Showing posts with label summer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label summer. Show all posts

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Long Live Summer Pool Fun

Summer is in full swing and it's been hot.

Now, I know what you are thinking. "It's summer so, of course, it's hot."

I know summer is supposed to be hot but we've experience above normal temperatures for an extended period with NO rain, so I think I'm allowed to point out that it's been abnormally hot and dry around these parts.

What this has meant for me is lots of time around the pool with my nieces and nephews. I've captured a lot of cute photos of them in all of their wet and wild glory. 

Like this one of the boys making up their own carnival-type game that involved throwing water-soaked balls at my oldest nephew as he stands in the middle of the kiddie pool. Once he was hit, he toppled over like one of those clown figures in the midway game at your local county fair.

These photos scream summer to me.

Do you take more photos during the summer? I definitely do.

If you have captured some fun summer images, be sure to check out Shutterfly's Long Live Summer Photo Contest over on Facebook ( for a chance at some fun prizes, including a grand prize trip to the Bahamas complete with a professional photo shoot!

The multi-week contest runs until August 6 and features weekly photo themes. They even have a "Water Fun" theme! I'm definitely entering one of my photos in that one.

Another cool thing about the contest is that you'll get a gift from Shutterfly JUST for entering. You can find all of the official rules here.

Disclaimer: I did receive compensation from Shutterfly for posting about their contest but, like always, the opinions (and photos) in this post are my own. Whose else's would they be?

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Always Makes Me Smile

No words needed.

But I will add a few because I can.

I love impromptu cookouts at the cabin at the farm pond with the family.

It was a GORGEOUS night. Not too hot. Nice breeze. Plenty of sun.

I'm looking for many more of these evenings as we move into summer!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Family Fish Fry

Last Saturday was a PERFECT night for a gathering at the cabin on the family farm. It was in the 80s with a nice breeze...couldn't ask for better.

So Dad decided to fry up some fish. I don't have any photos of the finished was consumed as quickly as Dad could get it fried!

But I did snap some random shots of the family.



We call this uncle the "baby whisperer."

This aunt can't wait to get a hold of the baby girls...
maybe it's because she has three boys at home!

Not quite old enough for fish, JJ had to settle for puffs.

So sweet.

"So how's it going up there?"

"Just one more chip."

A good night for a walk.

Hopefully we have a few more nights like this one this summer.



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