mean I'm not having dessert today because dessert is not an everyday thing here. Hubs will likely have a bowl of ice cream because that's his favorite, but I save my sugar consumption for occasions. Dining out definitely counts as an occasion. 

fyi-the month of September was chock a block full of special desserts which is why October needs to be dessert-lite. There's a dress I need to wear in the not too distant future and too much dessert might spoil that. And I am all about from scratch but if it's a really scrumptious store bought treat I won't say no. 

Apparently I could have written a blog post sharing my thoughts on dessert. I kinda did. 

2. Slow as molasses, icing on the cake, that's the way the cookie crumbles, have your cake and eat it too, half-baked idea, that takes the cake...which phrase might be applied to something in your life in recent days? Explain. 

We had a wonderful lunch with a spectacular view on a gorgeous blue sky day where the service was s-l-o-w as molasses. When anything in my world is not moving as fast as I think it should I feel like God is telling me to chill. So I do. Mostly. 

3. Something that's 'easy as pie' for you to do?

Answer the Hodgepodge of course. I mean I do write the questions-ha! 

4. Are you someone who likes to 'sugarcoat' news you think might not be well received, or are you more of a tell it like it is and let the chips fall where they may? Do you like to receive your news the same way you give it? 

Pour a little sugar on it please. Find some tiny sliver of good in whatever bad you need to tell me because I'm going to set my mind on that. I give and receive the same way. Blunt is not my love language. 

5. Something you did recently that made you feel like a 'smart cookie'? 

I've had to figure out a fair amount of technology lately and with a wonky computer to boot. Anytime I accomplish even the smallest of tasks I feel like someone should give me a high five. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Are you watching or listening to any of the Supreme Court confirmation hearings? I don't care which side of the political fence you land on (and please no need to tell me or explain why these hearings should or should not be happening) but Amy Coney Barrett is one smart cookie. She's enduring hours and days of questioning without a single book, note, or index card in front of her. It's both remarkable and impressive. 

I can't remember what was on the grocery list I wrote ten minutes prior to leaving the house. 

She clearly and articulately (and I might add with great patience and restraint) recalls details of a long list of court cases, written decisions and opinions, the precise wording of our constitution, and the rule of law like it ain't no thing. I so admire her intelligence, poise, and grace under pressure and I do hope students are watching.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Hodgepodge Hoarding

Thanks for stopping by today, and welcome to the Wednesday Hodgepodge! If you've answered this week's questions, add your link at the end of my post, then leave a comment for the person linking before you. It's the neighborly thing to do here on a Wednesday. Let's dive in-
1. May 17th is National Pack Rat Day. Sidebar-should we be celebrating this? Hmmm...

Are you a pack rat? Even if you're not a full fledged pack rat, most people have one thing or another they struggle to part with. Tell us what's yours.

I'm not a pack rat, but there are things I have trouble parting with. I probably could be more of a rat, but hubs likes everything pared down and clutter free, so he keeps me in check. What do I hang on to? Books, photographs, text messages, cards and notes I've been sent that mean something to me...not a lot really. At the moment hubs would say furniture because our extra garage bay is full of it, but in my defense some of that will be going to my daughter, just not immediately. It's not pack-ratting, it's storage.  

2. What are two things you know you should know how to do, but you don't?

Tie the knot hubs has shown me seventeen times and pull a water skier. I don't know if I really want to learn the latter, but hubs wants me to learn so I can pull him behind the boat. I think I'm better suited to being that person on the boat who frantically shouts when the skier falls and then wears an anxious look on her face until the downed skier is collected. Every boat needs one. 

Also, I'm going to tell you that I probably will learn to confidently drive the boat with a water skiier in tow because hubs will teach me, and encourage me, and challenge me and I will accept the challenge. And in all likliehood I will end up loving it because that's kinda how I roll when it comes to trying something new.  Resist, then embrace. It's my superpower. 

3. Do you crave sugar? Do you add sugar to your coffee and/or tea? Do you use artificial sweeteners or sugar substitutes? When dining out is dessert a given? Are you someone who has slain the sugar dragon, and if so tell us how you did it.

Do I crave sugar? I don't think so, my cravings lean more towards the salty side of life. I have not eliminated sugar from my diet, but I don't think I go overboard either. I don't drink soda, and never put sugar in my coffee or hot tea. Occasionally I'll drink a sweet tea, but I don't like it overly sweet and so many of the restaurant varieties are so sweet they make my teeth ache. I don't use artificial sweeteners, but I have been known to check the dessert side of a menu before deciding on an entree when we're dining out. 

I don't snack on sweets at home, and I don't make dessert unless we have company, but I do love a good dessert. If we're in a restaurant that makes a good dessert I'm going to order something to share with hubs. 

4. What's a trend it took a while for you to come round to, but now you can't imagine living without?

Pretty much anything technology related.  I LOVE texting, but I remember being reluctant early on. Did you read my answer to #2? 

5. What's a song that reminds you of a specific incident in your life? Please elaborate.

This is hard, because when I thought about how to answer I felt like songs remind me more of a time in my life as opposed to a specific incident. There's probably many, but I'll go with Little Darlin' by Poco. I listened to that song while I was in labor with my first born, and when I hear it I think of those first few hours and weeks with her. 

I feel certain some of you need educating, and you can listen here

I don't really know why that became THE song, but I do know we loved the whole album (Legend) and wore it out. Remember how exciting it was to get an album and love every single song on it? Well this was one of those.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

Do you feed the hummingbirds where you live? We've always had a feeder, and love watching these amazing little creatures up close. We put a feeder on the kitchen window and waited a few days, but no birds. I knew we needed something bright to attract them, so on Saturday hubs and I bought a gorgeous bright red mandevilla. 

You can't see the feeder, but you can see the plant.
And my sweet girl. 

Anyway, we set it on the deck near the feeder, and about five minutes later there came the hummingbirds. Talk about something that craves sugar-ha! We make our own sugar water and don't add any red food coloring to it, as we read that wasn't good for the birds. The feeder itself has a red base, so that helps. 

Happy Wednesday Everyone! 

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

A Colorful Hodgepodge

January is rolling right along, which means it's time for another edition of the Hodgepodge. Please only link here on Wednesdays if you've answered the questions. Thanks! Also, there are not a lot of rules associated with this meme, but I do ask if you link your answers that you take a minute to visit the blogger who linked before you. Everybody needs somebody, right? Here we go-

1. Share one thing that really makes your day.

I ran into my daughter2 in the grocery store on Sunday afternoon, and couldn't stop smiling. Quite often it really is the little things. 

2.  Lots of these kinds of lists out there, but one found here says the fifteen most colorful places on earth are:

Vernazza, Cinque Terre, italy~Burano, Italy~Havana, Cuba~Rio de Janiero, Brazil~Chefchaouen, Morocco~Balat, Istanbul, Turkey~Menton, France~Jodhpur, india~La Baca, Buenos Aires, Argentina~Guanajuato, Mexico~Capetown, South Africa~Valparaiso, Chile~Wroclaw, Poland~San Francisco, California~and Pelourhino, Salvador, Brazil.

Of those listed which would you most like to see up close and in person? Of all the places you've seen or traveled in your own life, what would you say was one of the most colorful?

If you didn't click on the link to see the pretty pictures you should! So many colorful little towns and villages around the world. When I read questions like this one, where I have to choose a single fabulous destination, I'm always torn between re-visiting a country I know and love (Italy! France!) or opting for a new and different locale. In this case I'm going with Vernazza because Italy. 

In thinking about colorful spots I've been fortunate to see in my life and travels, several places came to mind.  Three off the top of my head would be:

 Rapeseed in bloom, as far as the eye can see-UK

The Christmas Market in Strasbourg France

 Shanghai, China...definitely one of the most interesting and colorful cities on planet Earth

3. "Everything you want is on the other side of fear." Jack Canfield In general, would you agree or disagree with that statement? Why?

I think there's some truth in the saying, but hesitate to use the word everything. Sometimes what I want is on the other side of laziness. ahem. 

4. Imagine you're stranded on a desert island and dessert appears...what do you hope it is? Do you ever struggle to remember which spelling is desert and which is dessert?

I hope there's a perfectly torched creme brulee headed my way. The kind where you very gently tap the topping with a spoon, and it just barely crackles. 

Regarding desert and dessert-I don't struggle with that particular pair of words because I fall back on an old childhood trick known as sweet sugar. A sure way to remember the double s belongs in dessert. 

5.  What song almost always makes you cry?

The Star Spangled Banner, when sung well, can easily make me cry. The same is true of a beautiful rendition of How Great Thou Art. And if Garth Brooks song The Dance comes on the radio I almost always change the station. 

6.  January is National Soup Month.  Everything from soup to nuts, in the soup, thick as pea soup, souped up...which saying most recently applies to your life in some way? Explain.

We're building a house from start to finish so 'from soup to nuts' seems fitting. 
Especially the nuts part! 

7. Write a two word note to your younger self. What does it say.

Be brave. 

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

If you've never listened to Shane and Shane's Psalm2 I highly recommend. I might be wrong in saying this, but I don't think it's available in CD format, strictly a download via iTunes. Maybe I'm the only one out there still buying actual CD's-ha! Everything is downloaded or streamed or some such nonsense now. I'm not quite there. 

Anyway...about the 'CD'... I'm obsessed. If you're looking for soul-soothing music, uplifting, encouraging, and beautifully written lyrics check it out. There are 12 songs on the playlist? and I wanted to link to my favorite, but couldn't decide which one that would be. Here's one of my favorites~Better Than Life-

Enjoy your Wednesday all! 

Monday, September 23, 2013

Makin' A List, Checkin' It Twice

I woke up this morning with a list running through my head, which is pretty typical for me on a Monday. I know some people dread Monday mornings, but I love them. A brand new week lies in front of me, I feel energized to accomplish great things, and I wake up happy to face my coffee and my  calendar.

Course by end of day Wednesday I'm usually forced to look reality in the eye and admit to myself all those to-dos are not gonna get done. But hey! Thursday's practically the weekend, which means another Monday morning is right around the corner.  

Is anyone else a little bit fascinated by the concept of time, or is that just me?

Speaking of lists, and yes I was because Mondays in my house are full of lists-things to do today, a weekly menu plan, groceries, and my favorite-a list filled with all the things I'm going to do before Friday gets here. There is something supremely satisfying about drawing a line through an item on a to do list.  Not nearly as satisfying when done electronically btw, which is why I still have scraps of actual paper scattered across my kitchen counter.

One thing on my list today is 'blog'. I'm reduced to writing write on a list beside return the Redbox rental and pick up a hook for a picture that needs hanging, because if it's on my to-do list it feels legitimate and not frivolous. Is blogging frivolous?

Where in the world is this post going?  How 'bout I recap the weekend which contained a happy surprise in the form of this-

Daughter1 booked a train ticket home to surprise me for my birthday. That's our attempt at a 'selfie' in front of Rita's Italian Ice. I'd dragged her along on a million errands on Friday including the dry cleaners, the pharmacy, the vet, and the supermarket, so Rita's was the least I could do to say thanks. Errands are so much more fun with a daughter in tow.

Friday night hubs made a fire in our outdoor firepit, and we grilled salmon, and then had leftover birthday cake. Hubs knows it's not officially my birthday without this cake-dark chocolate filled with a delicate raspberry mousse, and then the piece de resistance-a rich chocolate ganache topping.

It is every bit as delicious as it sounds. We had a piece on my birthday, and as I was cutting it he said, 'Let's not eat it all, we should save some for Daughter1'. Seriously? Did he really think the two of us could eat an entire cake in a single day?

We couldn't, could we?

Saturday morning we woke up to fall temperatures so hubs re-lit the fire and we had our coffee outdoors, which makes my list of top ten favorite things to do on a weekend.  I rousted Daughter1 out of bed early so she could get in on the fun too.

She didn't mind.
She's used to us.

Later in the day we went over to the ski resort in a nearby town to check out their Oktoberfest celebration.

Vegetarians look away.

We had some fantabulous barbecue, grilled sausage, potato pancakes, and of course that traditional German dessert-cotton candy. What can I girl loves her cotton candy.

Is she too cute for words, or what?

We listened to a little oompah music and then took the requisite ride up the mountain to check out the view. Y'all know this is not my favorite thing, and you can tell by the crazy hair that it was windy. Why is it always windy when I have to ride a cart up a mountain?

There are loads of mountain bike trails cut into the mountain, and we saw lots of bikers out enjoying the pretty weather. The views are gorgeous from up top, plus we had to get a closer look at the zipline course.  Hubs and daughter1 were making plans to come back and do that, and of course hubs started giving me his usual pep talk that runs along the lines of 'You could do that' and 'You'd love it!'.

I gave it a solid maybe.

Daughter1 and I watched Pitch Perfect on Saturday night.  I'd never seen it and thought it was cute, plus I liked the music. Hubs watched too, and by 'watched' I mean he napped on the couch.

We didn't have to trek to the train until Sunday night which was nice. Daughter1 helped me with our Christmas card (whoohoo-it's still September!), and she set up an Ipod speaker we got for Christmas last year that I could not for the life of me figure out how to work.  When I say set up I mean she turned it on.  Really, it was pretty much that simple, except somehow blue tooth is involved and when I hear the words blue tooth I stop listening.

We grilled turkey burgers for dinner, and I'm just gonna go ahead and admit I'm not really a fan.  I want to like them because I know they're better for you than beef, but there is something about ground turkey that gives me the heebie jeebies.  I love roast turkey and turkey sandwiches and turkey soup, but ground turkey?  Shiver.

I always doctor them up to add flavor, and yesterday we marinated the burgers in a soy-ginger-citrus concoction and then topped them with grilled pineapple.  I loved the grilled pineapple, and the burgers didn't taste bad, there's just something about the texture I don't love.  Where's the beef?

Okay, those to-dos are not going to cross themselves off, so I need to get busy.  It's Monday, and Mondays are made for productivity.

Or a good book and a nap on the patio in the afternoon sun.  Maybe I need to put that on my list!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

They Say It's Your Birthday Hodgepodge

Welcome to the glad you stopped by on my birthday!  I might mention that another one or ten times here today.  

Here are my answers to this week's questions...add your link at the end of my post, then go see what the other party goers had to say-

1. When did you last sing happy birthday to someone? When were you last sung to? Does that embarrass you or do you enjoy being the center of attention on your special day?

We sang happy birthday to hubs and my brother in law when we celebrated their birthdays on the boat over the Labor Day weekend. I think? Did we actually sing? I'm officially a year older today, and your ability to remember 'stuff' goes down exponentially in relation to your age going up. Just sayin'.  

I honestly can't remember the last time I was sung to, which is fine. I can be spoiled in other ways on my birthday-ha!  I'm a big believer in everyone feeling like a rock star on their big day. 

Oh, and I just remembered I have a friend who calls and sings to me over the phone and that totally counts. 

2. Name a famous or 'infamous' person who shares your birth month and day. Is that someone you'd like to meet in person if it were possible?

There were quite a few on the list I checked, but here's two I'd definitely invite to my party-

Ben Carson-world renown neurosurgeon, former chief of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins, son of a single mom from Detroit, a truly inspiring story of brilliance and plain old fashioned hard work.  Plus he called out the p.c. (politically correct) police when he was the guest speaker at the National Prayer Breakfast back in February. I'd definitely love to hear more about that.  

James Marsden-easy on the eyes. Former model, now a singer/actor best know for his roles in 27 Dresses, The Notebook, Enchanted, and Hairspray. Did I mention he's extremely easy on the eyes?  

3. Someone hands you a box tied up in a lovely bow...what are you hoping to find inside?

Jewelry of course. 
Or a great purse. 
Or tickets to someplace fabulous. 
Clothes would be okay too. 

4. What is something you can guarantee about yourself?

I don't do mean.

5. Talking about art and beautiful cities here...'The Last Supper' in the Santa Maria della Grazie Abbey in Milan, Italy or 'The Mona Lisa' in the Louvre, Paris...which would you most like to see up close and in person?  Why?

Oh my word-two fabulous cities.  If I'm making my choice based solely on the artwork, then I'd choose The Last Supper.  I've seen The Mona Lisa in the Louvre and it's always jam packed with tourists.  I think you can almost get a better look in a great art book.  I've never seen The Last Supper in person.  

Paris is one of my favorite cities in the world, and Italy is my happy place, so as far as location I'd be supremely happy with either one.  

6. Your favorite dessert?

Possibly the hardest question ever to grace the 'pages' of the Hodgepodge...I'm going with creme brulee. It's got to be done just right though, because a soggy brulee is just too sad to contemplate.

7. This coming weekend marks the official start of autumn (in the northern hemisphere)...what is something you do to get ready for fall?  What is one thing you're looking forward to on your fall calendar?  Spring or fall-which do you prefer?

I don't do a lot of seasonal decorating outside of Christmas, but I will change out my apothecary jars, replace the dead summer flowers in our patio pots with mums, and add some autumn candles around. I love the scents of autumn.

One thing I'm looking forward to? Well...I'm having two strangers I met on the Internet come stay with me for a long weekend.  Not as creepy as it sounds (I hope!)...they're women I 'met' four years ago, about the time I started my blog. We connected on the Living Proof website (Beth Moore's site) and ever since have been exchanging emails, prayer requests, cards, and presents...this fall we meet in person. 

Fall is my favorite season of the year. Perhaps if I lived in Florida I'd feel differently, but I live in the northeast which is never more spectacular than when autumn explodes in all her multi-colored glory.  

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

Today's my birthday-whoohoo!

Monday, June 3, 2013

It's Raining, It's Pouring...

The old man went to work anyway. Ha! He's definitely not old, but the rhyme seemed to fit on this gray and rainy Monday morning.  

We had gorgeous weather over the weekend as we trekked to Philly for my nephew's birthday party.  He turned 7 and had a big day beginning with a baseball game, and then a trip to the Aquarium with friends.

I am slightly obsessed with roses this spring. They seem especially beautiful this year everywhere you go. My sister had these blooming in her backyard-

I told hubs we need to plant some, but our yard is tricky. We have fewer blooming plants in this yard than in other places we've lived. We're set against the woods, with lots of natural rock and tall trees so natural feels better. Plus we have serious granite in the ground and an abundance of creatures who think anything that blooms is dessert. Still, I am determined to plant some roses.

Back to Saturday...we sat outside and my brother in law grilled hamburgers and hotdogs, and of course there were presents to be unwrapped...

Lots of running and playing and fun with friends ...

Then there was this-

...tuxedo cheesecake for dessert.

Daughter2 will say her trip home was worth it for this reason alone.
Cheesecake is her love language.

His too. Everybody knows Ninjas need cheesecake, right? Sorry it's a little blurry, but ninjas don't stay still for long.

My sister has a brand new puppy which has once more stirred up the 'we need a puppy' conversation at our house.  

She is so sweet, but when my sister starts talking about taking her outside at 11 PM, and the baby gates, and the need to always know where your puppy is and what she's into I falter. They also have an older dog who seems to have been given a new lease on life with a puppy in the house, so there's that to consider. Our pup is a party girl, and I know she'd love a playmate, but...but...but...sigh. This is one of those things I'll think about another day.

We spent the night at my mom's and she and I got up Sunday morning and sat on the bench beside her front porch to chat and sip coffee.  Hubs joined us and then eventually my girl came out too.  I had to take a picture because she and her dad were in the same shirt and it was too cute.

They look happy to have their picture taken upon awakening, don't they?
I think they're used to me.

We got back home late afternoon and grilled out and then Daughter2 and I talked hubs into watching Les Mis with us which I think he kinda liked.  Better than what we're going to have him watching tonite anyway. teehee.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Let them eat cake!

Joining the Pinterest Party hosted by Mindee over at Our Front Door today. I'm sharing a simple and delicious recipe I've made hundreds of times and while I know that's not exactly playing by the rules wouldn't you rather me post a recipe I know is tasty as opposed to one that is just a maybe?

I thought so.

Actually this recipe pops up on Pinterest quite often but I'm pretty certain the credit should go to Bisquick.

Strawberry Shortcake

If you don't have a shortcake recipe you already love then I recommend you give this one a try. It's super easy, delicious, and I think, foolproof.

The recipe says to sprinkle your berries with a little sugar. I like to cut mine up several hours ahead of serving so they have plenty of juice. Don't skip the sugar because you want the juice it creates.

These shortcake biscuits are rustic and not overly sweet.

Slice them in half and put a layer of berries in the middle. Pop the top back on and then add more berries, and of course a big dollop of real whipped cream. Yes, it must be real whipped cream. I loathe artificial whipped toppings.

I made this for Memorial Day and tossed a few blueberries on the side too.
Happy Summer!