Specimen rub-8

$ 45.00
Dims: 2-1/4" x 2" x 1"
Wt: 5.9 oz
Mysore, India
One of the larger individual rubies that I have beheld, this specimen consists of one single crystal that exceeds 1/4 pound! It is a dark violet-red and is opaque, so it is not exactly a faceter's dream. However, such rubies may produce interesting cabochons with such effects as silk, cat's eyes, and possibly even six-rayed stars... who knows? It does show signs of weathering and inclusions of black crystals that I cannot identify. There is also substantial rust staining that seems to be connected with the presence of tiny amounts of muscovite that are trapped in the deep striations along the crystal's prism faces. It is an impressive chunk of aluminum oxide!

Amethyst Galleries'
Mineral Gallery


By Name
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Fluorescent Minerals




RUBY specimens:
(hover for more info)
RUBY specimen rub-1
$ 17.50
Dims: 3" x 1" x 1-1/2"
Wt: 6.0 oz
to be provided
This attractive (but opaque) specimen shows a host matrix of Zoisite that surrounds one of the largest Rubies that we have in stock. It measures 2-1/2 inches long by 3/4 inch at its widest point, and though it is incomplete and shows no crystal structure, it is very large, with surprisingly good color! This is an excellent candidate for a lapidarist that wants a lot of Ruby to work with.
no photo
rub-1 ($ 17.50)
to be provided
RUBY specimen rub-2
$ 47.00
Dims: 3-1/2" x 1-1/2" x 1"
Wt: 6.2 oz
to be provided
This Zoisite/Ruby combination has a very rough, more crystalline texture to it than most as far as the Zoisite is concerned. The Rubies in the matrix are of average size ( up to 1/4 inch in diameter) and incomplete, looking more massive than crystalline, and showing a good, deep red color. Being such a commonly-found variety of Ruby, a collector should have one of these combinations.
no photo
rub-2 ($ 47.00)
to be provided
RUBY specimen rub-3
$ 75.00
Dims: 2-1/2" x 2" x 1-1/2"
Wt: 7.0 oz
Hit-Ostrpv, Karelia, Russia
One of our best samples of crystalline Ruby, this specimen boasts a spectacular crystal about 1 inch long by 3/8 inch in diameter. The color leans a little too far towards purple to be a good gem color, but that is likely due to included Rutile needles. There are a few other crystals in the piece that can compare in size, but most of them are tiny, measuring no larger than 1/8 inch, and many of them look a lot like Garnets. They are all lodged in a matrix of Calcite, Biotite, and what seems to be Hornblende, but I'm not positive on that. The big crystal makes the piece, though, and is really a gorgeous thing to see. Though not showing up appreciably through digital video capture, the crystals glow a bright red in longwave UV light!
no photo
rub-3 ($ 75.00)
Hit-Ostrpv, Karelia, Russia
RUBY specimen rub-4
$ 82.50
Dims: 3" x 1-3/4" x 1-1/2"
Wt: 7.7 oz
If you are looking for the most Ruby for your money, this specimen is a serious contender! I estimate that the stone itself is about half Ruby by weight. The crystals look very dark, but I believe that the reason is that they are in such a dark matrix, and that extraction of them will show that they're much more brightly colored. They are of good size, though, attaining a maximum length of 1 inch, and about 1/4 inch in diameter. I don't exactly know how to clean that dark matrix off of the crystals, but given Ruby is so hard, it shouln't be tough, and then you'll see just how tightly-packed these little gems are!
no photo
rub-4 ($ 82.50)
RUBY specimen rub-5
$ 50.00
Dims: 1-3/4" x 1-3/4" x 3/4"
Wt: 2.9 oz
Hit-Ostrpv, Karelia, Kola Peninsula, Russia
Hexagonal ruby crystals of good size dominate this specimen. They range in size from 1/8 inch or less to about 1/2 inch long by 1/2 inch wide, and have very good crystal forms. Their color is a bit too violet for gems, and the stones are translucent at best, but the crystals are of very good quality. I'm not sure, but I believe that among the constituents of the Syenite matrix rest tiny, misshapen Garnet crystals.
no photo
rub-5 ($ 50.00)
Hit-Ostrpv, Karelia, Kola Peninsula, Russia
RUBY specimen rub-6
$ 110.00
Dims: 2.75" x 1.75" x 1"
Wt: 3.3oz
Penshere, Northwestern Frontier Province, Pakistan
These Pakistani crystals are some of the best rough Rubies that I've ever held in my hands. They have a bright, pigeon's-blood color that is easily worthy of a cut stone. The crystals are small, measuring about 3/8 inch at their widest points, and translucent, showing slight glimpses of transparency in areas. They show excellent crystal form, with clean sides and edges. There are a few other, tiny crystals in the Pegmatite matrix, along with a small complement of Muscovite. This is my favorite Ruby specimen, for obvious reasons! They glow VERY brightly under a longwave UV source, though our image of this occurrence is not a good one.
no photo
rub-6 ($110.00)
Penshere, Northwestern Frontier Province, Pakistan
RUBY specimen rub-7
$ 65.00
Dims: 2-1/2" x 2-3/4" x 2-3/4"
Wt: 2.6 oz
While the crystals on this specimen are not perfect, their deep red color makes them a very pretty addition to any collection. The largest ruby measures about 1/2 inch by 1/2 inch by 3/8 inch and shows considerable damage. The color of the crystals are quite deep, and each one is translucent- the largest is so large and dark as to be almost opaque. I really like the color of these crystals, though; they look great against the black and white background of the Syenite matrix.
no photo
rub-7 ($ 65.00)
RUBY specimen rub-8
$ 45.00
Dims: 2-1/4" x 2" x 1"
Wt: 5.9 oz
Mysore, India
One of the larger individual rubies that I have beheld, this specimen consists of one single crystal that exceeds 1/4 pound! It is a dark violet-red and is opaque, so it is not exactly a faceter's dream. However, such rubies may produce interesting cabochons with such effects as silk, cat's eyes, and possibly even six-rayed stars... who knows? It does show signs of weathering and inclusions of black crystals that I cannot identify. There is also substantial rust staining that seems to be connected with the presence of tiny amounts of muscovite that are trapped in the deep striations along the crystal's prism faces. It is an impressive chunk of aluminum oxide!
no photo
rub-8 ($ 45.00)
Mysore, India
RUBY specimen rub-9
$ 36.00
Dims: 0.9" x 0.8" x 0.6"(2.3 x 2.0 x 1.5 cm)
Wt: 12.4 g. w/ specimen box
Hit-Ostrpv, Karelia, Kola Peninsula, Russia
This lovely thumbnail specimen contains a double-terminated Ruby crystal from the famous Kola Peninsula. It has clean termination faces and a definitely hexagonal prismatic crystal form, although its prism faces are heavily marred by nepheline and garnet crystals that are grown into them. The syenite matrix has several other garnets embedded in it. The Ruby has a red coloration with a tinge of violet, a pearly luster and is translucent. The specimen has been glued into a plastic specimen box.
no photo
rub-9 ($ 36.00)
Hit-Ostrpv, Karelia, Kola Peninsula, Russia
RUBY specimen rub-10
$ 40.00
Dims: 3.0" x 2.0" x 1.2" (7.6 x 5.1 x 3.0 cm)
Wt: 6.24 oz. (176.9 g)
This specimen consists of a tough nepheline syenite matrix that houses several deep red-violet rubies. The visible rubies are very rough and are only translucent, but there is some definite crystal form visible. The largest visible crystal shows the best form though it appears to be broken. Its visible dimensions measure 0.6 x 0.4 x 0.4" (1.5 x 1.0 x 1.0 cm). Like the others, it is translucent but very cloudy and seems to have a thin layer of matrix covering part of it. They are all partially buried in the matrix, and could use a bit of cleaning and added exposure, but they still constitute an interesting specimen that is relatively low in price with respect to our selection.
no photo
rub-10 ($ 40.00)
RUBY specimen rub-11
$ 44.00
Dims: 3.0" x 3.0" x 1.3" (7.6 x 7.6 x 3.3 cm)
Wt: 10.40 oz. (295.1 g)
The nepheline syenite matrix of this specimen contains many Ruby crystals; though they are rather small, there are a lot of them, and probably even more trapped within. All have relatively good hexagonal prismatic form where it can be seen, though there is noticeable damage to a few of the crystals. They all have a deep red-violet color and a pearly luster, and are translucent but cloudy. I believe that there are many more Rubies that are trapped inside the matrix.
no photo
rub-11 ($ 44.00)
RUBY specimen rub-12
Dims: 4.2" x 3.5" x 2.3" (10.7 x 8.9 x 5.8 cm)
Wt: 1 lb., 7.8 oz. (674 g)
Jigdalik, Afghanistan
What appears to be a white calcite or limestone is the matrix for one of the largest and most well-formed Rubies that I have ever examined. The stone's visible dimensions measure 0.7 x 0.6 x 0.4" (1.8 x 1.5 x 1.0 cm) and it is in excellent condition, showing no human-induced damage. The part of the crystal that is still buried in the rock probably is malformed or incomplete, but what is visible has flat, relatively smooth faces and very well-defined edges that accentuate its pearly luster. It has a deep ruby-red coloration with a tiny hint of violet, and is cloudy and translucent. It glows a rather bright red under longwave UV light, but there was too much interfering "glow" from the host rock to get a good image of this. There are 4 or 5 other visible rubies trapped in the matrix, two of which show considerable damage, but none of these exceeds 0.3" (8 mm) in any dimension. There is also part of a damaged, dark-gray metallic mineral visible that I cannot identify, and a large amount of muscovite, some of which permeates the host rock in thin, parallel veins. It is a beautiful Ruby that is well-exposed and easy to examine.
no photo
rub-12 ($1500.00)
Jigdalik, Afghanistan
RUBY specimen rub-13
$ 28.00
Dims: 1.1" x 1.0" x 0.7" (2.8 x 2.5 x 1.8 cm)
Wt: 17.2 g
Jigdalik, Afghanistan
A very small specimen, this piece nonetheless has a few Rubies in it. Most of the Ruby crystals are damaged and incomplete, though there is at least one that is relatively intact, though scarred. All have a bright red coloration with a faint hint of violet, and are at least translucent. The intact crystal's hexagonal prismatic form is imperfect but definable, as a few prism faces and the basal termination face are at least partially visible. It has a rather dull, pearly luster and is merely translucent, though there may be a few small spots of transparence. The surrounding host rock is definitely calcite-based, and has a milky-white coloration.
no photo
rub-13 ($ 28.00)
Jigdalik, Afghanistan
RUBY specimen rub-15
$ 60.00
Dims: 1.5 x 1.0 x 0.7" (3.8 x 2.5 x 1.8 cm)
Wt: 12.5 g
This is one of the first Ruby specimens that I have seen from the island of Madagascar. It consists of two hexagonal tabular Ruby crystals that are partly intergrown. The larger crystal has dimensions of 1.1 x 1.0 x 0.1" (2.8 x 2.5 x 0.3 cm), and is damaged and incomplete. The smaller crystal has dimensions of 0.9 x 0.7 x 0.2" (2.3 x 1.8 x 0.5 cm) and is undamaged and in excellent condition. Both crystals have good form, with relatively well-defined edges and striated but clean faces that possess a pearly luster. Their color is a deep ruby-red and they are moderately to dimly translucent under a halogen light. There are a few small bits of a dark matrix rock that are attached to its edges- these are likely made of nepheline.
no photo
rub-15 ($ 60.00)
RUBY specimen rub-16
$ 75.00
Dims: 1.5 x 1.2 x 1.0" (3.8 x 3.0 x 2.5 cm)
Wt: 1.1 oz. (30.1 g)
Mysore, India
At least 9 hexagonal prismatic Ruby crystals are partly embedded in the syenite matrix of this specimen. These crystals do not exceed 0.3" (8 mm) in any dimension, though most are of a similar size. Three or four of the crystals show obvious damage, and one of these is incomplete. However, those that are intact are in good condition and show very good form, with relatively well-defined edges and striated but clean faces that possess a rather dull pearly luster. All have the standard ruby-red coloration, though a few of the largest crystals are darker in color than the rest. All are moderately to dimly translucent. Their syenite matrix contains many more visible rubies, but most of these are broken and measure no more than 2 or 3 mm in any dimension.
no photo
rub-16 ($ 75.00)
Mysore, India
RUBY specimen rub-17
$ 110.00
Dims: 2.1 x 1.0 x 0.7" (5.3 x 2.5 x 1.8 cm)
Wt: 1.1 oz. (31.2 g)
Mysore, India
This large thumbnail specimen consists of at least 15 Ruby crystals that are partly embedded in a syenite host rock. The largest crystal has visible dimensions of 0.6 x 0.4 x 0.1 (1.5 x 1.0 x 0.3 cm). They are generally in good condition, though several are obviously damaged. All have reasonably good but somewhat warped hexagonal form, but their edges are generally well-defined. Their faces are striated but clean and possess a rather dull pearly-to-waxy luster. All have the deep red coloration that is a hallmark of Rubies, and all are translucent and cloudy.
no photo
rub-17 ($110.00)
Mysore, India
RUBY specimen rub-18
$ 100.00
Dims: 1.4 x 0.9 x 0.8" (3.6 x 2.3 x 2.0 cm)
Wt: 22.8 g
Mysore, India
Two hexagonal Ruby crystals and several tiny, broken ones inhabit the syenite host rock of this specimen. One is damaged and missing some material, but the other is undamaged and has dimensions of 0.5 x 0.2 x 0.2" (1.3 x 0.5 x 0.5 cm), though it is not quite complete- one end appears to have partly intergrown with either the host rock or another crystal. The termination on that end is uneven, though it is natural. Both show reasonably good hexagonal prismatic form, with relatively well-defined edges and clean faces that possess a pearly luster. Both of the crystals have the standard deep ruby-red coloration and are dimly translucent. All other Rubies that are visible on the host rock are broken, incomplete, and do not exceed 3 mm in any dimension.
no photo
rub-18 ($100.00)
Mysore, India
RUBY specimen rub-19
$ 50.00
Dims: 2.9 x 2.4 x 1.5" (7.4 x 6.1 x 3.8 cm)
Wt: 8.83 oz. (250.4 g)
This small hand specimen consists of a partly-cut section of rough Ruby-zoisite. It consists of several Ruby crystals that are embedded in a green zoisite matrix. Every Ruby that is visible is damaged or broken, and shows no crystal form. All have a deep red coloration and possess a pearly luster. It is impossible to determine their clarity, though I am relatively certain that they are merely translucent, and possibly dimly so. The zoisite has a beautiful green coloration and contains many small black crystals of a mineral that I cannot identify. Besides this matrix, there is no host or base rock present.
no photo
rub-19 ($ 50.00)
RUBY specimen rub-20
$ 250.00
Dims: 3.2 x 2.4 x 1.8" (8.1 x 6.1 x 4.6 cm)
Wt: 9.93 oz. (281.4 g)
Jagdalek, Sarobi, Kapica, Afghanistan
Of the 5 discernable Ruby crystals that are visible on this specimen, only 2 are complete and undamaged- the others are broken and incomplete. These two intact crystals are in excellent condition, however. The larger of the two has visible dimensions of 0.5 x 0.4 x 0.2" (1.3 x 1.0 x 0.5 cm), whereas the smaller measures 0.2 x 0.1 x 0.1" (5 x 3 x 2 mm). Both have rather warped but good hexagonal prismatic form, with well-defined edges and clean faces that possess a slightly dull vitreous luster. Their color is a bright red that borders on a deep pink, and though the larger crystal appears to be completely cloudy, the smaller one has dim but noticeable transparence. The largest of the incomplete crystals (and the second largest overall) appears to be partly healed. They are accompanied by several tiny, misshapen "books" of muscovite that are also embedded in the white albite host rock.
no photo
rub-20 ($250.00)
Jagdalek, Sarobi, Kapica, Afghanistan
RUBY specimen rub-21
$ 67.00
Dims: 1.3 x 0.6 x 0.6" (3.3 x 1.5 x 1.5 cm)
Wt: 22.5 g
Subramanium, Karnataka, South India
A single hexagonal prismatic Ruby crystal constitutes this thumbnail specimen. It is in excellent condition, showing very little damage, and has moderately good hexagonal prismatic form, with double basal terminations. These termination faces are striated and clean, but its prism faces are heavily etched with various growth patterns. It has a deep red coloration and a pearly-to-waxy luster, and is only dimly translucent at best under halogen light. There is no host rock present.
no photo
rub-21 ($ 67.00)
Subramanium, Karnataka, South India
RUBY specimen rub-22
$ 115.00
Dims: 0.9 x 0.5 x 0.3" 2.3 x 1.3 x 0.8"
Wt: 3.1 g
above Hassanabad, Hunza, Northern Areas, Pakistan
This small thumbnail specimen consists of at least 4 Ruby crystals that are partly embedded in a white pegmatite host rock. The rubies are in basically good condition, showing a few small chips out of some edges, and do not exceed 0.3" (8 mm) along any axis. Their hexagonal prismatic form is badly warped due to intergrowth and other conditions, but one crystal is somewhat well-formed. They do have well-defined edges, though, and a few clean faces that possess a dull pearly-to-waxy luster. Their color is excellent, being a moderately deep red with a hint of blue, and all are translucent-to-transparent, with one crystal showing some dim but noticeable clarity. One Ruby crystal does not appear to be intergrown with the rest, and is almost completely obscured by the surrounding pegmatite. Only a few bits of muscovite accompany the crystals.
no photo
rub-22 ($115.00)
above Hassanabad, Hunza, Northern Areas, Pakistan
RUBY specimen rub-23
$ 50.00
Dims: 1.2 x 0.7 x 0.6" (3.0 x 1.8 x 1.5 cm)"
Wt: 18.2 g
Subramanium, Karnataka, South India
Two intergrown Ruby crystals make up this thumbnail specimen. One is much larger than the other- its dimensions make up those of the entire specimen- and is complete, whereas the smaller crystal is damaged, incomplete, and mostly intergrown with the larger one. Both have good but slightly warped hexagonal prismatic form with flat, basal terminations; the larger crystal is double-terminated. Their edges are well-defined, but their faces are heavily patterned by small growth projections. Their deep red color with a hint of violet is standard for pieces from this locality, and only the small crystal shows noticeable translucence. There is no host rock present.
no photo
rub-23 ($ 50.00)
Subramanium, Karnataka, South India
RUBY specimen rub-24
$ 80.00
Dims: 1.3 x 1.0 x 0.9" (3.3 x 2.5 x 2.3 cm)
Wt: 17.8 g
Aliabad, Hunza, Northern Areas, Pakistan
A single hexagonal Ruby crystal extends from the pegmatite base of this thumbnail specimen. This Ruby has visible dimensions of 0.3 x 0.2 x 0.1" (8 x 6 x 3 mm), and is in excellent condition, showing no visible damage. Its hexagonal prismatic form is slightly warped- though its hexagonal outline is still well-defined, the prism is bent just beneath its termination. It still has well-defined edges and clean faces, however, and possess the classic deep red color with a hint of violet. Its luster is a rather dull pearly, and it is generally translucent with patches of dim transparence. It also glows brightly with a red color when viewed under longwave ultraviolet light, as seen in our second image.
no photo
rub-24 ($ 80.00)
Aliabad, Hunza, Northern Areas, Pakistan
RUBY specimen rub-25
$ 40.00
Dims: 2.9 x 1.6 x 1.4" (7.4 x 4.1 x 3.6 cm)
Wt: 3.68 oz. (104.3 g)
Mysore, India
At least 10 Ruby crystals rest in the syenite matrix of this specimen. These crystals are generally in fair condition as most appear to be either damaged or broken, and have dimensions of up to 0.6 x 0.5 x 0.4" (1.5 x 1.3 x 1.0 cm). Where intact, they show good hexagonal prismatic form, with moderately well-defined edges and clean faces that possess a rather dull, greasy luster. All have a deep red color with a strong hint of violet and are translucent at best.
no photo
rub-25 ($ 40.00)
Mysore, India
RUBY specimen rub-26
$ 36.00
Dims: 1.5 x 1.5 x 1.4" (3.8 x 3.8 x 3.6 cm)
Wt: 3.1 oz. (89.0 g)
Mysore, India
A single, complete Ruby crystal rests in the syenite host rock of this thumbnail specimen. This Ruby has dimensions of 0.6 x 0.3 x 0.3" (1.5 x 0.8 x 0.8 cm) and is in excellent condition, showing no appreciable damage. Its hexagonal prismatic form is very good, with well-defined edges and moderately clean, striated faces that possess a dull, greasy luster. Its color is deep red with a pronounced violet tinge, and it is only dimly translucent. The syenite host contains many tiny, misshapen red crystals, most of which are broken. I have been told that they are garnets, but I do not think so, personally.
no photo
rub-26 ($ 36.00)
Mysore, India
RUBY specimen rub-27
$ 32.00
Dims: 2.1 x 1.7 x 1.2" (5.3 x 4.3 x 3.0 cm)
Wt: 5.3 oz. (150.0 g)
Mysore, India
This large thumbnail specimen consists entirely of 2 Ruby crystals. The larger of these crystals is complete and in moderately good condition, and has dimensions of the piece as a whole. The other does not exceed 0.5" (1.3 cm) in either length or diameter and is mostly intergrown with the larger. Both are fairly well-formed but obviously warped to a degree. Their hexagonal prismatic form is still discernable, though their edges are generally rounded and uneven, and their faces are heavily patterned and pitted. Both crystals have a deep red coloration with a strong violet hint and a very dull, almost matte luster, and are opaque to all intents and purposes. There a few crystals or pebbles of a black material embedded in the larger Ruby, but no host rock is present.
no photo
rub-27 ($ 32.00)
Mysore, India
RUBY specimen rub-28
$ 70.00
Dims: 3.9 x 3.0 x 0.2" (9.9 x 7.6 x 0.5 cm)
Wt: 2.64 oz. (74.8 g)
This flat piece consists of a cut, polished slab of zoisite matrix that holds several Rubies. These Rubies are rather heavily intergrown with each other and do not exceed 0.4" (1.0 cm) in diameter. Their intergrowth and the fact that they have been cut flat makes it almost impossible to study their form, and all but one are only visible on one side of the piece. They have a deep red coloration with a strong hint of violet and even when polished, tend to show only a rather bright, greasy luster. Most of the Rubies are immediately surrounded by a white material that is also embedded in the zoisite, and tiny green crystals (of zoisite, perhaps?) are visble in most of this material.
no photo
rub-28 ($ 70.00)
RUBY specimen rub-29
$ 50.00
Dims: 2.9 x 2.3 x 1.1" (7.4 x 5.8 x 2.8 cm)
Wt: 4.58 oz. (129.8 g)
This small hand specimen consists of a rough, shapeless chunk of massive zoisite in which are embedded several broken Ruby crystals. These crystals are broken level with the zoisite matrix, so their forms are impossible to study. All have the dark red coloration with a hint of violet that is standard for Rubies from this locality, and a dull, pearly-to-waxy luster where applicable. The zoisite matrix has the classic moderate green color and contiains many tiny, broken amphibolite crystals which comprise the black flecks within.
no photo
rub-29 ($ 50.00)
RUBY specimen rub-30
$ 26.00
Dims: 2.8 x 1.7 x 0.3" (7.1 x 4.3 x 0.8 cm)
Wt: 1.79 oz. (50.8 g)
Several small Rubies are embedded in the cut and polished zoisite matrix of this specimen. These Rubies are usually intergrown and appear to be quite misshapen. They have the standard deep red color and strong tinge of violet, and are essentially opaque. The zoisite matrix has the standard green color and is flecked with black amphibolite inclusions, but also contains a few streaks and several patches of a white material that I cannot identify.
no photo
rub-30 ($ 26.00)
RUBY specimen rub-31
$ 48.00
Dims: 2.4 x 1.5 x 1.1" (6.1 x 3.8 x 2.8 cm)
Wt: 2.59 oz. (73.6 g)
Two Rubies are embedded in the polished zoisite base of this small hand specimen. The larger of these Rubies has a diameter of about 0.5" (1.3 cm), and like its smaller counterpart, is cut level with the matrix, so that its form cannot be studied. Both have the deep red coloration and rather dull, waxy luster of their species and are essentially opaque. The zoisite matrix has the classic green coloration and contains scores of clusters and individual amphibolite crystals that give it its black mottling.
no photo
rub-31 ($ 48.00)
RUBY specimen rub-32
$ 35.00
Dims: 2.5 x 1.4 x 0.3" (6.4 x 3.6 x 0.8 cm)
Wt: 1.56 oz. (44.3 g)
This small hand specimen consists of a cut and polished zoisite slab that contains a single, long Ruby. The Ruby has visible dimensions of 0.7 x 0.1" (1.8 x 0.3 cm), and appers to be moderately well-formed, though this is mostly a guess.
no photo
rub-32 ($ 35.00)
RUBY specimen rub-33
$ 60.00
Dims: 2.4 x 1.9 x 1.4" (6.1 x 4.9 x 3.6 cm)
Wt: 5.0 oz. (141 g)
Blakstad, Norway
Dozens of misshapen Rubies rest in the syenite matrix of this small cabinet piece. These crystals do not seem to exceed 0.9 x 0.4 x 0.1" (2.4 x 0.9 x 0.2 mm) and though some semblence of hexagonal form is visible, all are quite misshapen and generally damaged or broken where exposed. Their deep red color with a hint of violet is characteristic of lower-quality Rubies and their pearly to greasy luster is common. All are translucent.
no photo
rub-33 ($ 60.00)
Blakstad, Norway
RUBY specimen rub-34
$ 200.00
Dims: 4.1 x 3.2 x 2.0" (10.5 x 8.2 x 5.1 cm)
Wt: 13.7 oz. (389 g)
Jagdalik, Afghanistan
At least 4 intact Ruby crystals rest in the calcareous base of this large cabinet piece. A few others lay scattered around these four, but are badly broken and mostly incomplete. The intact crystals are generally in excellent condition- there is no man-made damage visible- and reach lengths of 0.5" (1.3 cm). All have good but slightly warped hexagonal prismatic form and the classic deep red coloration. Their luster is generally pearly to greasy
no photo
rub-34 ($200.00)
Jagdalik, Afghanistan
RUBY specimen rub-35
$ 115.00
Dims: 3.2 x 2.8 x 1.5" (8.1 x 7.1 x 3.8 cm)
Wt: 12.1 oz. (343 g)
Mysore, India
Five discernable Ruby crystals rest in the syenite host of this hand specimen. The largest of these crystals has visible dimensions of 0.7 x 0.5 x 0.2" (1.8 x 1.3 x 0.5 cm), and only one shows more than very light damage. All have reasonably good hexagonal tabular or prismatic form, with moderately well-defined edges and slightly uneven but clean faces that possess a greasy luster. Their deep red color has a strong violet tinge and is standard for Rubies from this locality. They are cloudy and only dimly translucent.
no photo
rub-35 ($115.00)
Mysore, India
RUBY specimen rub-36
$ 25.00
Dims: 1.8 x 1.6 x 0.2" (4.6 x 4.1 x 0.5 cm)
Wt: 23 g
A few tiny Rubies rest in the zoisite matrix of this specimen. They are too small and enveloped to be able to effectively study, and have a dark red-violet coloration and a dull, waxy luster. The zoisite matrix has the standard pale green color and contains many rounded amphibolite nodules or crystals that dapple the zoisite with small black spots.
no photo
rub-36 ($ 25.00)
RUBY specimen rub-37
$ 105.00
Dims: 7.9 x 3.5 x 2.0" (20.1 x 8.7 x 5.1 cm)
Wt: 32.7 oz. (928 g)
Jagdalik, Afghanistan
This specimen essentially consists of a single large ruby crystal on an impure marble matrix. The ruby crystal, measuring at least 0.88 by 0.38 by 0.30" (22 by 11 by 7mm), has the classic deep ruby-red color and a vitreous luster. It is partially terminated, showing proper crystal form on one side, and the other side is where the specimen was broken from its host rock. The fractured side does sparkle and show some transparency, although the bulk of the crystal is merely translucent due to many internal fractures and inclusions. A close inspection with a 15x loupe reveals many "surprise" minerals on the matrix, with unidentified green specs, mory tiny rubies, and a vein of chalcopyrite on the bottom close to a tiny pink crystal (not likely more ruby) in a protected cavity.
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rub-37 ($105.00)
Jagdalik, Afghanistan
RUBY specimen rub-38
$ 26.00
Dims: 2.3 x 1.9 x 0.3" (5.8 x 4.8 x 0.8 cm)
Wt: 1.1 oz. (31 g)
Two visible Rubies are embedded in the cut and polished zoisite matrix of this specimen. Being cut and polished flush with the matrix, the Rubies are nearly impossible to study, other than their color and luster. Both are a deep red with a strong violet tinge, have a dull, waxy luster and are essentially opaque. The zoisite matrix in which they rest has the classic green coloration of its species but is rather dark due to the inclusion of a considerable amount of crystalline amphibolite.
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rub-38 ($ 26.00)
RUBY specimen rub-39
$ 30.00
Dims: 2.0 x 1.1 x 0.5" (5.1 x 2.8 x 1.3 cm)
Wt: 1.5 oz. (42 g)
This specimen consists of a cut and polished piece of green zoisite which acts as a matrix for at least 2 Ruby crystals. These crystals are extremely difficult to study, as they have been ground flush with the zoisite. Both have a deep red color with a strong hint of violet and are likely opaque, though this, too is nearly impossible to determine. The zoisite matrix is also very dark, as it contains a substantial amount of amphibolite.
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rub-39 ($ 30.00)
RUBY specimen rub-40
$ 150.00
Dims: 1.9x1.4x2.3" (4.9x3.5x5.9 cm)
Wt: 4.8 oz. (134.8g)
Ambilobe, Madagascar
This hand specimen is a chunk of zoisite crystals with a dozen exposed rubies, one of which is very nice (front image). It is a flattened pink translucent crystal, measuring 13mm in width, with some damage around the edges and a good luster. All of the ruby crystals appear to be flat, generally no more than a single millimeter thick, even though the largest crystal measures 17mm in width. Most of the exposed ruby crystals are rather pale and on the reverse side, and some are only visible edge-on (see back image). This is a very nice specimen, between the contrasting colors and textures, and the large crystal of ruby and especially the large zoisite amphibolite crystals.
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rub-40 ($150.00)
Ambilobe, Madagascar
RUBY specimen rub-44
$ 90.00
Dims: 2.20x2.13x1.34" (5.6x5.4x3.4cm)
Wt: 5.49oz (155g)
Mysore, India
To the naked eye, this ruby specimen is not very exciting. It does have a two dozen ruby crystals in a gray host rock, and the ruby crystals are a dark red and at least some of them are well-formed. They are only slightly translucent, and, for the most part, they have a dull luster. However, under long-wave ultraviolet, the ruby crystals glow with a bright laser-red glow (the first laser was a ruby laser, back in 1957). The fluorescent image does not do justice to these rubies, as they look a bright deep red under long wave ultraviolet.
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rub-44 ($ 90.00)
Mysore, India
RUBY specimen rub-41
$ 105.00
Dims: 2.42x1.64x1.61" (6.15x4.16x4.09cm)
Wt: 8.11oz (229.5g)
Subramanium, Karnataka, South India
This is a very nice hand specimen consisting of a single large ruby crystal. It has a pinkish-red color with a hint of purple (some would call the color "maroon"). It is only dimly translucent, and while the crystal is nearly complete with a hexagonal cross section and a basal termination, it is somewhat distorted with a barrel shape and a stepped growth pattern towards the top. It also has a nice heft, showing the density of ruby quite nicely.
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rub-41 ($105.00)
Subramanium, Karnataka, South India
RUBY specimen rub-42
$ 90.00
Dims: 0.92x0.66x0.38" (2.33x1.67x0.96cm)
Wt: 0.33oz (9.20g)
Subramanium, Karnataka, South India
This ruby crystal is a deep maroon color, and is somewhat translucent (some thin edges appear almost transparent). The crystal is an elongated hexagon with flat terminations. The sides have diagonal striations (criss-crossed on one face). Now for the oddity - on one side and barely visible to the naked eye (easily seen with a loupe) is a single hexagonal crystal of something that reflects a bright green. It's color may be due to an interference effect, as it appears quite monochromatic. I wonder what it is.
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rub-42 ($ 90.00)
Subramanium, Karnataka, South India
RUBY specimen rub-43
$ 30.00
Dims: 0.54x0.48x0.36" (1.37x1.21x0.93cm)
Wt: 10ct (2.0g)
This ruby is quite nice. It is a stubby hexagonal crystal, with a deep ruby-red color, a vitreous luster and good transparency. The sides display a layered pattern, whether due to a layered growth or basal parting, I do not know. The termination is flat but slightly concave, and the cross section is a nearly perfect hexagon. There is a bit of the host rock attached, it is colorless transparent tiny crystals (it looks a lot like diopside), with black inclusions. There is another interesting inclusion - a loupe reveals a tiny triangular black inclusion embedded in the top of the ruby.
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rub-43 ($ 30.00)
RUBY specimen rub-45
$ 60.00
Dims: 1.70x0.95x0.66" (4.31x2.40x1.67cm)
Wt: 4.39oz (124.5g)
Mysore, India
A dozen ruby crystals are exposed in this host rock of mica and quartz. A few of the crystals are fairly nice, with enough of the crystal exposed to reveal a hexagonal, prismatic shape with tapering sides. Their color is more of a deep pink than a ruby red, and they are translucent. Under a long-wave ultraviolet light, however, they really shine. All of the rubies fluoresce a bright, perfect ruby red, the same color as the first laser (which was made from an artificial ruby).
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rub-45 ($ 60.00)
Mysore, India
RUBY specimen rub-46
$ 45.00
Dims: 0.91x0.76x0.07" (2.30x1.93x0.17cm)
Wt: 8.5ct (1.7g)
(Synthetic) Arizona, USA
This is a single crystal of ruby, and was grown in a lab. It has several shades of red, including a deep red interior, but the outer portions are transparent and pale in comparison, showing at least two shades of maroon (or perhaps the same hue, but different degrees of color intensity). The crystal shows interesting hexagonal growth lines, and while its overall shape is hexagonal, it is highly distorted. The growth of gem quality rubies in a lab is a slow and difficult process, and most of the resulting crystals (like this one) are not suitable for gemstones.
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rub-46 ($ 45.00)
(Synthetic) Arizona, USA
RUBY specimen rub-47
$ 100.00
Dims: 4.03x2.04x1.81in (10.24x5.17x4.60cm)
Wt: 8.22oz (233g)
Nimeng, Mongolei, China
This specimen is loaded with ruby crystals, but most are barely visible. THere are two that are especially large, and one of those has excellent hexagonal form, tapering slightly towards one end. In color, they are all dark with just enough pink color to make them "rubies".
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rub-47 ($100.00)
Nimeng, Mongolei, China


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