Showing posts with label farmer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label farmer. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

You Say Fall and I Say Harvest Time

My dad is a farmer, I think I've mentioned that before.

Actually, I did a search for "dad" on my blog and found 32 posts where I mentioned my dad.

I also did a search for "chocolate" and found 32 posts where I mentioned chocolate.

Hmmm...I wonder what that means.

Sorry, back to the regularly scheduled post...

Soybean harvest started a few weeks ago and I hitched a ride in the combine with my dad after work one evening.

My all-time favorite sight - soybeans ready for harvest. 

 Here comes my ride!

View from the jump seat. 

View out the front of the combine cab. 

Unloading soybeans.

Good-bye Dad and be careful out there!

Coming soon...corn harvest!


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