• Chemistry: SrAl3PO4SO4(OH)6, Strontium Aluminum Phosphate Sulfate Hydroxide.
  • Class: Sulfates; although sometimes classified as a Phosphate.
  • Group: Beudantite
  • Uses: Only as mineral specimens.
  • Specimens

Svanbergite is a rare strontium mineral. It forms pseudocubic rhombohedrons. The crystals can look nearly cubic, but the angles between the faces are not exactly 90 degrees as is required for a true cube. Faces tend to be curved and striated. It forms from the hydrothermal alteration of igneous rocks and in some low grade metamorphic schists.

Svanbergite is a difficult mineral to classify in that it has both a phosphate anion group and a sulfate anion group. The phosphate anion group would normally dictate that svanbergite be classified in the Phosphate Class of minerals. But svanbergite's sulfate anion is intricate and essential in its structure, while the phosphate anions can be substituted for to at least a limited degree. Some other classification schemes may place svanbergite in the Phosphate Class however.


  • Color is yellow, rose, honey-orange, reddish-brown to colorless.
  • Luster is vitreous to adamantine.
  • Transparency: Specimens are mostly translucent to small crystals being transparent.
  • Crystal System is trigonal.
  • Crystal Habits include pseudocubic rhombohedrons and modified rhombohedrons. Faces tend to be curved and striated.
  • Cleavage is perfect in one direction (basal).
  • Hardness is 5.
  • Specific Gravity is approximately 3.2 (slightly above average for non-metallic minerals).
  • Streak is white.
  • Associated Minerals include pyrophyllite, kyanite, quartz, topaz, tourmaline, hematite, andalusite and woodhouseite.
  • Notable Occurrences are limited to Horrsjoberg, Varmland, Sweden; Pomba, Brazil; Quartzite, La Paz County, Arizona; Bluebird Hill, Imperial County and the Champion Andalusite Mine on the western slopes of the White Mountain Peak in Mono County, California, USA.
  • Best Field Indicators are crystal habit, striations, color, hardness and locality.

Amethyst Galleries'
Mineral Gallery


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Fluorescent Minerals




SVANBERGITE specimens:
(hover for more info)
SVANBERGITE specimen sva-2
$ 30.00
Dims:1.4x1.1x1.0" (3.6x2.8x2.5 cm)
Wt: 1.2oz. (33g)
Dover Mine, Mineral cty., Nevada
This is a combination specimen. On one side of this piece, the matrix is covered with radial clusters of pyrophyllite to 0.1" (0.3cm). In a cavity on the other side of the specimen are rude crystals of svanbergite. No details of the hexagonal form of svanbergite can be seen; only rough crystal faces are present. There is no damage to this specimen.
no photo
sva-2 ($ 30.00)
Dover Mine, Mineral cty., Nevada
SVANBERGITE specimen sva-1
$ 48.00
Dims:1.6x1.0x0.8" (4.1x2.5x2.0 cm)
Wt: 0.8oz. (23g)w/base
Mt. Brussilof Mine, near Radium, British Columbia, Canada
The quartz matrix of this specimen is liberally strewn with tiny pseudocubic crystals of svanbergite. These crystals are honey in color, and some may be seen to be translucent (with the aid of a loupe). There is an unidentified crystal of some type on the back of this specimen. There is no damage to this piece. It is securely glued to a clear acrylic base.
no photo
sva-1 ($ 48.00)
Mt. Brussilof Mine, near Radium, British Columbia, Canada
SVANBERGITE specimen sva-3
$ 30.00
Dims: 2.7 x 1.8 x 0.9" ( 6.9 x 4.7 x 2.4 cm)
Wt: 1.9 oz. (55g)
Dover Mine, Mineral County, Nevada, USA
The yellow, translucent crust along the top of this specimen is the svanbergite. The matrix upon which it rests is mostly a green translucent and quite hard mineral which I can't identify. The accompanying documentation said "fluorite and andalusite", and while the color does remind me of fluorite, the hardness is more like andalusite, but it could just be a green quartzite from it's appearance.
no photo
sva-3 ($ 30.00)
Dover Mine, Mineral County, Nevada, USA


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