• Chemistry: Cu6Al(SO4)Cl(OH)12 - 3H2O, Hydrated Copper Aluminum Sulfate Chloride Hydroxide.
  • Class: Sulfates.
  • Uses: As a minor ore of copper and as mineral specimens.
  • Specimens

Spangolite is a yet another classic Cornwall mineral although it was first described from a sample that came from the copper districts near Tombstone and/or Bisbee, Arizona, USA. The type locality is in doubt because the original type specimen's origin was unknown, but thought to have originated near Tombstone. Later authors have given strong evidence that the specimen is more likely from Bisbee. A good tale to tell to young collectors about keeping good records. You never know when a mineral specimen will yield a new mineral and it is a shame to have its origin in doubt! Cornwall's discovery was just a few years after the 1890 Arizona discovery.

Spangolite is a beautiful mineral. It has a blue green color that is usually quite attractive. Its aggregate crystal clusters of tabular well formed crystals are very interesting and spangolite even forms small twinned crystals that have a look similar to the head of a double bladed hatchet. Spangolite's typical tabular habit is similar to the arsenate mineral chalcophyllite.


  • Color is blue-green; ranging from dark blue to emerald green.
  • Luster is vitreous.
  • Transparency: Specimens are transparent to translucent.
  • Crystal System is hexagonal; 6mm.
  • Crystal Habits include prismatic to tabular tapering crystals.
  • Cleavage is perfect in one direction (basal).
  • Fracture is conchoidal.
  • Hardness is 3
  • Specific Gravity is approximately 3.1 - 3.2 (average for non-metallic minerals).
  • Streak is light green.
  • Associated Minerals include azurite, cuprite, claringbullite, connellite, paratacamite, atacamite, and chyrsocolla.
  • Notable Occurrences include St. Day, Cornwall, England; Arenas, Sardinia; Larium, Greece; the type locality of either Tombstone or Bisbee, as well as the Copper Queen Mine and the Clifton-Morenci District of Arizona, and the Bingham and Blanchard Mine, Socorro County, New Mexico, USA.
  • Best Field Indicators are crystal habit, color, cleavage, associations and locality.

Amethyst Galleries'
Mineral Gallery


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SPANGOLITE specimens:
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SPANGOLITE specimen spa-1
$ 90.00
Dims: 2.0 x 1.1 x 0.7" (5.0 x 2.9 x 1.8 cm)
Wt: 0.9 oz. (26 g)
Hansonberg (Hansenbert?) District, Socorro County, New Mexico, U.S.A.
A small druse of tiny Spangolite crystals rests on the massive quartz base of this hand specimen. These crystals do not exceed 1 or 2 mm in length or diameter and are generally in very good condition. They appear to have a very warped trigonal form, possibly due to intergrowth. All have a deep green color with a strong blue tinge and a pearly-to-vitreous luster, and are transparent and moderately clear. Some scattered malachite and a few small spots of cyanotrichite accompany the Spangolite.
no photo
spa-1 ($ 90.00)
Hansonberg (Hansenbert?) District, Socorro County, New Mexico, U.S.A.
SPANGOLITE specimen spa-2
$ 36.00
Dims: 2.6 x 1.8 x 0.8" (6.5 x 4.6 x 2.1 cm)
Wt: 1.7 oz. (48 g)
Hilarion Adit, Laurion, Greece
The white crystalline base of this hand specimen holds a mix of both massive and crystalline Spangolite that form veins and crusts. The crystalline material is effectively microscopic in size and is mostly aggregated into spheroids or botryoidal formations that do not exceed 1 or 2 mm in diameter. They have a deeper aqua-blue color than the massive material, which may actually be a decomposition product of the crystalline Spangolite. Both have an effectively dull luster and are opaque, and the crusts and veins are interspersed with tiny clusters of crystalline azurite. The material that forms the base of the piece appears to be selenite, as it has the classic clarity, pearly luster and softness of gypsum.
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spa-2 ($ 36.00)
Hilarion Adit, Laurion, Greece
SPANGOLITE specimen spa-3
$ 70.00
Dims: 2.4 x 1.7 x 1.2" (6.0 x 4.3 x 3.0 cm)
Wt: 2.2 oz. (61 g)
Mex-Tex Mine, Socorro County, New Mexico, U.S.A.
This hand specimen consists of several clusters and a few crusts of crystalline Spangolite. The crystals are very small - they do not exceed 1 or 2 mm in length - and are generally in excellent condition, showing little human-induced damage. Close examination reveals two forms - some clusters are made up of radiating trigonal needles that have a deep aqua-blue color and a pearly-to-vitreous luster. There are also botryoidal formations that are paler in color and have a dull luster. Likewise, the crystalline clusters are at least translucent, whereas the botryoidal material is opaque. I wonder if they are actually both made up of Spangolite, however. The base on which they rest is made up of microcrystalline quartz that is coated with a rusty druse of tiny quartz crystals.
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spa-3 ($ 70.00)
Mex-Tex Mine, Socorro County, New Mexico, U.S.A.
SPANGOLITE specimen spa-5
$ 36.00
Dims:1.0x0.6x0.5" (2.5x1.5x1.3 cm)
Wt: 0.5oz. (13g)w/box
Mex-Tex Mine, Socorro cty., New Mexico
This specimen consists of a fine druse of spangolite crystals on a bit of host material. These crystals are tiny; even with the aid of a loupe, I am not certain of the hexagonal form. The color of these crystals, however, is an excellent deep blue-green.
no photo
spa-5 ($ 36.00)
Mex-Tex Mine, Socorro cty., New Mexico
SPANGOLITE specimen spa-4
$ 50.00
Dims:1.9x1.1x1.0" (4.8x2.8x1.0 cm)
Wt: 1.0oz. (27g)
Mex-Tex Mine, Hansonburg mining district, Socorro cty., New Mexico
The matrix of this specimen has several cavities filled with bright sparkly spangolite crystals. With a loupe, one can distinguish the hexagonal form of this mineral. The cavities in the matrix are also host to calcite, quartz, and what I believe to be manganocalcite. In one cavity is a tiny cluster of quartz crystals.
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spa-4 ($ 50.00)
Mex-Tex Mine, Hansonburg mining district, Socorro cty., New Mexico
SPANGOLITE specimen spa-6
$ 33.00
Dims:1.7x1.0x0.9" (4.3x2.5x2.3 cm)
Wt: 0.8oz. (23g)
Mex-Tex Mine, Socorro cty., New Mexico
A matrix of crystalline quartz is host to many tiny spangolite crystals in this specimen. Also associated with the spangolite are a few crystals of brochantite. With some difficulty, the trigonal form of the spangolites can be observed. There is no damage to this specimen. It is quite aesthetic.
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spa-6 ($ 33.00)
Mex-Tex Mine, Socorro cty., New Mexico
SPANGOLITE specimen spa-8
$ 39.00
Dims:2.5x1.3x0.7" (6.4x3.3x1.8 cm)
Wt: 0.8oz. (24g)
Mex-Tex Mine, Socorro cty., New Mexico
This specimen consists of a scattering of tiny spangolite crystals over matrix material. Fine blades of brochantite occur primarily on one end of this specimen. The crystals of spangolite are too small to examine the crystal form; the larger crystals appear to be rounded nodules. There is no damage to this specimen.
no photo
spa-8 ($ 39.00)
Mex-Tex Mine, Socorro cty., New Mexico


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